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Tag search results for: "matti pitkänen"
Physics as Infinite-dimensional Geometry IV: Weak Form of Electric-Magnetic Duality and Its Implications (by Matti Pitkänen): Abstract: The notion of electric-magnetic duality emerged already two decades ago in the attempts to formulate the Kähler geometry of the "world of classical worlds". Quite recently a considerable step of progress took place in the understanding of this notion. This concept leads to the identification of the physical particles as string like objects defined by magnetic charged wormhole throats connected by magnetic flux tubes. The second end of the string contains particle having electroweak isospin neutralizing that of elementary fermion and the size scale of the string is electro-weak scale would be in question. Hence the screening of electro-weak force takes place via weak confinement. This picture generalizes to magnetic color confinement. Electric-magnetic duality leads also to a detailed understanding of how TGD reduces to almost topological quantum field theory. The condition that the theory reduces to almost topological QFT and the hydrodynamical character of field equations leads to a detailed ansatz for the general solution of field equations and also for the solutions of the modified Dirac equation relying on the notion of Beltrami flow for which the flow parameter associated with the flow lines defined by a conserved current extends to a global coordinate. This makes the theory is in well-defined sense completely integrable. Also Dirac determinant conjectured to represent Kähler function can be calculated explicitly in terms of the geometric data characterizing 3-surfaces.

Physics as Generalized Number Theory I: p-Adic Physics and Number Theoretic Universality (by Matti Pitkänen)

Abstract: Physics as a generalized number theory program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields (in particular, identifying associativity condition as the basic dynamical principle), and infinite primes whose construction is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory. In this article p-adic physics and the technical problems relates to the fusion of p-adic physics and real physics to a larger structure are discussed. The basic technical problems relate to the notion of definite integral both at space-time level, imbedding space level and the level of WCW (the "world of classical worlds"). The expressibility of WCW as a union of symmetric spaces leads to a proposal that harmonic analysis of symmetric spaces can be used to define various integrals as sums over Fourier components. This leads to the proposal the p-adic variant of symmetric space is obtained by a algebraic continuation through a common intersection of these spaces, which basically reduces to an algebraic variant of coset space involving algebraic extension of rationals by roots of unity. This brings in the notion of angle measurement resolution for given p-adic prime p. Also a proposal how one can complete the discrete version of symmetric space to a continuous p-adic versions emerges and means that each point is effectively replaced with the p-adic variant of the symmetric space identifiable as a p-adic counterpart of the real discretization volume so that a fractal p-adic variant of symmetric space results.

Physics as Generalized Number Theory II: Classical Number Fields (by Matti Pitkänen)

Abstract: Physics as a generalized number theory program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields discussed in this article, and infinite primes whose construction is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory. In this article the connection between standard model symmetries and classical number fields is discussed. The basis vision is that the geometry of the infinite-dimensional WCW ("world of classical worlds") is unique from its mere existence. This leads to its identification as union of symmetric spaces whose Kähler geometries are fixed by generalized conformal symmetries. This fixes space-time dimension and the decomposition M4 X S and the idea is that the symmetries of the Kähler manifold S make it somehow unique. The motivating observations are that the dimensions of classical number fields are the dimensions of partonic 2-surfaces, space-time surfaces, and imbedding space and M8 can be identified as hyper-octonions- a sub-space of complexified octonions obtained by adding a commuting imaginary unit. This stimulates some questions.

Physics as Generalized Number Theory III: Innite Primes (by Matti Pitkänen)

Abstract: Physics as a generalized number theory program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields, and infinite primes discussed in this article. The construction of infinite primes is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory by taking the many particle states of previous level elementary particles at the new level. Besides free many particle states also the analogs of bound states appear. In the representation in terms of polynomials the free states correspond to products of first order polynomials with rational zeros. Bound states correspond to n-th order polynomials with non-rational but algebraic zeros. The construction can be generalized to classical number fields and their complexifications obtained by adding a commuting imaginary unit. Special class corresponds to hyper-octonionic primes for which the imaginary part of ordinary octonion is multiplied by the commuting imaginary unit so that one obtains a sub-space M8 with Minkowski signature of metric. Also in this case the basic construction reduces to that for rational or complex rational primes and more complex primes are obtained by acting using elements of the octonionic automorphism group which preserve the complex octonionic integer property.

The Geometry of CP2 and its Relationship to Standard Model (by Matti Pitkänen)

Abstract: This appendix contains basic facts about CP2 as a symmetric space and Kähler manifold. The coding of the standard model symmetries to the geometry of CP2, the physical interpretation of the induced spinor connection in terms of electro-weak gauge potentials, and basic facts about induced gauge fields are discussed.

“The Miracle of Existence According to Theoretical Physicist Matti Pitkänen” Editorial Comment (by Philip E. Gibbs, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, Dainis Zeps): Abstract: In this focus issue of Prespacetime Journal we present a series of Matti Pitkänen’s papers under the headline “The miracle of existence according to theoretical physicist Matti Pitkänen. 30 years of independent research” representing development of this TGD approach in theoretical physics during the latest year of research.

Physics as Infinite-dimensional Geometry and Generalized Number Theory: Basic Visions (by Matti Pitkänen)

Abstract: There are two basic approaches to the construction of quantum TGD. The first approach relies on the vision of quantum physics as infinite-dimensional Kähler geometry for the "world of classical worlds" identified as the space of 3-surfaces in certain 8-dimensional space. Essentially a generalization of the Einstein's geometrization of physics program is in question. The second vision is the identification of physics as a generalized number theory. This program involves three threads: various p-adic physics and their fusion together with real number based physics to a larger structure, the attempt to understand basic physics in terms of classical number fields (in particular, identifying associativity condition as the basic dynamical principle), and infinite primes whose construction is formally analogous to a repeated second quantization of an arithmetic quantum field theory. In this article brief summaries of physics as infinite-dimensional geometry and generalized number theory are given to be followed by more detailed articles.

Physics as Infinite-dimensional Geometry I: Identification of the Configuration Space Kähler Function (by Matti Pitkänen)

Abstract: There are two basic approaches to quantum TGD. The first approach, which is discussed in this article,is a generalization of Einstein's geometrization program of physics to an infinite-dimensional context. Second approach is based on the identification of physics as a generalized number theory. The first approach relies on the vision of quantum physics as infinite-dimensional Kähler geometry for the "world of classical worlds" (WCW) identified as the space of 3-surfaces in in certain 8-dimensional space. There are three separate approaches to the challenge of constructing WCW Kähler geometry and spinor structure. The first approach relies on direct guess of Kähler function. Second approach relies on the construction of Kähler form and metric utilizing the huge symmetries of the geometry needed to guarantee the mathematical existence of Riemann connection. The third approach relies on the construction of spinor structure based on the hypothesis that complexified WCW gamma matrices are representable as linear combinations of fermionic oscillator operator for second quantized free spinor fields at space-time surface and on the geometrization of super-conformal symmetries in terms of WCW spinor structure. In this article the proposal for Kähler function based on the requirement of 4-dimensional General Coordinate Invariance implying that its definition must assign to a given 3-surface a unique space-time surface. Quantum classical correspondence requires that this surface is a preferred extremal of some some general coordinate invariant action, and so called Kähler action is a unique candidate in this respect. The preferred extremal has interpretation as an analog of Bohr orbit so that classical physics becomes and exact part of WCW geometry and therefore also quantum physics.

Physics as Infinite-dimensional Geometry II: Configuration Space Kähler Geometry from Symmetry Principles (by Matti Pitkänen)

Abstract: There are three separate approaches to the challenge of constructing WCW Kähler geometry and spinor structure. The first one relies on a direct guess of Kähler function. Second approach relies on the construction of Kähler form and metric utilizing the huge symmetries of the geometry needed to guarantee the mathematical existence of Riemann connection. The third approach relies on the construction of spinor structure assuming that complexifiedWCW gamma matrices are representable as linear combinations of fermionic oscillator operator for the second quantized free spinor fields at space-time surface and on the geometrization of super-conformal symmetries in terms of spinor structure. In this article the construction of Kähler form and metric based on symmetries is discussed. The basic vision is that WCW can be regarded as the space of generalized Feynman diagrams with lines thickned to light-like 3-surfaces and vertices identified as partonic 2-surfaces. In zero energy ontology the strong form of General Coordinate Invariance (GCI) implies effective 2-dimensionality and the basic objects are pairs partonic 2-surfaces X2 at opposite light-like boundaries of causal diamonds (CDs).

Physics as Infinite-dimensional Geometry III: Configuration Space Spinor Structure (by Matti Pitkänen)

Abstract: There are three separate approaches to the challenge of constructing WCW Kähler geometry and spinor structure. The first approach relies on a direct guess of Kähler function. Second approach relies on the construction of Kähler form and metric utilizing the huge symmetries of the geometry needed to guarantee the mathematical existence of Riemann connection. The third approach discussed in this article relies on the construction of spinor structure based on the hypothesis that complexified WCW gamma matrices are representable as linear combinations of fermionic oscillator operator for the second quantized free spinor fields at space-time surface and on the geometrization of super-conformal symmetries in terms of spinor structure. This implies a geometrization of fermionic statistics. The basic philosophy is that at fundamental level the construction of WCW geometry reduces to the second quantization of the induced spinor fields using Dirac action. This assumption is parallel with the bosonic emergence stating that all gauge bosons are pairs of fermion and anti-fermion at opposite throats of wormhole contact. Vacuum function is identified as Dirac determinant and the conjecture is that it reduces to the exponent of Kähler function. In order to achieve internal consistency induced gamma matrices appearing in Dirac operator must be replaced by the modified gamma matrices defined uniquely by Kähler action and one must also assume that extremals of Kähler action are in question so that the classical space-time dynamics reduces to a consistency condition. This implies also super-symmetries and the fermionic oscillator algebra at partonic 2-surfaces has interpretation as N = 1 generalization of space-time super-symmetry algebra different however from standard SUSY algebra in that Majorana spinors are not needed. This algebra serves as a building brick of various super-conformal algebras involved.