Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body?
No, yet you believe that they exist;
Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together?
No, yet you know that they must be there;
Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body?
No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Have you seen the Earth on which we reside?
Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder.
Have you felt the air that you breathe?
Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider,
Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside?
Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations?
Would you still deny that IT exists?
If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles?
Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws?
If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters?
Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD,
Would you rather live in denial?
You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride,
Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that?
Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests, Would you rather be in idle?
In the first article "Introduction to Existential Mechanics: How the Relations of Existence to Itself Create the Structure of Reality and What We Experience as Reality", Steven E. Kaufman "presents a general description of how the iterative relations of Existence to Itself create two different realities; 1) Realties that are composed of Existence as it is being in relation to Itself, which Realties or Relational Structures, taken together, make up the Structure of Reality, and; 2) realities that are not composed of Existence, but are created where Existence becomes defined in relation to Itself as a result of being in relation to Itself, and which realities or relative existences are the most proximal basis of what Existence apprehends as experience. Thus, Existence is described as that which, through relation to Itself, creates out of Itself the Structure of Reality and is also described as that which apprehends as experiential reality the products of its relations to Itself that are not composed of Itself. Ultimately, what we call Consciousness, i.e., that which apprehends experience, is shown to be not other than Existence that is involved in some relation with Itself and creating a relative existence as a result, which relative existence the Existence involved in that relation must then apprehend as experience."
In the second article "Existential Mechanics Part I: The Three Progressive Levels of Reality and Experience", Kaufman presents "the three different types of experience that we apprehend, i.e., emotional, mental, and physical, are each related to one of the three different and progressive levels of Realty or Relational Structure that emerge as a result of the iterative process of Existential self-relation." He states "what is presented is a description of how Existence evolves into different levels of Reality composed of different Relational Structures, while at the same time creating at each level of Reality a distinct type of relative existence apprehended by the Existence involved in those relations as a distinct and particular type of experience."
In the third article "Existential Mechanics Part II: The Big Picture; The Relation Between the Structure of Reality and What We Experience as Reality", Kaufman presents "both the inner orientation of emotional and mental experience, as well as the outer orientation of physical experience, are described as a function of our particular position and perspective within the fractal Structure of Reality relative to the particular level of Reality at which each of those different types of experience are created." Additionally, He describes the Relational Structure of Reality "as the framework that underlies our overall apprehension of mental and physical reality by relating the different levels of Reality to different fundamental aspects of what we apprehend as mental and physical reality." "Also described is the relation between what is expressed in quantum physics as the wave function and the underlying Structure of Reality from which that expression is derived, including a description of what occurs within that Relational Structure to produce the event referred to as the collapse of the wave function."
In his fourth article "Existential Mechanics Part III: The Creation of Experience by the Individual", Kaufman describes "the limitations that are inherent in the Individual’s creation of experience, both within a given level of Reality and between levels of Reality, owing to the nature of experience as being the product of a relation in which the Individual that is apprehending the experience must always be involved." Also described by Kaufman "is the reason that positive emotion is associated with a feeling of connection, while negative emotion is associated with a feeling of disconnection. And finally an experiment is presented that any Individual can perform in order to demonstrate and prove to themsel[ves] their ability to control the quality of what they create as emotional experience.
In her article "Holographic Trans-disciplinary Framework of Consciousness: An Integrative Perspective", Tamar Levin proposes "an integrative framework for conceptualizing human consciousness and compliments it with existing research data." Her framework "is based on the holographic and trans-disciplinary worldviews and their implied implicate-explicate order and the holographic knowing-becoming-experiencing-valuing human being who interacts interdependently with/within different levels of reality." The framework "conceptualizes universal consciousness as a fundamental part of reality/universe that complements physical potentialities and brings them to actual physical states. It regards human consciousness as both structure and system, state and process, means and end, experience, information and energy, having a metaphysical /spiritual /implicit /implicate layer and a physical/ material /explicit and / explicate layer expressed via biological, chemical, and physical processes." Levin also considers "human consciousness as incorporating inward-outward 'space' processes and a backward-forward 'time' system's view expressin/influencing different modes of thinking, feeling, and behaving, and personal and transpersonal elements." Her framework "focuses on the unique functions, and interactions in heart-soul and brain-mind relations and their effects on states of consciousness. The subjective nature of consciousness is conceptualized in terms of the essence of individuality manifested by the root of the soul, the genetic spiritual-DNA code, and the individual's historic evolution through different life-cycles."
In his article "Cells, Neurons, and Qualia: The Holographic Strange Attractor Model", Claudio Messori presents a "biophysical model to interpret biological, neurological and psychic phenomena is presented, in a quantum-relativistic key." He attributes a central role "to the concept of Spin in explaining space-time geometry as well as the genesis of energetic and sub-energetic phenomena." Messori also consider energy "in relation to both its vectorial and scalar components." He states that the "dynamic of cells, neurons and qualia is ascribed to the field of nonlinear transient systems of a chaotic kind, and explained in the light of the syntropic action of a quasi-virtual object known as a HoSA (Holographic Strange Attractor)." In conclusion, Messori assigns "an epigenetic and relativistic location...to the mental fact, thought, and consciousness."
In his article "Transcending the Shamed Self", Gary Schouborg contributes to the "understanding self-transcendence" He "provides an account of my personal experience of transcending my shamed self. This requires explaining the kind of self and shame involved. In mystical literature, the consciousness that remains after self-transcendence is sometimes called the Self or non-ego, in contrast to the self or ego, which is the empirical, executive self of ordinary consciousness and functioning. The self includes specific selves that play distinctive roles in various contexts. The specific self transcended in my personal experience was the shamed self, one that was experiencing the self-rejecting emotion of shame. Ordinary discourse as well as philosophical and empirical research often employ the term shame[GMN1] generically while failing to distinguish among at least eight closely related emotions: shyness; embarrassment; fear of rejection; feeling exposed, vulnerable, inferior, or unfulfilled; and self-rejection—shame in the strict sense, the emotion caused by my self-evaluation that I do not deserve love, even my own. The article proceeds in six parts: a summary introduction; a phenomenological account of shame; a phenomenological account of my personal experience of shame; a phenomenological account of my personal experience of transcending my shamed self; a phenomenological account of the aftermath; and an outline of a naturalistic explanation of my self-transcendence. Throughout the article, the term Self refers to an embodied, observing Self that avoids overly identifying with any aspect or function of the self, rather than an ontologically disembodied entity that transcends nature."
Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu
Dated: November 22, 2011
Prespacetime Journal Vol 2, No 11 (2011): The Superluminal Puzzle of Neutrino & Other Issues of Modern Physics
Table of Contents http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/issue/view/21
Special Reports
Neutrinos, Press Embargos & Let's Talk about FTL
Philip E. Gibbs
What Is the Future for Particle Accelerators? & HCP 2011: Will it Deliver? Philip E. Gibbs
The Nature of the Gravitational Field
Antoine Acke
Photon-Neutrino Symmetry and the OPERA Anomaly Ervin Goldfain
The Schrodinger-Equation Presentation of Any Oscillatory Classical Linear System that Is Homogeneous and Conservative Steven K. Kauffmann
Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles Part XIV: On Photon and Electron Structure Alexander G. Kyriakos
Hidden Dimensions Can Explain ‘Superluminal’ Neutrinos, and the Origin of Fermionic Mass Ray B. Munroe, Jr., Jonathan J. Dickau
The Errors of Statistical Hypotheses and Scientific Theories Stephen P. Smith
GR Articles
Kaluza-Klein Inflationary Universe in General Relativity
Kishor S. Adhav
Massive Mason Complex Scalar Waves Coupled with Gravitational and Electro-magnetic Waves in Plane Symmetry Sanjay R. Bhoyar, V. R. Chirde, A. G. Deshmukh
[z-t]-Type Plane Wave Solutions of Weakened Field Equations Vilas R. Chirde, A. M. Metkar, S. R. Bhoyar, A. G. Deshmukh
Kantowski-Sachs Cosmological Model with Non-Negative Declaration Parameter in Brans-Dicke Theory of Gravitation Sharad P. Kandalkar, Amrapali P. Wasnik, Mohini N. Gaikwad
FRW Cosmological Solutions with Zero-Mass Scalar Field Attached to Bulk Viscous Fluid in Saez-Ballester Theory of Gravitation Shivdas D Katore, M. M. Sancheti, N. K. Sarkate
Plane Wave-like Solution of the Field Equation for Generalized Peres Space-time Ganesh U. Khapekar
2011 Nobel Prizes in Medicine, Physics & Chemistry
Philip E. Gibbs
LHC Update: New Record, New Higgs Results & End of Run Philip E. Gibbs
ESA’s EUCLID to Explore Dark Energy While NASA’a WFIRST Is in Doubt Philip E. Gibbs
10 Reasons to Buy into Big Science
Philip E. Gibbs
This issue is entitled "Quantum Models of Novel Biological/DNA Effects" and contains the following articles in the First Installment:
Quantum Model for Remote Replication by Matti Pitkanan: A model for remote replication of DNA is proposed. The motivating experimental discoveries are phantom DNA, the evidence for remote gene activation by scattered laser light from similar genome, and the recent findings of Montagnier's and Gariaev's groups suggesting remote DNA replication. Phantom DNA is identified as dark nucleon sequences predicted by quantum TGD with dark nucleons defining naturally the analogs of DNA, RNA, tRNA, and amino-acids and realization of vertebrate genetic code. The notion of magnetic body defining a hierarchy of flux quanta realize as flux tubes connecting DNA nucleotides contained inside flux tubes connecting DNA codons and a condensed at flux sheets connecting DNA strands is an essential element of the model. Dark photons with large value of Planck constant coming as integer multiple of ordinary Planck constant propagate along flux quanta connecting biomolecules: this realizes the idea about wave DNA. Biomolecules act as quantum antennas and those with common antenna frequencies interact resonantly.
Sheldrake's Morphic Fields and TGD View about Quantum Biology by Matti Pitkanan: I received two books of Rubert Sheldrake as a gift from Marc McWilliams, who has for years helped me by reporting about problems at my homepage and sending links to interesting articles. The titles of the books of Sheldrake are "A new Science of Life: the Hypothesis of Formative Causation and "The Presence of the Past: Morphic Resonance and Habits of Nature}". The titles reveal the two basic notions underlying the vision of Sheldrake. What makes the study of the books so rewarding is that Sheldrake starts from problems of the existing paradigm, analyzes them thoroughly, and proposes solutions in the framework provided by his vision. There is no need to accept Sheldrake's views, just the reading of his arguments teaches a lot about the fundamental ideas and dogmas underlying recent day biology and forces the reader to realize how little we really know - not only about biology but even about so called established areas of physics such as condensed matter physics. These books are precious gems for anyone trying to build overall view. TGD approach would allow physical interpretation for morphic fields making possible remote gene expression and perhaps even remote genetic engineering. The past of species would affect the recent species. Both spatial and temporal non-locality would be key elements of life making possible memory and planned action.
Oil Droplets in Water as a Primitive Life Form by Matti Pitkanan: The origin of life is one the most fascinating problems of biology. The classic Miller-Urey experiment was carried out almost 60 years ago. In the experiment sparks were shot through primordial atmosphere consisting of methane, ammonia, hydrogen and water and the outcome was many of the aminoacids essential for life. The findings raised the optimism that the key to the understanding of the origins of life. After Miller's death 2007 scientists re-examined sealed test tubes from the experiment using modern methods found that well over 20 aminoacids-more than the 20 occurring in life- were produced in the experiments. The Urey-Miller experiments have yielded also another surprise: the black tar consisting mostly of hydrogen cyanide polymer produced in the experiments has turned out to be much more interesting than originally thought and suggests a direction where the candidates for precursors of living cells might be found. In earlier experiments nitrobenzene droplets doped with oleic anhydride exhibited some signatures of life. The droplets were capable to metabolism using oleic anhydride as "fuel" making for the droplet to move. Droplets can move along chemical gradients, sense each other's presence and react to it and have also demonstrated rudimentary memory. Droplets can even "solve" a maze having "food" at its other end. The basic objection against identification as primitive life form is that droplets have no genetic code and do not replicate. The model for dark nucleons however predicts that the states of nucleon are in one-one correspondence with DNA, RNA, tRNA, and aminoacid molecule and that vertebrate genetic code is naturally realized. The question is whether the realization of the genetic code in terms of dark nuclear strings might provide the system with genetic code and whether the replication could occur at the level of dark nucleon strings. In this article a model for oil droplets as a primitive life form is developed on basis of TGD inspired quantum model of biology. In particular, a proposal for how dark genes could couple to chemistry of oil droplets is developed.
Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu
November 9, 2011
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published Volume 2 Issue 8. It is a Focus Issue on "The Possibility of Metaphysical Knowledge and Insight" edited by Graham P. Smetham, JCER Editor-at-Large.
In his Editorial "The Possibility of Metaphysics", Graham P. Smetham introduces the issue: "Although the title of this focus issue is ‘The Possibility of Metaphysics’ the first part has as its focus not only metaphysics in general but Buddhist metaphysics in particular. This is because the motivation for this focus issue was sparked by an email from a colleague who asked for my opinion of a book written by Robert Ellis. The aspect of the ‘experimental metaphysics’ of quantum theory is examined in detail in the first article "The Matter of Mindnature" The Buddhist metaphysical viewpoint tells as the nature of ultimate reality is best understood as a fundamentally interrelated and interpenetrating field of Mind-like energy, or Mindnature, and such a view is clearly supported by the quantum violation of Bell’s inequalities. In this article I examine Ellis’s notion of the impossibility of metaphysics in the light of both philosophical considerations and the implications of the quantum evidence. The next article "Taking the‘Meta’ Out of Physics" is Ellis’s response to my criticisms of his work. I leave it to readers to come to conclusions without further comment from me. It is my hope that there will be feedback concerning the issues raised as I am personally convinced that Ellis’s position is untenable but am curious to know whether my viewpoint is widely held. Certainly the last two articles from James Kowall, ‘What is Reality in a Holographic World?’, and Brian Whitworth, ‘Introducing The Virtual Reality Conjecture’, seem to support my position."
In his Article entitled "The Matter of Mindnature", Smetham discusses Bell’s Theorem Tolls for Dogmatic ‘Middle Way’ Scepticism and Rings Out for ‘Experimental Metaphysics’ and ‘Quantum Mindnature’. He states "In recent years there has developed a movement in the West which seeks to convince people that the original teachings of the Buddha were far more mundane than his later followers would have us believe. An extreme recent example of this is the book The Trouble with Buddhism in which Dr. Robert Ellis claims that every Buddhist who has ever lived has been ‘scandalously” confused about the central doctrines of Buddhism, especially the ‘Middle Way’ philosophy, which is a central teaching of all Buddhist schools. He also claims that if one takes Humean scepticism ‘seriously’, as he thinks one should do, it follows that it is impossible to know anything with any certainty. Metaphysics therefore become a ‘foolish’ dream. In fact according to Ellis it is “foolish” to think that quantum physics supplies “evidence about the universe itself.” This article considers Ellis’s claims regarding metaphysics and physics in detail, particularly focusing on the implications of the quantum violation of Bell’s theorem, in order to show that we must be sceptical of extreme scepticism."
In response to Graham Smetham’s ‘The Matter of Mindnature’, Robert M. Ellis in his Article entitled "Taking the ‘Meta’ out of Physics" defend the approach of metaphysical agnosticism on philosophical grounds. He argues that "Pyrrhonian (agnostic) sceptical approaches are distinguished from Academic ones and shown not to be contradictory provided one does not begin with unnecessary metaphysical assumptions. The burden of proof needs to be put on those who make metaphysical claims rather than those who stick to experience as a point of reference, and falsification involves a provisional, not an absolute, process of elimination of theories that do not fit the evidence. Smetham’s appeals to certain results from quantum physics as exceptional are shown to be unacceptable on the grounds that no scientific observation can confirm metaphysical claims that lie beyond their scope. A wider psychological, moral and linguistic context is given for the argument that we should avoid the adoption of a metaphysical framework of understanding."
Then, in his Article entitled "The ‘Epiontic’ Dependently Originating Process of Cyclic Existence According to Early Buddhist Metaphysics", Smetham discusses the following: "Some modern Western interpreters of Buddhist teachings and philosophy claim that the original teachings of the Pali Canon were staunchly anti-metaphysical. In this article I exa-mine the early Buddhist worldview and demonstration that this assertion is deeply mistaken. Whilst the early teachings of the Buddha clearly rejected dogmatic metaphysical positions which the Buddha characterised as being ‘extreme’, he also implicitly, yet clearly, taught a subtle metaphysical view of the process of reality which is consistent with the modern quantum ‘epiontic’ (epistemological perception creates ontology) perspective of ‘quantum Darwinism.’ Central to this viewpoint is 1) a non-materialism which indicates that the ultimate process of reality is of the nature of mind; 2) the assertion that the ultimate nature of reality lies between the extremes of ‘existence’ and ‘non-existence’, ‘eternalism’ and ‘nihilism’; 3) the assertion that the epiontic mechanism operates as ‘kamma’, or ‘karma’, a central mechanism for the functioning of conditioned samsaric (cycle of dissatisfactory lives) reality. On the basis of these fundamental insights the doctrines of ‘rebirth’ and ‘dependent origination’ are shown to be crucial metaphysical components of the overall early Buddhist worldview as taught by the Buddha. These doctrines are also shown to be consistent with modern quantum theory. On the basis of this investigation recent claims that the 3-lifetimes model of dependent origination is mistaken are shown to be desperately misleading."
Further, in his Article entitled "The Quantum Truth of the Buddhist Metaphysics of the ‘Two Truths’ or ‘Two Realities’", Smetham proposes and discusses the following: "According to the ‘Buddhist’ writer Stephen Batchelor the core Buddhist doctrine of the ‘two truths’ or ‘two realities’ is a major mistake on the part of Buddhist practitioners and philosophers throughout the ages. Although this doctrine has been central to Buddhist thinking since the time of the Buddha, Batchelor says that it is a serious mistake, and is completely unscientific. This article show that it is Batchelor who is desperately mistaken because modern quantum theory has validated the metaphysical claim that the ‘classical’ or ‘conventional’ world is an illusion which is derived from the deeper quantum realm. Thus the division into the ‘classical’ realm and the ‘quantum’ realm maps onto the Buddhist distinction between the ‘conventional’ mode of reality and the ‘ultimate’ mode of reality. Far from Buddhist philosophy being ‘unscientific’, it is Batchelor who displays ignorance of modern science."
In his Article entitled "What is Reality in a Holographic World?", James Kowell proposes the following: "The nature of a holographic world is described. This scientific description of the world is based upon the assumptions of modern theoretical physics. These natural assumptions are inherent in any unified theory, such as string theory, and in any theory of the creation of the world, such as inflationary cosmology. At their most basic level, these are the assumptions of the equivalence, uncertainty and action principles, along with the second law of thermodynamics. Any world consistent with these fundamental principles is easily shown to be a holographic world. The mathematical consistency of such a holographic world also implies something about the nature of consciousness. If that mathematical consistency is followed to its logical conclusion, in the sense of the Gödel incompleteness theorems, this scientific description of the world also has something to tell us about the nature of reality. What this scientific description of the world tells us about the nature of reality is compared to what mystics have told us about reality throughout human history."
Finally, in his Article entitled "The Virtual Reality Conjecture", Brian Whitworth suggests the following: "We take our world to be an objective reality, but is it? The assumption that the physical world exists in and of itself has struggled to assimilate the findings of modern physics for some time now. For example, an objective space and time would just "be", but in relativity, space contracts and time dilates. Likewise objective "things" should just inherently exist, but the entities of quantum theory are probability of existence smears, that spread, tunnel, superpose and entangle in physically impossible ways. Cosmology even tells us that our entire physical universe just "popped up", from nowhere, about 14 billion years ago. This is not how an objectively real world should behave! Yet traditional alternatives don't work much better. That the world is just an illusion of the mind doesn't explain its consistent realism and Descartes dualism, that another reality beyond the physical exists, just doubles the existential problem. It is time to consider an option we might normally dismiss out of hand. This essay explores the virtual reality conjecture, that the physical world is the digital output of non-physical quantum processing. It finds it neither illogical, nor unscientific, nor incompatible with current physics."
Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu
November 8, 2011
In his Guest Editorial "A Rational Guide to the Awareness of the Ultimate Reality of Allah", Nadeem Haque examines the method by which one can expand one’s consciousness – a way by which one advances and creates that much sought after inner peace. he analyzes four distinct, yet interrelated stages in an evolution of a human being’s understanding of his/her self and his/her place the universe. He further looks into the key ingredients that lead to self-actualized peace, through a unique method of the expansion of human consciousness, which he term: AURA.
In his Article entitled "Prophet Abraham and the Causal Loop", Nadeem Haque discusses causal loop (FPCL) which is a concept that is both fascinating and complex. He indicates that although here "we can only scratch the surface of it. However, it shows us that our understanding of space and time and the human mind will continue to advance, where more light will be shed, if only we were to think logically and objectively."
In his Article entitled "Concise Proofs of God & Consciousness", Zeshan Shahbaz states: "In this article, we shall provide concise proofs of God and Consciousness. It is logically concluded that for any thing to 'be' is preceded by its cause. It is further concluded that there is one, limitless, eternal, incomparable, conscious Mover to the universe."
Huping Hu
November 5, 2011
Voice of Hope from Authors of SGJ V2(7)
In his Editorial "The American Dream of the 21st Century: A Call for Transformation of America", the Editor, "In the spirit of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr., call all Americans to rise up in the pursuit of the American Dream of the 21st Century under the Laws of GOD – equality, liberty, justice and civic duty in all aspects of American life, guaranty of basic necessities of food, medicine and shelter, and the pursuit of happiness and World Peace. It is noted that these sacred pursuits are hindered by excessive capitalism and individualism and the state of our own consciousness. Thus, the transformation of the consciousness of all Americans from the rich to the poor is the key to accomplish these sacred pursuits and transform America. By transforming our consciousness and transcending ourselves, we shall transform greed to compassion, hate to love, wealth possession to wealth sharing and war to peace. GOD Bless America!"
In his Essay entitled "Power without Borders", Leon J. Neihouse states: "The “American Dream of the 21st Century” is a very laudable and idealistic piece. In similar vein, I have been working on a project for almost 37 years. To fight climate change, the Dirigo Energy Institute (“DEI”) recommends a MASS policy of Mutual Assured Survival Systems using a tripod offense of Nuclear Power, Ocean Power, and Solar Power. Any leg can complement other regenerative options (geothermal, wind, hydro, biomass, etc.) such that each leg will have the potential to supply all the world’s energy needs for all time in a cost effective and environmentally benign manner. In this essay, DEI’s visions are described on the following: Dirigo Means “I Lead”, Micro-City Enterprises, Micro-Farm Enterprises, Allied Modular Power Systems, Remote Island Waste Management, Power Breakwater Enterprises, and John’s Peerless Products."
In his Essay entitled "Occupy the Imaginary World of Economy", Wilhelmus de Wilde states: "Revaluation of the human being is one of the most important issues in this egoistic World. The material revaluation lies in the fact that each human represents daily energy received by the sun and a certain surface of the earth, he is not the Owner but is responsible for that, a human is not only a social number or a unit for consummation. Our Economy has become the new religion, with a God that is called money, this God has no spiritual background but only materialistic and egoistic guidelines. Even the 10 commandments become worthless for obtaining PROFIT. Profit is not Well Being, Growth is only admissible in the spiritual way. Work is a word invented by factory owners and should be replaced by voluntary efforts, people need not to be retired the can proceed with their voluntary efforts at any time during their lives, no more pension funds that play dice with our money. As each human being is a representative of real Material and Spiritual value, they have the right for Housing, Food, Education, Health Care and free Transport, all this cannot be arranged in one day, we must start with our free will and become conscious of the things we really like to do to arrange a future society, so at the end of each life one can say “I have added to the well being of our world”."
In his Essay entitled "The True and Profound Democracy Amendment: the Omnibus Anti-Corruption Amendment", Philip Wolfson states: "In light of the US Supreme Court recent rulings in the Citizens United case which altered the intent of the Constitution, I propose “the True and Profound Democracy Amendment” to our constitution to reverse the pollution of the political process by mandating that elected officials represent the citizens of this country only, and are entirely unavailable to be influenced by funds, gifts or gimmicks."
In his Editor's Note entitled "Responses to “American Dream of the 21st Century”", the Editor states: "Since the release of “The American Dream of the 21st Century: A Call for Transformation of America,” I have received over a dozen responses expressing/offering support, sympathy, writings or views. So far, there are three supporters/signers who are listed herein. Three of the writings are also published in this issue. The online and free PDF edition of SGJ V2(7) also contains three historial documents “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, “Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jefferson and “Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln which are all in the public domain plus quotes/excerpts from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream”."
Historical Messages of American Dream
In the landmark Essay "Common Sense", One of the founding fathers of United States Thomas Paine stated (January 10, 1776): "The cause of America is in a great measure the cause of all mankind. Many circumstances hath, and will arise, which are not local, but universal, and through which the principles of all Lovers of Mankind are affected, and in the Event of which, their Affections are interested. The laying a Country desolate with Fire and Sword, declaring War against the natural rights of all Mankind, and extirpating the Defenders thereof from the Face of the Earth, is the Concern of every Man to whom Nature hath given the Power of feeling; of which Class, regardless of Party Censure, is the AUTHOR."
In the "Declaration of Independence", another founding father of United States Thomas Jefferson declared: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,—That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."
In his "Gettysburg Address", Abraham Lincoln called out: "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us ... that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion ... that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain ... that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom ... and that government of the people ... by the people ... for the people ... shall not perish from this earth."
Finally, in his "I Have a Dream" speech, Martin Luther King, Jr. warned: "It would be fatal for the nation to overlook the urgency of the moment. This sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality... There will be neither rest nor tranquility in America until the Negro is granted his citizenship rights. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundations of our nation until the bright day of justice emerges."
Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu
Dated: October 31, 2011
Transforming Ideas Into Action: Clinton Global Initiative:
The Clinton Global Initiative is a project of the Clinton Foundation that brings together a community of global leaders, university students, and private citizens to identify and implement innovative solutions to the world's most pressing challenges, including poverty alleviation, climate change, global health, and education.
Combating Climate Change: Clinton Climate Initiative:
The Clinton Climate Initiative is making a difference in the fight against climate change in practical, measurable and significant ways, by working with 40 of the world's largest cities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. CCI is assisting partner cities to make energy-savings improvements to buildings, transit systems, lighting and waste management.
Treating HIV/AIDS & Malaria: Clinton Health Access Initiative:
The Clinton Health Access Initiative is helping to turn the tide on the HIV/AIDS pandemic by working with governments and other partners to increase the availability of high-quality AIDS care and treatment for people in need, lower the cost of essential tests and treatments, and strengthen health systems in the developing world.
Fighting Childhood Obesity: Alliance For a Healthier Generation:
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, a partnership between the Clinton Foundation and the American Heart Association, is dedicated to ending the increase in childhood obesity and helping all kids and their families lead healthy, active lives.
Promoting Economic Opportunity: Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative:
The Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative is helping families and individuals keep more of the money they make by supporting state and city efforts to promote access to basic financial services. CEO also matches inner-city entrepreneurs with successful business leaders to help them grow their businesses and flourish in an urban economy.
Creating Sustainable Development in Africa: Clinton Development Initiative:
The Clinton Development Initiative in Malawi and the Clinton Hunter Development Initiative in Rwanda work to generate income for smallholder farmers, increase agricultural productivity, and enable sustainable growth to alleviate poverty.
Enabling Sustainable Development: Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative
An innovative partnership between the Clinton Foundation, the private sector, governments, other NGOs and local communities, the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative is working with the natural resource industry to improve health and education programs and alleviate poverty, starting in Latin America.
So, we solute former President Wiliam J. Clinton and his Foundation for "A Decade of Difference."
Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu
October 15, 2011
In his editor’s introduction entitled "Transcending Self-Consciousness", Nixon delivers his introduction with the following opening: "What is this thing we each call “I” and consider the eye of consciousness, that which beholds objects in the world and objects in our minds? This inner perceiver seems to be the same I who calls forth memories or images at will, the I who feels and determines whether to act on those feelings or suppress them, as well as the I who worries and makes plans and attempts to avoid those worries and act on those plans. Am I the subject, thus the source, of my awareness, just as you are the subject and source of your awareness? If this is the case, it is likely impossible to be conscious without the self (yours or mine), the eye of consciousness, and it must certainly not be desirable, for such a consciousness would have no focal point, no self-that-is-conscious to guide it, so it would be cast adrift on wide and wild sea like a boat that has broken from its anchor. Without self-enclosure, “We shall go mad no doubt and die that way,” as Robert Graves (1927/1966) expressed it."
In his first article entitled "Transformations of Self and World I: Modeling a World", Christopher Holvenstot states in his Abstract the following: "Severe seasonal depression entails the yearly collapse and reconstruction of a functional, useable, meaningful world. This radical annual transformation provides a unique perspective onto fundamental conscious processes by illuminating the cognitive elements and dynamics behind the construction and deconstruction of self-models and world-models."
In his second article entitled "Transformations of Self and World II: Making Meaning", Christopher Holvenstot states in his Abstract the following: "A theater workshop, ostensibly about acting, turns out instead to be about not acting, yet answers a lot of questions about how to act in the real world – ironically, by exploring the world of dreams. This transformational experience provides a view into the realm of the psyche, and this view is used to highlight the inappropriateness of empirical precepts in the formation of a field of consciousness studies."
In his article entitled "The Shock of the Old: A Narrative of Transpersonal Experience", Milenko Budimir states in his Abstract the following: "Here I present a description of some transpersonal experiences that occurred as a result of meditation practices as well as reflections on those experiences. I connect these experiences with some historical precedents, particularly to sources in the Eastern Orthodox Christian spiritual tradition, but also to contemporary sources as well as some 20th century philosophical ideas. Lastly, I describe how these experiences ended up shaping a new worldview, the most significant and lasting being a deep sense of interconnectedness with the world. This sense of interconnectedness further lends support to an inclusive rather than an exclusive understanding of religious belief, and correspondingly a mystical sense of the world and humans’ place in it."
In his article entitled "Background Motivations for My Views on Consciousness", Chris Nunn states in his Abstract the following: "I wish to show here that my theories, and my life in general, have been greatly constrained (though I would say enlarged) by a few, brief and unusual experiences. Equally clearly, the content of the experiences reflected to some extent my cultural and personal history. Can they be regarded as no more than a culturally determined curiosity, perhaps a bit like the dancing manias of the Middle Ages or the recent epidemic of ‘alien abduction’ experiences? My personal answer to that question is: ‘No. The experiences truly reflected aspects of Reality that we don’t often perceive and the culturally determined part of their content was just the icing on the cake – how Reality was able to express itself within my particular, very limited mind.’ That’s why I feel it has not been a waste of my time to try to build ideas that promise to integrate experiences of this sort with more mainstream Western understandings, for theories foster observations and, thus, sooner or later, fuller appreciation of truths about ourselves and our world."
In her article entitled "How Often or How Rarely Does a Self-Transcending Experience Occur?", Syamala Hari states in her Abstract the following: "Almost always, the self is involved in our perception of the world, thinking, and actions, but it does momentarily step aside now and then. I describe below a few of my experiences of self-transcendence that seem quite ordinary with nothing mysterious about them and they are all of short duration. To explain how the self is present or not in an experience, I describe some properties characteristic of the self such as its sense of personal identity and ownership of action. Manifestation of these properties in an experience indicates the presence of the self and absence of these properties indicates its absence. In an act of observation, full attention paid to what is being observed seems to push every thought, including the self, out of the conscious mind and keep it fully occupied with the act of observation. A characteristic property of the self-transcendent state seems to be that one can only recognize such a state as being free from self, but one cannot prove that it is so because the outward effect of the state may be the same as that of an alternative state where the self is present."
In his article entitled "Self-Transcendence as a Developmental Process in Consciousness", Roland Cichowski states in his Abstract the following: "After an introduction describing certain difficulties in relating the nature of self-transcending experiences, I give a narrative description of three successive episodes in which a certain relationship and development over time can be discerned. This is followed by a discussion of the impact they have had over the course of my lifetime together with observations on how they have affected my outlook. These experiences have led me to the view that it is more likely that it is consciousness generating the illusion of a material reality than a material reality generating consciousness. I consider self-transcendence to be understood as a stage in the development of the consciousness of each human being, and ultimately in the development of humanity as a whole."
In his article entitled "A Longitudinal History of Self-Transformation: Psychedelics, Spirituality, Activism and Transformation", Phil Wolfson states in his Abstract the following: "A longitudinal historical approach for portraying and examining personal transformation is presented along with a proposed instrument—the Transformational Codex—for cataloging that history and the elements that compose it. One element, psychedelic transformation, is then discussed in depth along with a schema for viewing transformations that may occur related to psychedelic use and practice."
In her article entitled "Transcending the Self Through Art: Altered States of Consciousness and Anomalous Events During the Creative Process", Tobi Zausner states in her Abstract the following: "The capacity for transcending the self through art arises from the creative process, an altered state of consciousness facilitating the occurrence of anomalous events such as precognition and interior visions that appear to be outside the spacetime of waking life. Frustration can trigger the far-from-equilibrium conditions necessary for creativity, while inspiration may seem as if its source is exterior to the artist, and the experience of flow, like a trance state, can produce an altered sense of time. Archetypes in the creative process link a single mind to the collective unconscious and works of art become self-opening worlds that create an expanded reality."
Finally, in his article entitled "Breaking Out of One's Head (& Awakening to the World)", Gregory M. Nixon states in his Abstract the following: "Herein, I review the moment in my life when I awoke from the dream of self to find being as part of the living world. It was a sudden, momentous event that is difficult to explain since transcending the self ultimately requires transcending the language structures of which the self consists. Since awakening to the world took place beyond the enclosure of self-speech, it also took place outside our symbolic construction of time. It is strange to place this event and its aftermath as happening long ago in my lifetime, for it is forever present; it surrounds me all the time just as the world seems to do. This fact puts into question the reality of my daily journey from dawn to dusk with all the mundane tasks I must complete (like writing of that which cannot be captured in writing). My linear march to aging and death inexorably continues, yet it seems somehow unreal, the biggest joke of all. Still, I here review the events leading up to my time out of mind and then review the serious repercussions when I was drawn back into the ego-self only to find I did not have the conceptual tools or the maturity to understand what had happened."
Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu
October 9, 2011
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This year's Nobel Peace Prize (see Press Release) has been awarded to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman "for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work".
According the Press Release, " We cannot achieve democracy and lasting peace in the world unless women obtain the same opportunities as men to influence developments at all levels of society."
Congratulation to llen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakkul Karman!
And congraulations to all women of World who struggle for women's rights, equality and well-beings.
Maoxin Wu & Huping Hu
October 7, 2011