First blog and what we plan to write about from Huping Hu's blog

This is indeed our (Huping & Maoxin) first blog piece. When time permits, we plan to write on the following subjects plus more:

1. Why 2012 is important for World transformation.
2. What is Scientific GOD and why it is important.
3. What is not Scientific GOD and how to avoid being pseudo.
4. Sciurch is a new pathway to truth and unity in the age of Science and Technology.
5. What is consciousness.
6. Why consciousness transformation is the key to World Transformation.
7. How to transform one's consciousness.
8. Principle of existence in plain language.
9. Mathematical "Proof" of [Scientific] GOD.
10. Experimental Evidence of [Scientific] GOD.
11. Mystical Experience of [Scientific] GOD.
12. Scientific GOD by reason.
13. Why faith is important but dogma and fundamentalism should be avoided.
14. The imperfections of materialistic science.
15. How to modernize/transform our current science.
16. Several pieces on other Scholars' related work.
17. The diversity of religious traditions and their spiritual foundations.
18. Religious traditions are to be kept, respected but in certain aspects be modernized.
19. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Christian.
20. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Muslim.
21. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Confucian.
22. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Hindu.
23. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Buddhist.
24. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Taoist/Daoist.
25. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Yoruba[ist].
26. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Judaism[ist].
27. What is and [how to become a] Scientific Atheist/Reasonist.
28. Religious history of China.
29. China in transformation.
30. Why China need Scientific GOD.
31. One World One Dream under Scientific GOD (New Internationale).
32. Information for World Transformation recap.

Of course, we may not write these pieces in the order listed above. And more importantly, all members on the 2012 Community are welcomed and encouraged to write on these important topics.

Humbly yours,

Huping & Maoxin

Dated September 21, 2011

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By Huping Hu
Added Sep 21 '11

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