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Tag search results for: "atheist"
Oh My Atheist Colleagues in Science (by Huping Hu on October 17, 2010)

Oh my atheist colleagues in science: Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body? No, yet you believe that they exist; Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together? No, yet you know that they must be there; Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body? No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.


Oh my atheist colleagues in science: Have you seen the Earth on which we reside? Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder. Have you felt the air that you breathe? Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider, Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside? Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.


Oh my atheist colleagues in science: If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations? Would you still deny that IT exists? If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles? Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws? If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters? Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?


Oh my atheist colleagues in science: Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD, Would you rather live in denial? You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride, Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that? Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests, Would you rather be in idle?


On Atheist Spirituality by Elemer E. Rosinger: In this series of essays, I explore and discuss spiritualization of materialistic atheism in support of Andre Comte-Sponville. These essays are further dedicated to Marie-Louise Nykamp.

Essay I contains: A Short Story; Much More Wrong Than ...; Good Life ...; and The Poor Shall Always Be with Us?

Essay II contains: The Approach To Be Followed; Three Questions followed by ... another Four Ones ...; A Few Starting Propositions; the End of Time; and Twice Unknown ....

Essay III contains: Without Precedent in Human History; Two Aspects of Human Awareness? Two Way Interactions ...; Research versus Development ...; The Ways of the Good Old Baron von Mnchausen ...; and Sorry, but Belief and Faith Are Good only for....

Essay IV contains: The Interplay between Our Affective and Cognitive Beings ...; Mere Sensation of Truth = Truth, or Is It Indeed? Back to C-S, and Starting with Its First Chapter; and On Chapter Two: Does God Exist?

Essay V contains: Extended Harmony, and Growing Up at Last ...; On Chapter Three: Can There Be an Atheist Spirituality ? On Mysticism and Mystery: For How Longer Are We to Be Bound to Unfortunately Misplaced Words?

Essay V contains: Extended Harmony, and Growing Up at Last ...; On Chapter Three: Can There Be an Atheist Spirituality ? On Mysticism and Mystery: For How Longer Are We to Be Bound to Unfortunately Misplaced Words?

Essay VI contains: Immanensity? Lost on an ... Ocean of Feeling ...? Oh again a Mystical Experience ... Gnosticism, a Rather Irresistible and Better Human Temptation ...; and A Finger....

Essay VII contains:Oh, that I, ... Problems with I, New and Old ...; And Again, the Same Finger ...; To Bring, or Not, Forth What Is Within You ...; A Question ...; Is it a Mystery? And Conclusions.

Administrator · Oct 14 '12 · Tags: atheist, spirituality
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body?
No, yet you believe that they exist;
Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together?
No, yet you know that they must be there;
Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body?
No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.


Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Have you seen the Earth on which we reside?
Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder.
Have you felt the air that you breathe? 
Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider,
Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside?
Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.


Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations?
Would you still deny that IT exists?
If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles?
Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws?
If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters?
Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?


Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD,
Would you rather live in denial?
You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride,
Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that?
Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests,
Would you rather be in idle?


Huping Hu

Dated: October 17, 2010
Administrator · Dec 31 '11 · Tags: atheist, colleague, god, science
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body?
No, yet you believe that they exist;
Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together?
No, yet you know that they must be there;
Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body?
No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Have you seen the Earth on which we reside?
Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder.
Have you felt the air that you breathe? 
Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider,
Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside?
Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations?
Would you still deny that IT exists?
If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles?
Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws?
If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters?
Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD,
Would you rather live in denial?
You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride,
Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that?
Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests,
Would you rather be in idle?
Administrator · Dec 23 '11 · Tags: atheist, science, colleague
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body?
No, yet you believe that they exist;
Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together?
No, yet you know that they must be there;
Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body?
No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Have you seen the Earth on which we reside?
Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder.
Have you felt the air that you breathe?
Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider,
Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside?
Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations?
Would you still deny that IT exists?
If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles?
Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws?

If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters?
Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?


Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD,
Would you rather live in denial?
You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride,
Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that?
Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests, Would you rather be in idle?


Huping Hu · Dec 20 '11 · Tags: science, god, atheist
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body?

No, yet you believe that they exist;

Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together?

No, yet you know that they must be there;

Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body?

No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Have you seen the Earth on which we reside?

Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder.

Have you felt the air that you breathe?

Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider,

Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside?

Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD,

Would you rather live in denial?

You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride,

Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that?

Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests,

Would you rather be in idle? 

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations?

Would you still deny that IT exists?

If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles?

Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws?

If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters?

Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?
Huping Hu · Sep 17 '11 · Tags: science, god, atheist