50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in GOD: Part 1 from Administrator's blog

Introduction to 50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in GOD (by Tihomir Dimitrov): Abstract: This is an introduction to Part I through Part VIII to follow which covers 50 Nobel laureates and other great scientists and philosophers who believe in GOD plus useful books and links. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/13

Part I. 50 Nobel Laureates Who Believe in GOD: Nobel Scientists (1) (by Tihomir Dimitrov)

Abstract: This article covers well-documented quotations from the following fourteen (14) Nobel scienticists: Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Erwin Schroedinger, Werner Heisenberg, Robert A. Millikan, Charles H. Townes, Arthur Schawlow, William D. Phillips, William H. Bragg, Guglielmo Marconi, Arthur H. Compton, Arno Penzias, Sir Nevill Mott, and Isidor I. Rabi. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/14

Part I. 50 Nobel Laureates Who Believe in GOD: Nobel Scientists (2) (by Tihomir Dimitrov)

Abstract: This article covers well-documented quotations from the following thirteen (13) Nobel scienticists: Abdus Salam, Antony Hewish, Joseph H. Taylor, Jr., Alexis Carrel, John Eccles, Joseph Murray, Ernst Chain, George Wald, Ronald Ross, Derek Barton, Christian Anfinsen, Walter Kohn, and Richard Smalley. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/15

Part II. 50 Nobel Laureates Who Believe in GOD: Nobel Writers (by Tihomir Dimitrov)

Abstract: This article covers well-documented quotations from the following eleven (11) Nobel writers: Thomas S. Eliot, Joseph R. Kipling, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Francois Mauriac, Hermann Hesse, Sir Winston Churchill, Jean-Paul Sartre, Sigrid Undset, Sir Rabindranath Tagore, Rudolf Eucken, and Isaac B. Singer. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/16

Part III. 50 Nobel Laureates Who Believe in GOD: Nobel Peace Laureates (by Tihomir Dimitrov)

Abstract: This article covers well-documented quotations from the following twelve (12) Nobel Peace Laureates: Albert Schweitzer, James E. Carter, Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Thomas W. Wilson, Frederik de Klerk, Nelson Mandela, Kim Dae-jung, Dag Hammarskjoeld, Martin L. King, Jr.,Adolfo P. Esquivel, Desmond Tutu, and John Raleigh Mott. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/17

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