The Myth of Mind-Independent Reality & the Metaphysics of Nondual Epiontic Quantum Mindnature (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: In this paper I shall argue that the notion of the ‘existence’ of a ‘Mind Independent Reality’ (MIR) is ill conceived if one understands this concept as indicating that there is some ‘ultimate’ or final aspect of reality which is absolutely and totally beyond the mind’s com-prehension or experience. By elucidating the central features of the Buddhist Mind-Only metaphysical account of the operation of the ‘three natures’ of fundamental Mindnature in the context of modern quantum physics and quantum field theory I set out to show that a ‘Metaphysics of Nondual Epiontic Quantum Mindnature’ provides a comprehensive and exhaustive account of the process of reality; an account which has no room or necessity for a mind-independent reality (MIR).
The Elegance of Enigma: Quantum Darwinism, Quantum Bayesianism (QBism) & Quantum Buddhism (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: Quantum Bayesianism or QBism is a new approach to quantum interpretation which offers a radically subjectivist and pan-experientialist account of the functioning of quantum ‘reality’ and the emergence of the ‘classical’ world. In a recent collection of essays Elegance and Enigma: The Quantum Interviews there is a debate between one of the supporters of the QBism paradigm, C. A. Fuchs, and the instigator of ‘quantum Darwinism’, W. Zurek, as to the viability of such a radically subjectivist position. Zurek suggests that the ‘many worlds’ interpretation and the QBism perspectives are extreme views and his perspective steers a ‘middle way’ between the two. In this article I show that an almost identical metaphysical debate occurred in fourteenth and fifteenth Tibetan Buddhism concerning the nature of ultimate reality. The two debates are examined, contrasted and the conclusion that it may be the case that quantum reality may be describable in differing complementary and interrelated ways is drawn.