The purpose of this paper is to discuss the biological plausibility of the pace of creation written in the genesis. A fascinating hypothesis is made on the central role of serotonin as a guide, as the director of the phenomena that enable the best use of light by the plant world, the growth, the regulation of mood in the complex molecular interactions that characterize the varying levels of consciousness. This hypothesis provides biological interpretations of the correspondence of creative steps, from light to man, passing through the vegetable and animal world.
Future Implications of a Pre-Adamic, Global & High Ancient Civilization (by Nadeem Haque)
A pre-Adamic global highly evolved united ancient civilization that believed in the oneness of God is shown to have existed from the textual evidence within the Quran, based on an analysis of certain verses that have been deconstructed and examined, with novel insights. Furthermore, recent archeological and textual work is pushing back the dates of ‘ancient civilizations’. This, together with the Quran’s remarkable historical accuracy of archaeologically unknown facts at the time of its advent about 1,400 years ago, is uncovering unexpected facets of our very distant past, with vital implications for our future.
Pregnant Zero and Universal Paradox (by Chris King):
To illustrate the nature of paradox and sexual division we shall first make a short digression into numbers and logical systems including how to bootstrap from nothing to an abnormal universe. Paradox, in terms of logically confounding, has a wider application. Another face of sexual paradox may lie in our incapacity to completely tie down descriptions of reality into fully-definable closed systems. Thus, logical systems are rather like open thermodynamic systems, which exchange information across their boundaries, and do not necessarily tend to a closed equilibrium. There is also a deep identity between logic and set theory, because the set operations are symbolic logic applied to the elements. Finally, mathematics, like quantum reality, contains two currents, typified by the discrete operations of algebra and combinatorics and the continuous properties of the functions and limit operations of calculus and topology.
The Wall