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Tag search results for: "sartre’s contribution consciousness study & molecular uniqueness of major depression"
On the Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness: Sartre’s Contribution (by Rui Freire Lucas): The present paper constitutes an effort to integrate the knowledge of two distinct scientific disciplines: psychology and quantum physics. This intention will be fuelled by the current need of clarification on what concerns quantum measurement problem, consciousness and respective relationship. For this matter, we choose to use the concept of consciousness described by Jean Paul Sartre in his work. After a brief review of the main presuppositions of quantum theory and Sartre’s ontology, we will proceed with the establishment of proper correspondences between these models eventually defining an isomorphism between its correspondent systems. Click Here.

Molecular Uniqueness of Major Depression: Biological Remarks and Theoretical Implications (by Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli): The identification of three platelet fatty acids (Palmitic, Linoleic and Arachidonic Acids) brought about some subsequent classification hypotheses on Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder, which, with the passing of time, have turned into established experimental data also concerning the concepts of serotonin uptake on the basis of membrane viscosity, and showed that platelets were really similar to neurons. This evidence, together with the chance of classifying the two main mood disorders, led to some reflections on the molecular uniqueness of Major Depression, understood as a phenomenon affecting only human beings, and precisely just part of them. In this context, we can trace the human states between normality, Bipolar Disorder and Major Depression, this latter considered as a bio-molecular and existential niche. Click Here.