PSTJ V3(7) Published: The Hunt for the Higgs Boson & the Final Prize from Administrator's blog

Prespacetime Journal has just published Volume 3 Issue & entitled "The Huntfor the Higgs Boson & the Final Prize" at

Table of Contents: Special Reports --------

If There Is a Nobel Prize for the Higgs Boson, Who Will Get It? (by Philip E. Gibbs) Articles --------

The Classical Canonical Presentation of Any Quantum System upon Quantization Opens a Door to the System’s Proliferation (by Steven K. Kauffmann)

Quantum Adeles and Quantum Hilbert Spaces (by Matti Pitkänen)

GR Articles --------

Kantowaski-Sachs Dark Energy Cosmological Model in a Saez-Ballester Theory of Gravitation (by Shivdas D. Katore, A. Y. Shaikh, G. B. Tayade) Exact Vacuum Solutions of Five-Dimensional Bianchi Type-I Space-Time in f(R) Theory of Gravity (by Vipin K. Jaiswal, Rupesh A. Hiwarkar, Jyotsna K. Jumale, Keshao D. Thengane)

Essays --------

Educational Horizons and the Frontiers of Science (by Jonathan J. Dickau) Bayesian Statistics and SUSY (by Philip E. Gibbs)

Book Reviews --------

Review of Physics on the Fringe (by Philip E. Gibbs)

News --------

LHC Update: Another Week, Another Inverse Femtobarn (by Philip E. Gibbs)

Higgs Combination Applet & 4th FQXi Essay Contest (by Philip E. Gibbs)

Letter to the Editor --------

Maxwell's Theory of Gravity and Thermodynamics (by Mohammed Alzain)

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