Levels, Dimensions & Theatres of Consciousness: Part 1 from Administrator's blog

Quantum Human & Animal Consciousness: A Concept Embracing Philosophy, Quantitative Molecular Biology & Mathematics (by Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Massimo Pregnolato, Eliano Pessa): Abstract: Biology and culture, consciousness and the world, subject and object, inner and outer have continuity and find, in the "creative transcendence” of consciousness and its experiences, a privileged degree of understanding. The aims of this paper are: (1) to stress the validity of the phenomenological approach to consciousness and the subsequent interpretation of memory, expression of the “ego” as a continuous narrative of “self”; (2) to show that a molecular structure, such as tubulin, can effectively modulate the state of consciousness through the changes that occur within it; (3) to formulate a plausible hypothesis about the existence of different levels of consciousness in animals; (4) to introduce a hypothesis concerning the involvement of membrane viscosity and serotonin as regulatory agents in different levels of consciousness such as mood disorders and hallucinations. It is suggested that consciousness persists even in the face of minimal conditions, perhaps even in traumatic brain injuries. Such a suggestion is justified at the bio molecular level through introduction of the hypothesis that Schrödinger proteins (i.e. tubulins) are the biological interface from quantum to classical computation, underlying quantum/classical consciousness processes and at the crossroad of memory and learning capacities. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/143

Levitation during Meditation: A Scientific Investigation (by Pradeep B. Deshpande, B. D. Kulkarni, S. S. Aroskar, S. N. Bhavsar): Abstract: The phenomenon of human levitation while in the state of meditation has been investigated from a six sigma perspective. Using the forces of gravitation and buoyancy, we provide scientific explanation for the phenomenon and derive balancing condition for neutrality beyond which the gravitational forces can be overcome. Direct experimental evidences in the form of snapshots in time giving the details as one progresses into meditation as well as a link to video records of persons in the state of levitation are provided. Indirect evidences and ancient writings appear to be consistent with the mechanics of levitation. Reputable scientific publications have been reporting on the characteristics and benefits of meditation for some years. The work reported herein appears to add to an increasing body of evidence on the variety of measurable outcomes of meditation. http://2012daily.com/?q=node/add/article

A Model of Human Consciousness (by Robert H. Kettell): Abstract: It has been difficult to define human consciousness because of its many differing qualities and because of various views people have of consciousness. It is proposed that these multiple vantage points be united into a single three-dimensional model utilizing breadth, time and depth. This model could provide a more comprehensive definition of consciousness and encourage an exploration of the interplay of consciousness’ many features. Such a model may also help answer some of the many questions that the concept of consciousness creates.

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