The Master said, Right is the stuff of which a gentleman is made. Done with courtesy, spoken with humility, rounded with truth, right makes a gentleman.
11. 子曰:「人無遠慮,必有近憂。」
The Master said. Without thought for far off things, there shall be trouble near at hand.
12. 子曰:「已矣乎!吾未見好德如好色者也!」
The Master said, All is ended! I have seen no one that loves mind as he loves looks!
13. 子曰:「臧文仲,其竊位者與?知柳下惠之賢而不與立也。」
The Master said, Did not Tsang Wen filch his post? He knew the worth of Liu-hsia Hui, and did not stand by him.
14. 子曰:「躬自厚,而薄責於人,則遠怨矣!」
The Master said, By asking much of self and little of other men ill feeling is banished.
15. 子曰:「不曰:『如之何,如之何』者,吾末如之何也已矣?」
The Master said, Unless a man say, Would this do? Would that do? I can do nothing for him.
16. 子曰:「群居終日,言不及義,好行小慧,難矣哉!」
The Master said, When all day long there is no talk of right, and little wiles find favour, the company is in hard case.
17. 子曰:「君子義以為質,禮以行之,孫以出之,信以成之,君子哉!」
The Master said, Right is the stuff of which a gentleman is made. Done with courtesy, spoken with humility, rounded with truth, right makes a gentleman.
18. 子曰:「君子病無能焉,不病人之不己知也。」
The Master said, His shortcomings trouble a gentleman; to be unknown does not trouble him.
19. 子曰:「君子疾沒世而名不稱焉。」
The Master said, A gentleman fears that his name shall be no more heard when life is done.
20. 子曰:「君子求諸己,小人求諸人。」
The Master said, A gentleman asks of himself, the small man asks of others.
The Wall