DamonSprock's blog

This phase consists of your activation of your potential for trusting the Grand Plan of God. Nothing in the universe happens in random fashion. The definition of random as illustrated in Webster’s Dictionary is as follows: without aim or purpose. Everything in the universe has an aim or purpose, or it would not exist.What is destiny? As defined in Webster's dictionary, destiny is a fixed order of things established as by a divine decree or by an indissoluble connection of causes and effects. Indissoluble connection means something that cannot be dissolved, and linking itself  to the eternal series of never-ending events of the physical universe. Every particle of matter in the universe has a destiny. As every moment unfolds, it becomes an effect, as a result of the moment that it preceded. Although these events appear to be taking place randomly, there is an order to this grand action.

You have heard the saying, "Everything happens for a reason." More times than not, you do not realize this truth at the moment it occurs. When something happens in your life that you approve, you are engaged in happiness and do not stop to think of it happening for a reason, and when something occurs in your life that you disapprove, you are engaged in unhappiness, expressing one negative emotion after another. The next time something happens that makes you unhappy, no matter how upset it makes you feel, stop and say to yourself,  "All right, I do not approve of this, but I am going to let it go and see what happens. I am going to trust my destiny."  When you decide to take this path of action, you are in essence yielding to divine decree and acknowledging that you are just a minute particle experiencing the eternal series of never-ending events of the physical universe. 

God wants you to be happy. It is up to you to realize that in order to be happy in this world, you have to place God on your side. And the way to accomplish this is to accept everything that you experience. I realize that it is practically impossible for our finite minds to totally absorb this concept of acceptance 100% of the time. Each of us has our own little desires to achieve, and we are going to bring them to fruition according to our own timetable, no matter what, right? You must understand, first of all, that this type of view of how the world works is a complete aberration. This is why so many of us are unhappy. This false sense of consciousness has infested the human race for millenniums. You may have heard the phrase, "We are trying to find perfection in an imperfect world." Whoever made up that one is a complete fool. Human beings made up the word imperfect. Before humans began to attach labels to everything, there was no such thing as imperfection. Everything just was as it was, and it still is. Everything is God's perfection. We are the imperfection-minded ones. We try to accomplish our goals within a certain time-frame.

What is this concept of time? As defined, time is a period that occurs between two events. It is, however, only the perception of the person perceiving the two events that creates the illusion of time. There are countless events occurring throughout the universe at this very moment, so there is actually no time between any two events. Again, we devised the concept of time. We needed, for the sake of civilization, a system that would allow for the division of our planet's ongoing changing of day into night. Afterward we divided further into hours, minutes and seconds. You must understand that in other parts of the universe, where there is no sun with an earth revolving around it, there is no time. There is simply momentum in the present occurring. There is no observer witnessing the period between two events.An everyday event that allows you to further view this principle is as follows. When you are driving your car on the freeway, and the exit that is approaching is your turn-off, your mind views the exit as your future. However, the person who is already positioned at that exit views it as his or her present. The same holds true of the people whom you are observing in your rear view mirror. Your perception through your mirror is that of your past; however, it is their present. This state of momentum that we experience every moment of our wake state is all that exists.

As the universe unfolds, our consciousness evolves and we embrace the principle of acceptance.  We as a human race will gradually diminish the infliction of misery upon ourselves and heighten the degree of happiness that we constantly seek.  Every particle in the universe has a destiny. Every particle of our being has its own, tiny destiny, which comprises every action in which we participate. It is the individual who realizes this truth who will ultimately gain access to true freedom in this physical world.

Learning to live with God on your team enhances the degree of positive interaction that you experience with everything around you. With God on your team, the entire force of God's presence permeates all that you encounter and rewards you with endless little strokes of good luck. Even when something appears to be bad luck at that moment, your acceptance of its appearance will divinely reverse the illusion that you have placed upon it, and then it will reveal its true meaning. When you continuously engage in this behavior and experience the results, you will choose to live in this God consciousness, never to return to your former illusory perception of life.

There you have the grand finale of trusting the destiny in which God has set into motion in this universe. Embrace it with intensity, and then observe the miraculous results.                                          
Sep 22 '11
As my mother’s best friend lie dying of breast cancer, I, as just a child, wondered of  the possibility of just placing a bandage on the cancer and wait for it to heal. After her death, my image of that event returned often to my conscious mind. As I grew into adulthood and furthered my education concerning the body and its functions, I realized that healing was more possible than I was lead to believe. I began asking questions as to why no one could find a cure for cancer and other diseases.

Disease begins growing in an area of the body where healthy tissue exists. At what point in time did the disease actually take form? What contributed to its growth? Are there ways to prevent unhealthy forms from materializing in the body? Could the infected area be transported back in time when it remembered no disease?

In April, 1990, the Hubble Telescope went into orbit, its mission, to take photos of the cosmos 14 billion light years away. After glitches in its lenses prevented it from accomplishing its goal, the Hubble had to be placed on hold. New discoveries from outer space? Unlocking the mysteries of the universe? Metaphysicians have known for thousands of  years what the Hubble will reveal to science and medicine, that the macrocosm and the microcosm function with the same underlying, universal axioms.

All ruth, knowledge, and being are interrelated, whether it is found 14 billion light years away or to the -n degree into the microcosm. One, universal vibration extends throughout everything. Medicine and science, as we have experienced thus far, treats illness by dealing with the effects of the disease instead of the cause. They see the picture only from the outside, not from within. Treat the effect and the disease continues. Treat the cause; kill the disease at its source.

In contrast to other areas of science and medicine, the field of molecular biology is in the infant stage.  In 1975, only 500 molecular biologists searched for healing's secret answers. Today the figure has reached 25,000. Biological studies involving the molecular level function according to certain laws. It is now understood by certain scientists that the laws of the mind and emotional processes are correlated to the quantum field (operation and distribution of particles at the atomic and molecular levels).

Every cell in the body has its own memory. Cells create other cells and pass on their DNA. Cells have recall to moments before a disease overcame its environment. A cell's whole being (arrangement of molecules) once had an injury-free atmosphere until the correlating processes of the mind and emotions introduced vibrations (Wave Structure of Matter) of a negative nature, which were foreign to the cell's own microcosm.

Thoughts are things; they have their own vibration, which extends outward into the atmosphere as well as projected inward to our inner being, even to our atomicand molecular divisions. Thoughts are things that originate in the mind. Via motor neurons, thought messages are transported to specific parts of the anatomy by way of intricate nerve freeways that make Los Angeles look like a rural route.

Human beings are psycho-physical units, meaning the mind controls the body, and the body controls the mind. In order for healing to occur, the two must be integrated. Integration is accomplished through rhythmic breathing, which creates relaxation of the body and calmness of the thought processes in the mind. This simple behavior modification technique is the foundation to the three-part healing equation.

Let us begin by realizing stage one, molecular nutrition. Molecular nutrition? Within every cell of the body is an engine called the mitochondria. A cell's functioning power depends upon its engine's condition. Just as an automobile's engine needs clean oil and energizing by means of a tune-up, so a cell demands similar care. The cell's demands are satisfied by enzymes. Enzymes are bio-energetics, nutrient units bound together by electric life energy. The blueprints and mechanisms for creating enzymes are contained in the life plan of living cells. Science has not been able to duplicate this intricate process, so it is often reluctant to acknowledge the creative life-force of enzyme-live foods.

Every cell is made up of enzymes. Without enzymes we do not exist. Enzymes are produced only by life processes, and each part of the body requires a different enzyme. For instance, the heart requires co-enzyme Q10 for its creation and release of the life energy force. The cells and the tissue which the cells comprise in the heart are Q10 enzyme. Another enzyme is SOD, super-oxide dismutase. It is the power of SOD that enters each cell and detoxifies the poisons that have accumulated as a result of improper food intake (highly processed food and other pollutants).

The liver is the main manufacturing plant of enzymes. When the body's ability to manufacture enzymes is reduced due to aging or abuse, the immune system weakens and is made susceptible to disease. When the liver and other enzyme-producing areas of the body are cleansed and kept pure, enzymes of greater quantity and quality are made available. As a result, the cells of tissues and the tissues of organs become better qualified to perform their work. The over-all effects- prolonged life expectancy of bodily functions.

The second part of the three-part equation concerns the human, mental headset. We will be utilizing a division of psychology called Transactional Analysis to focus upon aberrations in personality. Also, “Holographic Psychology,” will be utilized in this procedure. 

Transactional Analysis pioneer and friend from my Purdue University days, Dr. Taibi Kahler, says that T.A. locates negative aspects of personality developed during childhood and adolescence, even sensory programming received in the fetus. As I have mentioned previously, sensory vibrations of these hazardous encounters are registered in the cellular structure of human beings and filed in the subconscious mind vault, where they act as mental tape recordings for future use. Recordings detrimental to well-being, when repeated continuously over time, cause a disease vibration that generates into the future of a person's life, creating a death scenario within the psycho-physical unit.

In  conjunction with  Transactional Analysis, a  specific, mind  technique called Age Regression will penetrate the past of an individual and enable one to deprogram then reprogram mental tape recordings. During Age Regression, the memory contained in the affected cells is contacted by means of a series of visual imagery and scientific, healing affirmations. This entire process is accelerated through computerization. At this point the laws of mind and emotional processes correlated to the quantum field and governing the operation and distribution of the particles at the molecular level are put into full force.

HolographicPsychology is very functional in this process. By evolving an individual through three levels of reality perception, a shift in the biological system will occur. This shift takes place as a result of archaic brain conditionings being displaced with new reality. Accumulation of old, destructive, mental/emotional, vibration deposits in the cells are replaced as a result of new, healthy, mental/emotional vibration created by lighter wave frequency.

A neural program is the main theme here, written to stimulate the activity within the cells. The quality of censoring is of the utmost importance at this phase, which relates back to stage two, focusing on Transactional Analysis and Holographic Psychology. Utilization of the latest neural computer technology contributes the lion's share of the healing process during this final phase, interrelating the capabilities of the neural computer with the laws of mind and emotional processes as correlated to the quantum field, bringing about anaugmentation of healing in the molecular structure of the cell.

In order to realize how this delicate and most difficult procedure transpires, we must look inside the human brain. Thoughts within the brain on a mental plane manifest into subtle waves, each having a different level of frequency. A brief description of each of the four wave patterns is in order at this time. The first and most frequently used brain waves are the beta waves. During normal, wake-state hours, conscious decisions are made by betas. The brain rhythm for beta waves is an average of 21 cycles per second.

The  second level  of  brain waves is  the  alpha range. Alpha waves vibrate during inner consciousness, which includes daydreams,  reverie, dreams, creative consciousness, unfoldment, and problem  solving. Alpha rhythms generate between 7-14 cycles per second.

Theta waves constitute the third level of wave patterns, with much more subtle vibrations occurring between 4-7 cycles per second. During theta, spiritual consciousness is the focal point. When one meditates and enters the mind, self-reflection is achieved. Reflection clears the mind of physical world residue, thus preventing further blocking of creative consciousness and allowing advancement to higher Self. Theta is also responsible for all psychic phenomena.

This brings us to the deepest level of brain rhythm, delta. The cycles of delta register no higher than 4 per second. It is the delta brain rhythm that we will use in conjunction with neural programming to create healing on the molecular level. There exists within delta a consciousness linked to releasing all passions and desires of the physical world. At this level the powers of miracle healing unveil themselves. Miracle healing derives its function from causal conditions developed by a person's outer consciousness.

Being a victim of the senses, due to association and repetition, the brain becomes conditioned with limited perceptions of reality, thus affecting biological and anatomical conditions that augment over time. These conditions worsen as conscious scenarios repeat themselves in the form of negative emotions and stress as a result of our high-paced society.

High frequency beta waves operating according to the laws of mind and emotional processes are correlated to the quantum field and vibrate into the memory of the cellular structure, creating chaos. Once disrupted, the natural alignment of the cell begins a disintegration phase that continues until a disease mode exists and then continues to spread over a period of years (average 20-25years). With millions of cells infected, a visible form appears in the tissue of a particular organ.

In order for healing to occur, physical world residue must be removed from each cell using accelerated, vibrating techniques. The cells must be programmed to operate in a wellness mode.  The affected  cells must be convinced  that  the disease is of  no value to  itself and the function of the entire organism. It is at this point when the cells begin the transition from diseased to wellness.

This concludes the three-part equation for molecular healing. It is my strong belief that a universally, applicable, healing process will be in affect within the next twenty years of this writing (1993). More advancement will be made in the science field within the next ten years than in all of human history. We are definitely unlocking the secrets of the universe in our quest for total wellness.  
Sep 22 '11
This blog post concerns my scientific discovery regarding the quantum connection of God consciousness to human consciousness, via the subconscious mind hologram. Both sciences, physics and metaphysics, have been utilized to complete this finding. 
Attached is the diagram that illustrates how this phenomena occurs. The pathway from God consciousness to human consciousness is established through frequency. At the time of creation, Spiritual DNA extended Itself spatially ("Spiritual/Matter Transference") to create space. A universal grid was created in order for God frequency to extend, as It created waves, which formed particles of matter at all levels of the physical universe (Sub-atomic, Atomic, 3rd Dimension).
God consciousness projected all knowledge across the grid to our subconscious mind hologram. Humans receive this frequency via the hologram, which is located in the dimension beneath the brain. The subconscious mind stores, translates, and supplies infinite knowledge to our conscious state, via the brain. When the visual image of "The God Frequency Factor" is introduced to the subconscious mind hologram, the data banks are then provided with a force that will be applied in all thought processes.
"The God Frequency Factor" acts in a multiple of causes.

* A quantum pathway connecting God consciousness to
  human consciousness, via the subconscious mind
* A new model for the creation of the universe.
* At what point life begins (Pro life).
* Evidence of intentionality and non-randomness in the
* An answer to Pope Benedict's February announcement,
  that the Vatican would consider a "Big Bang"
  explanation, if God were a participant.
* A catalyst for the reunification of science and religion. In oIn order to understand how "The God Frequency" functions and where its origin is located, it is necessary to 
Sep 22 '11 · 1 comments
