2012daily's blog

Prayers and Messages from Scientific GOD Inc.

Within hours, minutes and then seconds, we will arrive at December 21, 2012 11:11 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). By now almost all of us have become aware of this particular date and even time.

At this symbolic or critical time in human history, we trust in GOD and pray the Almighty for the following:

May GOD love, protect and save all of us;
May GOD give us peace, comfort and security;
May GOD forgive us for our sins, inequity and selfishness; and
May GOD guide us, enlighten us and unite us.

The messages from Scientific GOD Inc. are these of the New Internationale 新国际 (Internationale 2012 国际2012):

Rise, people in Science and Religion,
Rise, all truth seekers around the world,
GOD’s Scientific Truth is being revealed,
A New World will be born,
The Present World will be transformed,
Rise, Rise, all truth seekers.
The transforming World includes you,
Together let’s build the New World,
This is the most critical time for mankind,
Let’s unite and struggle to tomorrow,
The New World under GOD,
Shall be realized.
This is the most critical time for mankind,
Let’s unite and struggle to tomorrow,
The New World under GOD
Shall be realized.

Some have forgotten GOD for too long,
Please wake up from the material world,
Our Souls need new nourishment,
GOD’s Scientific Truth is the nutrition,
Help the ignorant and misguided,
Break the shackles of Godlessness,
March on the path of Scientific GOD,
Be the heroes to free all from darkness,
This is the most critical time for mankind,
Let’s unite and struggle to tomorrow,
The New World under GOD
Shall be realized.
This is the most critical time for mankind,
Let’s unite and struggle to tomorrow,
The New World under GOD
Shall be realized.

Who set the foundation for the world of mankind?
It is no other than Scientific GOD,
Everything in the World belongs to GOD,
We shall use each justly and equitably,
Let’s be guided by Scientific GOD’s Truth,
So we can take a quantum leap.
One World One Dream is fast approaching,
It’s the Peaceful New World under GOD,
This is the most critical time for mankind,
Let’s unite and struggle to tomorrow,
The New World under GOD,
Shall be realized.
This is the most critical time for mankind,
Let’s unite and struggle to tomorrow,
The New World under GOD
Shall be realized.

Dec 20 '12 · Tags: 2012, countdown, december 21
Sciurch of Scientific GOD

Sciurch of Scientific GOD is not a religious temple or a materialists' classroom. It is a new pathway to truth and unity in the age of science and technology.

In 2011 Sciurch began to collect source/teaching materials, and, on December 21, 2011, compiled the following five issues of Sciurch (more compilations shall follow):

Sciurch Volume 1 Issue 1: 易经 Yi Jing (I Ching)

Author: Unknown

易经 Yi Jing (I Ching), also known as the Classic of Changes, is a Chinese classic texts. It is a ancient divination system which is still widely used today.

Sciurch 1(1): 易经 Yi Jing (I Ching)

道德經 Dao De Jing

Author: 老子 Laozi

道德經 Dao De Jing was said to be written around the 6th century BC by Laozi. The text is the philosophy of Daoism and other schools such as Legalism and neo-Confucianism. It is also essential in Chinese religions such as religious Daoism and Chinese Buddhism.

Sciurch V1(2): 道德經 Dao De Jing

論語 Lun Yu (Analects)

Author/Source: 孔夫子 Kong Fuzi (Confucius)

論語 Lun Yu (Analects of Confucius) is attributed as the words and acts of 孔夫子 Kong Fuzi (Confucius) and his disciples including the discussions they held. It was written around 500 BC and is the essence of Confucianism which has influenced Chinese and Asia for over two thousand years.

Sciurch V1(3): 論語 Lun Yu (Analects)

Scientific GOD Revealed: The Principle of Existence

I’ve dreamed a quantum dream in which I became one with the Almighty: IT revealed to me that IT alone is the Architect, Creator of all that exists; IT creates, sustains all things by ITS imagination, the spin of ITS mind, body; IT causes evolutions of the same by ITS mighty will, love of ITS creations; GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.

Glory to Scientific GOD; Victory to Scientific GOD; GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on

Sciurch V1(4): Scientific GOD Revealed

The Chinese Dream of the 21st Century

In the spirit of ancient Chinese wisdom and the collective spirits of Chinese sages and pioneers, Laozi, Kong Fuzi, Sun Zhongshan, Mao Zedong & Deng Xiaoping among others, we call all Chinese worldwide to rise up in the pursuit of the Chinese Dream of the 21st Century – benevolence, civic duty, equality, liberty and pursuit of happiness under Scientific GOD. We note here that some aspects of these sacred pursuits might been hindered by our particular history, modern atheism and materialism. Thus, a new enlightenement of all Chinese is the key to accomplish these sacred pursuits and transform Chinese societies. By enlightening and transcending ourselves, we shall transform atheism and materialism to scientific spirituality, curruption to righteousness, injustice to justice, inequality to equality and restriction to liberty. GOD Bless Chinese People! May we all finally arrive at the “Gate of Heavenly Peace and Justice” and start building GOD’s Paradise on Earth. So, let July 4th Movement begin!

Sciurch V1(5): The Chinese Dream of the 21st Century

Dec 19 '12 · Tags: 2012, countdown, december 21
Sciurch of Scientific GOD

Sciurch of Scientific GOD is a Project of Unified Spirituality and Science under development by Scientific GOD Inc. It is a new pathway to Truth & Unity in the Age of Science and Technology. Sciurch shall develop, crystallize and compile an integrated teachings of Unified Spirituality and Science ("Scibible"). The following are some other examples of what Sciurch shall try to accomplish:

犹太教及旧约圣经的创世纪章讲: 起初神創造天地…神說:“要有光!”就有了光。

Genesis of Judaism and the Old Testament says: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. …And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.


Sciurch shall explore and show from the New Science revealed by GOD how “in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth… Let there be light: and there was light.”



In the Revelation of the New Testament, Jesus said: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”


Sciurch shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Jesus’saying “I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”


古兰经里穆罕默德朗诵到 “你說:他是真主,是獨一的主;真主是萬物所仰賴的; 他沒有 生產,也沒有被生產;沒有任何物可以做他的匹敵。”

In the Quran, Muhammad recited “Say: He, Allah, is One; Allah is He on Whom all depend; He begets not, nor is He begotten; And none is like Him.”

科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来解答穆罕默德的朗诵“他是真主,是獨一的主;真主是萬物所仰賴的; 他沒有生產,也沒有被生產;沒有任何物可以做他的匹敵。”

Sciurch shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Muhammad’s recitation “He, Allah, is One; Allah is He on Whom all depend; He begets not, nor is He begotten; And none is like Him.”



Confucius of Confucianism asked: What are the words of Heaven? The four seasons pass, the hundred things bear life. What are the words of Heaven?


Sciurch shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Confucius pondering question “What are the words of Heaven?”


印度教犁俱吠陀创世颂里言: 唯一无气息地呼吸自它的本体,除此之外无别的.

Hindu Scripture Rigveda in the Creation Hymn sings “That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever.”


Sciurch shall explain from New Science revealed by GOD Hindu Scripture Creation Hymn “That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever.”



The Buddha said: "You should ponder on the fact that, though each of the four elements of which the body is made up has a name, none of them (constitute any part of) the real self. In fact, the self is non-existent, like a mirage."

科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来解答佛讲的 “當念身中四大,各有自名,都無我者。 我既都 無,其如幻耳!”

Sciurch shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Buddha’s saying “[T]hough each of the four elements of which the body is made up has a name, none of them (constitute any part of) the real self. In fact, the self is non-existant, like a mirage.”


非洲宗教 Yoruba 讲到每个人在物质世界的思想和行为都跟别的生物包括地球相连.

Yoruba religion holds that the thoughts and actions of each person in the physical realm interact with all other living things, including the Earth itself.

科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来解答 Yoruba 所讲到的每个人在物质世界的思想和行 为都跟别的生物包括地球相连.

Sciurch shall explain from New Science revealed by GOD Yoruba’s holding that the thoughts and actions of each person in the physical realm interact with all other living things, including the Earth itself.


道教的老子讲: 無,名天地之始﹔有,名萬物之母。

Laozi of Daoism stated: (Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; (conceived of as) having a name, it is the Mother of all things.


Sciurch shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Laozi’s saying “(Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; (conceived of as) having a name, it is the Mother of all things.”



Atheists don’t believe that there is GOD and GOD created the World and claim that only material world exists.

科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来反驳无神论者, 证明主存在,是主创造了世界及精神世 界也存在.

Sciurch shall rebuke atheists from New Science revealed by GOD, prove that GOD exists, GOD created the World and the Spiritual World exists too.


科学主是关于主的科学及主的新科学启示. 它是科学技术时代追求真理和统一的新道路. 科学主从科学角度支持所有传统宗教的大部份精神,神秘和唯心教导.

Scientific GOD is about the scientific aspect of GOD and Its new scientific revelations. It is a new pathway to truth and unity in the age of science and technology. Scientific GOD provides scientific bases for many spiritual, mystical and metaphysical teachings of all traditional religions.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 1 (2012): Paradox of Creation, Universe, Life & Consciousness

Biological Plausibility of the Pace of Creation Written in the Genesis, Future Implications of a Pre-Adamic, Global & High Ancient Civilization, Pregnant Zero and Universal Paradox, the Nature & Sensitivity of Chaos, The Way of the Ultimate Tao, the Self-Aware Emptiness of the Quantum Universe &Various Thoughts on God & Science.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 2 (2012): New Uncertainty Principle, Cosmos ex Natura & Relation of Chaos Equation to God

A New Uncertainty Principle Containing the Level of Consciousness, How to Achieve Enlightenment Scientifically, Cosmos ex Natura: Part I & II, Relation of the Chaos Equation to God, Being Ant-worthy & One More Proof that There Is a God.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 3 (2012): Divine Quantum Information Structure, Synchronicity & Luminous Ground

The Physical Universe as a Divine Quantum Information Structure, Synchronicity: When Cosmos Mirrors Inner Events, Luminous Ground: The Zero with a Thousand Faces, Bhrgu: The God of God Particle & Five (5) Book reviews.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 4 (2012): Virtual Reality, Quantum Mind & Self-Reference

The World as a Virtual Reality, Quantum Mind in TGD Universe, About Language, Self Reference and Everything, Conflict Resolution Strategies: Lessons from Nature, Evidence of God in Modern Physics, Universe from Nothing & Mystery of Time.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 5 (2012): Toward the Unification of Science & Spirituality

The Human Aspect of Christ between Classic and Quantum Consciousness; Unfolding the Visionary Path of the Tree of Life; Ultraholism: The Field of Infinite Meaning; Demiurgic Field: Its Patterning Role in Chaos, Creation & Creativity; & Zero Sum Game: Pre-Physical-Existence & Psychophysical Reality.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 6 (2012): Higgs Discovery, Shadow of God Particle, Key to Happiness & Ancient Wisdom

Scientific Genesis in the Making: Higgs Discovery & the Shadow of God Particle, Live Higgs Report on July 4, 2012 & Congratulations - It's a Boson, The Higgs Boson and the Power of Consistency, Is It Really Higgs? Creatio Ex Nihilo: Road to Single Mathematical Particle, The Key to Happiness in Existence, Ancient Wisdom in Modern Age: An Archaic Renaissance, The Esoteric Thesis: Unspeakable Things & Unknowable Truths, The Weak Force as Manifestation of Anima Mundi: An Exploration.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 7 (2012): On Atheist Spirituality Featuring Elemer E. Rosinger’s Work

Where and How Do They Happen? Can Four Questions Define the Transcendental? On Atheist Spirituality I, II, III, IV, V, VI & VII: Spiritual Poverty, Starting Proposition, End of Time, Human Awareness, Research vs. Development, Sensation of Truth, Comte-Sponville, Existence of God, Extended Harmony, Atheist Spirituality, Mysticism, Immanensity, Ocean of Feeling, Mystical Experience, Gnosticism, Problems with I, New & Old, Within You, and Mystery.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 8 (2012): On Matter, Spacetime, Materialist Metaphysical Dogmatism & Reflexive Praxis

More Thoughts on Light, Matter, Space & Time? Reflections on Materialist Metaphysical Dogmatism (Part I, II & III), Reflexive Praxis in Search of Archaic Wisdom, On Atheists’ Complaint of No Evidence for God.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 9 (2012): Cosmic Insight, Pathway for Compassion, Creation of Experiential Reality & Glocalisation

Scientific Pathway for Compassion, The Conscious or Unconscious Creation of Experiential Reality, Glocalisation as a Key Human Survival Technology, A Cosmic Insight, About Truth and Bias, The Experiential Basis of the Spiritualist/Materialist Duality, The Either/Or Nature of the Individual's Mode of Being, The Necessity of God & the Uncreated Whole.

Cover Page

Vol 3, No 10 (2012): The Eve of December 21, 2012: GOD’s Scientific Truth Is Marching On

11 Prompt: A Higher Calling for a New World, How GOD Created Light & Its Governing Law, Footprints of Omnipresence & Omniscience, Michael Persinger & the GOD Experiments, The Consciousness Connection, God’s Fingerprints, Difference between Science and Religion?

Dec 17 '12 · Tags: 2012, countdown, december 21
Cover Page

Vol 2, No 1 (2011): Scientific GOD Based on Reason, Revealed Knowledge & Spiritual/Mystical Experiences

New Proofs for the Existence of God: Part I, Quantum Epiontic GOD, Aether: The Physicalists' God, Nature of GOD: Part I, II & III, Reviews of Books on Christian Mystics, Cosmic Jackpot, Intelligent Design, the Emergence of Everything, & Beyond the Bleep

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 2 (2011): Various Proofs of the Existence of GOD & The Nature of Physical Universe

New Proofs for the Existence of God (Part II & III), the Nature of the Physical Universe, Quantum Entanglement, Its Nature and Manifestations,  the Basic Space-Time Equation of the Universe, Basic Cosmic Characteristics, Crisis of Knowledge at the Beginning of the 21st Century, & Something versus Nothing

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 3 (2011): New Internationale (Internationale 2012)

We Have a Dream: A Call to All Men and Women of Science and Religion to Rise Up, Unified Reality Theory in a Nutshell, Unified Reality Theory: Relational-Matrix Model & New Internationale (Internationale 2012)

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 4 (2011): The Mindnature of Mathematics & Experience of Unity at the Origin of Everything

Mindnature: Origin of Physicality & Mathematics, The Experience of Unity at the Origin of Everything, Science & Faith: Preconditions for a Unifying View, Time: A Dimension of Consciousness or of Actual Reality? Finding God in the Universe, How to Prove that There Is a God? Reality Out of Total Simultaneity.

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 5 (2011): Pure Consciousness,Higgsless World? Spirituality, Naïve Materialism & Multidimensional Mind

How to Pursue Pure Consciousness: A Scientific Analysis; Higgs Combos, Global Fit, the Dead, the Alive & the New; A Natural Explanation of Spiritual Enlightenment; Metaphoric Phantoms of Matter in Mind; Exciting New Era of Particle Physics; The Dawn of a Brave New World in Fundamental Physics; A Theory of the Multidimensional Universal Mind; & The Miracles of Forgiveness, Prophecy & Free Will.

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 6 (2011): Relationship Between Consciousness & Reality

How Consciousness Creates Reality, Relating the Relational-Matrix Model of Reality to Space-Time and Physical Reality, The Quantum Illusion-like Nature of ‘Reality’ & the Buddhist Doctrine of ‘Two Levels of Reality’ Part I: Deconstructing Reality, Stephen Hawking’s Hotchpotch, & God of the Gaps.

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 7 (2011): The American Dream of the 21st Century: A Call for Transformation of America

The American Dream of the 21st Century: A Call for Transformation of America, Power without Borders, Occupy the Imaginary World of Economy, The True and Profound Democracy Amendment: The Omnibus Anti-Corruption Amendment, Responses to “American Dream of the 21st Century.”


Historical Writings & Speeches: 
“Common Sense” by Thomas Paine (Jan. 10, 1776) 
“Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jefferson (July 4, 1776) 
“Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln (Nov. 19, 1863) 
Quotes from “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King, Jr. (Aug. 28, 1963) 

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 8 (2011): Hajj & Eid al-Adha 2011: Purity, Equality, Peace & Awareness of the Ultimate Reality of Allah

This is the first installment of SGJ V2(8) released on this special occasion of millions of Muslims starting annual Hajj and soon celebrating Eid al-Adha. Remaining articles are to appear within the month of November, 2011.

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 9 (2011): Hints of Higgs Boson, Existential Mechanics & What Is Scientific GOD

Has CERN Found the God Particle? A Calculation, Introduction to Existential Mechanics, Existential Mechanics Part I, II &III, If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the Higgs Boson? 什么是科学主? What Is Scientific GOD?

Cover Page

Vol 2, No 10 (2011): Reality in a Holographic World, Buddhist Metaphysics & Quantum Buddhism

What is Reality in a Holographic World? The ‘Epiontic’ Dependently Originating Process of Cyclic Existence, The Quantum Truth of the Buddhist Metaphysics of the ‘Two Realities’, The Metaphysics of Nondual Epiontic Quantum Mindnature, & Quantum Darwinism, Quantum Bayesianism & Quantum Buddhism.

Dec 16 '12 · Tags: 2011, 2012, countdown
The Principle of Existence

Vol 1, No 1 (2010): The Principle of Existence: Toward a Scientific Theory of Everything

Inaugural Issue of Scientific GOD Journal

Cover Page

Vol 1, No 2 (2010): One GOD Models & Mystical Experiences

Cover Page

Vol 1, No 3 (2010): 50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in GOD

Featuring Tihomir Dimitrov’s Research and Compilation of Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists & Philosophers Who Believe in GOD

Cover Page

Vol 1, No 4 (2010): Intuitionist, Integralist & the Living Universe

Cover Page

Vol 1, No 5 (2010): The Role of Revelation in Science: Toward an Exciting Rebuilding of Modern Physics

In Memory of Alexandru C. V. Ceapa: Featuring Alexandru C. V. Ceapa’s Life-long Work

Cover Page

Vol 1, No 6 (2010): Mysteries of Creation, Evolution & the Void

Dynamic Universe, “Tornado in a Lattice”, “Template Matrix”, the Void, Darwin & Evolution, GOD & Hawking’s “Hoax”, In-A-Nutshell & Song to Immanence & Transcendence.

Cover Page

Vol 1, No 7 (2010): Grand Designer, GOD & Science, Before Big Bang

Hawking’s Godless TOE, God & Science, Timeless & Climax, Intelligent Designs, Before Big Bang, & “Oh My Atheist Colleagues in Science”.

Cover Page

Vol 1, No 8 (2010): Scientific Genesis & Evolution Analyses Continued

Genesis of Matrix Law, Mathematical Ether, Natural Selection vs. Biological Evolution, Natural Evolution vs. Intelligent Design, Who Created GOD, Reviews of Books on Spiritual Dimensions, On Godless TOE, Mathematical Proof of Scientific GOD, Implications of Genome Research, & On “Inert” Matter.
Dec 15 '12 · Tags: 2012, countdown, december 21
Today unspeakable tragedy occurred in Newtown, Connecticut. So let us pray for the families and communities of this American town!

Although we cannot make sense out of the senseless, we can pray GOD for assistance and comfort to the families and communities affected, for GOD does hear our prayers.
Dec 15 '12 · Tags: 2012, countdown, december 21

Scientific GOD Prize (Part IV)

(Established in June 2007 - Non-Monetary Award)

In the name of our Creator
~ GOD, ALLAH, SHEN, Consciousness ~
who has been spiritually revealed to mankind through out the millennia by its Prophets, Son or other means such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Hinduism, Yi Jing & the Tao
we submitters to truth hereby proclaim the Scientific Revelations of the Creator and establish through Scientific GOD Inc.:

Scientific GOD Prize


(Continued from Part III)


Alfred Nobel ~~ John Templeton


Francis Crick ~~ Abdus Salam


Freeman Dyson ~~ James Watson ~~ David Hestenes ~~ Paul Laffoley
Brian Josephson ~~ Rubert Sheldrake ~~ Edgar Mitchell ~~ Kerson Huang

Dec 13 '12 · Tags: 2012, countdown, december 21

Scientific GOD Prize (Part III)

(Established in June 2007 - Non-Monetary Award)

In the name of our Creator
~ GOD, ALLAH, SHEN, Consciousness ~
who has been spiritually revealed to mankind through out the millennia by its Prophets, Son or other means such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Hinduism, Yi Jing & the Tao
we submitters to truth hereby proclaim the Scientific Revelations of the Creator and establish through Scientific GOD Inc.:

Scientific GOD Prize


(Continued from Part II)


Max Planck ~~ Albert Einstein ~~ Arthur Eddington ~~ Niels Bohr
Louis de Broglie ~~ Erwin Schrodinger ~~ Werner Heisenberg ~~ Wolfgang Pauli
Paul Dirac ~~ Hermann Weyl ~~ David J. Bohm ~~ John S. Bell


Thomas Edison ~~ Nicola Tesla


Hua Luogeng


Nikolai A. Kozyrev ~~ Carl Jung ~~ Teilhard Chardin ~~ Franklin Merrell-Wolff
John C. Lilly ~~ Buckminster Fuller ~~ Wilhelm Reich


Martin Luther King, Jr. ~~ Walt Disney

Dec 12 '12 · Tags: 2012, countdown, december 21

Scientific GOD Prize (Part II)

(Established in June 2007 - Non-Monetary Award)

In the name of our Creator
~ GOD, ALLAH, SHEN, Consciousness ~
who has been spiritually revealed to mankind through out the millennia by its Prophets, Son or other means such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Hinduism, Yi Jing & the Tao
we submitters to truth hereby proclaim the Scientific Revelations of the Creator and establish through Scientific GOD Inc.:

Scientific GOD Prize


(Continued from Part I)


Thomas Jefferson ~~ Abraham Lincoln


Rene Decartes ~~ Gottfried Leibniz ~~ Baruch Spinoza ~~ William Blake


James Clark Maxwell ~~ Gustav Fechner ~~ Ernst Mach ~~ Alfred N. Whitehead


Gregor Mendel ~~ Charles Darwin


Helena P. Blavatsky ~~ Annie Besant ~~ Walter Russell ~~ Sri Aurobindo
William James


Edgar Cayce

(To be Continued)

Dec 11 '12 · Tags: 2012, countdown, december 21
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