Dynamics of Bianchi Type-III Universe with Magnetized Anisotropic Dark Energy (by Shivdas D Katore, A. Y. Shaikh, N. K. Sarkate, G. B. Tayade): Bianchi type -III cosmological model in the presence of magnetized anisotropic dark energy is investigated. The energy-momentum tensor consists of anisotropic fluid with anisotropic EoS p = ωρ and a uniform magnetic field of energy density ρB.We obtain exact solutions to the field equations using the condition that expansion is proportional to the shear scalar . The physical behavior of the model is discussed with and without magnetic field. We conclude that universe model as well as anisotropic fluid does not approach isotropy through the evolution of the universe.
Higgs [Status in Feb.] 2012 (by Philip E. Gibbs): 2011 lived up to all expectations and hopes for news about the Higgs Boson, but 2012 promises to be it’s crunch year and the excitement is about to begin.
Superluminal Particle Sequences (by Paul A. Kannapell): Some particles may appear to accelerate to faster than light speeds according to the particle sequence alternative to discontinuous motion.
Higgs Boson Live Blog: Analysis of the CERN Announcement (by Philip E. Gibbs): We report here live on LHC Higgs results announcement by CERN on December 13, 2011. The result is very convincing if one starts from the assumption that there should be a Higgs Boson somewhere in the range. Everywhere is ruled out except 115 GeV to 130 GeV and within that window there is a signal with the right strength at around 125 GeV with 3 sigma significance. CERN will have to wait for that to reach 5 sigma to claim discovery and next year’s data should be enough to get there or almost. I calculate that they will need 25/fb per experiment at 7 TeV to make the discovery. A big congratulation goes to everyone from the LHC, ATLAS and CMS who found the clear hints of Higgs when it hid in the hardest place. Click Here.
Has CERN Found the God Particle? A Calculation (by Philip E. Gibbs): Following the CERN announcement on December 13, 2011, physicists have been giving some very different assessments of the chances that the ATLAS and CMS detectors have seen the Higgs boson. Combining the three things I will consider, I get an overall probability for such a strong signal if there is no Higgs to be about 1 in 30. Perhaps I have failed to account for combinations where more than one of these effects could combine. That requires further coincidences but lets just call the overall result 1 in twenty. In other words, everything considered I take the observed result to be a two sigma effect. Click Here
If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the Higgs Boson? (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu): Abstract: In the prespacetime model, an unspinized particle governed by a matrix law is the precursor of all spinized particles and thus steps into the shoes played by the Higgs particle. We speculate here that what has been found at the LHC, if real, is plausibly the unspinized particle of the prespacetime model. The wave function of a fermion or boson is respectively a bispinor or bi-vector but that of the unspinized particle is two-component complex scalar field. Thus, it may have different behavior than that of either the boson or fermion which may be detectable at LHC. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/153
什么是科学主? What Is Scientific GOD? (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu): Abstract: 科学主是关于主的科学及主的新科学启示. 它是科学技术时代追求真理和统一的新道路. 科学主从科学角度支持所有传统宗教的大部份精神,神秘和唯心教导. Scientific GOD is about the scientific aspect of GOD and Its new scientific revelations. It is a new pathway to truth and unity in the age of science and technology. Scientific GOD provides scientific bases for many spiritual, mystical and metaphysical teachings of all traditional religions. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/154