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Tag search results for: "science"
Oh My Atheist Colleagues in Science (by Huping Hu on October 17, 2010)

Oh my atheist colleagues in science: Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body? No, yet you believe that they exist; Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together? No, yet you know that they must be there; Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body? No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.


Oh my atheist colleagues in science: Have you seen the Earth on which we reside? Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder. Have you felt the air that you breathe? Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider, Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside? Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.


Oh my atheist colleagues in science: If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations? Would you still deny that IT exists? If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles? Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws? If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters? Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?


Oh my atheist colleagues in science: Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD, Would you rather live in denial? You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride, Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that? Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests, Would you rather be in idle?


The Whole Sum Infinity: Merging Spirituality and Integrative Biophysics (by Iona Miller): We all have our own metaphysics – a worldview – whether we are aware of it or not. Science can and should contribute to that worldview of how things are and work, but should not monopolize it. We should locate scientific understanding within a wider view of knowledge that gives equally serious consideration to other metanarratives and forms of human insight and experience. Perhaps we must learn to respect both domains to understand fully the world in which we live. We can conveniently call the scientific perspective “physics” and the stereoscopic view “metaphysics,” which goes beyond (“meta”) the purview of science alone. Both provide what we can call a meaningful “working” knowledge of reality for getting things done, whether they are an entirely accurate reflection of Reality, or not, until science solves the final riddles of existence.

How the Brain Creates the Feeling of God: The Emergent Science of Neurotheology (by Iona Miller): In creativity and meditation we seek in a fully conscious way, willfully cooperating and facilitating the process not only of connecting with God, but experiencing oneself in the process of “becoming” god. The absorbed ego no longer perceives itself as a separate expression of consciousness, but as the same essence as All. We can become technoshamans, using the process of altering our consciousness through spiritual technologies. Even “lesser” mystical experiences have significant implications for spirituality and theology. It is the nature of the mystical mind to have such experiences and they have altered religion. So, a thorough understanding of how the mind/body functions to generate them is extremely useful. Paradoxical physiological mechanisms operate in the body under most conditions to chemically prevent the attainment of higher states of arousal on either end of the spectrum. But it is possible, with repeated exposure to the paradoxical situation to function effectively at higher levels of conjoined sympathetic and parasympathetic arousal, traditionally associated with sacred experience.

The Brahma Uncertainty Principle (by Pradeep B. Deshpande, B. D. Kulkarni): The authors present a new uncertainty principle which contains a major impact factor, the level of consciousness of the experimenter and/or the subject if any, that can lead to uncertain results. A number of experiments have been conducted to back up this uncertainty principle. The findings may lead to a new understanding of certain observed phenomena.

Science of Enlightenment (by Pradeep B. Deshpande)

A chemical engineer’s perspective on the science of enlightenment is presented. Rational but open-minded scientists have been relentlessly pursuing evidence which would support the wisdom of our enlightened ancestors. Western scientists have done an awful lot of wonderful work in recent decades that is chipping away at the mystery surrounding the phenomenon of enlightenment. The resulting ideas and concepts cut across all boundaries of religion, race, caste, cultures and nationality. The framework is made possible by ancient Eastern wisdom and the work of Western scientists. The concepts are not only for individual transformation but also for world transformation and as a subset, national transformation. While there appears to be a theoretical limit on national or world transformation and therefore the extent to which global peace can be achieved, the framework in this paper is capable of making a real difference for humanity.

Sexual Paradox in the Conscious Brain (by Chris King)

Despite its seemingly ephemeral basis in a sappy organismic brain at the 'apex' of evolution, subjective consciousness may be too fundamental a property to be explained, except in terms of fundamental physical principles, as a complementary manifestation to quantum non-locality, which directly manifests the principle of choice in free-will in generating history. This cosmology is intrinsically sexual. Subject-object complementarity is different from either panpsychism or Cartesian duality. The subjective aspect is described as complimentary to the physical loophole of quantum uncertainty and entanglement, just as the wave and particle aspects of the quantum universe are complementary. Subjective and objective are interdependent upon one another with neither fully described in terms of the other. Furthermore, the transactional interpretation is intrinsically sexual in the sense that all exchanges are mediated through entangled relationship between an emitter and an absorber in which reduction of the wave function is a match-making sequence of marriages. This sexual paradigm is not simply an analogy, but is a deep expression of the mutual complementarity and intrinsic relationship manifest in the existential realm, physically and subjectively.

Scientific GOD Journal has just published its latest issue V3(5) entitled "Toward the Unification of Science & Spirituality" at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit SGJ website to review articles and items of interest.

Table of Contents (


The Human Aspect of Christ between Classic and Quantum Consciousness: Gethsemane - Anxiety & Depression between Biochemistry & Anthropology (by Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello & Fabio Gabrielli)

Unfolding the Visionary Path of the Tree of Life (by Chris King)

Ultraholism: The Field of Infinite Meaning (by Iona Miller)

Demiurgic Field: Its Patterning Role in Chaos, Creation & Creativity (by Iona Miller & Paul Wildman)

Zero Sum Game: Pre-Physical-Existence & Psychophysical Reality (by Iona Miller)

SGJ Editors
Scientific GOD Inc.

Generalization of Thermodynamics Allowing Negentropic Entanglement & a Model for Conscious Information Processing (by Matti Pitkänen): Abstract: Costa de Beauregard considers a model for information processing by a computer based on an analogy with Carnot's heat engine. As such the model Beauregard for computer does not look convincing as a model for what happens in biological information processing. Combined with TGD based vision about living matter, the model however inspires a model for how conscious information is generated and how the second law of thermodynamics must be modified in TGD framework. The basic formulas of thermodynamics remain as such since the modification means only the replacement S→S−N, where S is thermodynamical entropy and N the negentropy associated with negentropic entanglement. This circumvents the basic objections against the application of Beauregard's model to living systems. One can also understand why living matter is so effective entropy producer as compared to inanimate matter and also the characteristic decomposition of living systems to highly negentropic and entropic parts as a consequence of generalized second law. ADP-ATP process of metabolism provides a concrete application for the generalized thermodynamics.

Source-Free Electromagnetism's Canonical Fields Reveal the Free-photon Schrödinger Equation (by Steven K. Kauffmann): Abstract: Classical equations of motion that are first-order in time and conserve energy can only be quantized after their variables have been transformed to canonical ones, i.e., variables in which the energy is the system's Hamiltonian. The source-free version of Maxwell's equations is purely dynamical, first-order in time and has well-defined nonnegative conserved field energy but is decidedly noncanonical. That should long ago have made source-free Maxwell equation canonical Hamiltonization a research priority, and afterward, standard textbook fare, but textbooks seem unaware of the issue. The opposite parities of the electric and magnetic fields and consequent curl operations that typify Maxwell's equations are especially at odds with their being canonical fields. Transformation of the magnetic field into the transverse part of the vector potential helps but is not sufficient; further simple nonnegative symmetric integral transforms, which commute with all differential operators, are needed for both fields; such transforms also supplant the curls in the equations of motion. The canonical replacements of the source-free electromagnetic fields remain transverse-vector fields, but are more diffuse than their predecessors, albeit less diffuse than the transverse vector potential. Combined as the real and imaginary parts of a complex field, the canonical fields prove to be the transverse-vector wave function of a time-dependent Schrodinger equation whose Hamiltonian operator is the quantization of the free photon's square-root relativistic energy. Thus proper quantization of the source-free Maxwell equations is identical to second quantization of free photons that have normal square-root energy. There is no physical reason why first and second quantization of any relativistic free particle ought not to proceed in precise parallel, utilizing the square-root Hamiltonian operator. This natural procedure leaves no role for the completely artificial Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, as accords with their grossly unphysical properties.

Analysis of the Problem of Relation between Geometry and Natural Sciences (by Temur Kalanov): Abstract: The work is devoted to analysis of an actual problem – the problem of relation between geometry and natural sciences. Methodological basis of the analysis is the unity of formal logic and of rational dialectics. It is shown within the framework of this basis that geometry represents field of natural sciences. Definitions of the basic concepts "point", "line", "straight line", "surface", "plane surface", and “triangle” of the elementary (Euclidean) geometry are formulated. The natural-scientific proof of the parallel axiom (Euclid’s fifth postulate), classification of triangles on the basis of a qualitative (essential) sign, and also material interpretation of Euclid’s, Lobachevski’s, and Riemann’s geometries are proposed.

The Rise of Collaborative Spirit in Science and the Fall of the "Iron Curtain" (by Huping Hu): Abstract: This issue marks the one year anniversary of the maiden voyage of Prespacetime Journal (“PSTJ”) as a vehicle for physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of spacetime and its possible connection to a prespacetime. It is also a journal where all learned scholars can present their models and experimental results on elemental particles, fundamental forces including gravity and related topics. Here we briefly summarize the past and discuss the future of this journal and the publiser behind it. What we have witnessed so far through this journal is the rise of collaborative spirit in science. We urge all genuine truth seekers to work together and thus cause the fall of the “Iron Curtain.”

Black Hole Complementarity as a Condition on Pre and Post Selected String States (by Lawrence B. Crowell): Abstract: The holographic principle of black holes tells us the field theoretic information of strings on the event horizon is completely equivalent to field theoretic information in the spacetime one dimension larger outside. This physics is observed on a frame stationary with respect to the black hole. The question naturally arises: what physics is accessed by the observer falling through the event horizon on an inertial frame? This paper examines this and demonstrates a duality between the two perspectives. This question is important for the black hole small enough to exhibit fluctuations comparable to its scale. A sufficiently small quantum black hole will be composed of strings in a superposition of interior and exterior configurations or states.

Is Einstein Still Misunderstood? (by Amrit S. Sorli): Abstract: Constancy of the light velocity in different inertial systems and areas of space with different gravity implies that relativistic effects of relative velocity of material change start with massive particles. In Special Theory of Relativity and in General Theory of Relativity time t is a numerical order of material change i.e. motion in a 4D space. Time is not part of the space. Time is a numerical order of change that runs in space.

Plane Symmetric Universe with Wet Dark Fluid in General Relativity (by Shivdas D. Katore, A. Y. Shaikh, M. M. Sancheti, S. A. Bhaskar): Abstract: Plane Symmetric Universe filled with dark energy from a wet dark fluid has been considered. A new equation of state for dark energy component of the Universe has been used. It is modeled on the equation of state p=γ(ρ- ρ) which can describe a liquid, for example water. The exact solution to the corresponding field equations are obtained in quadrature form. The solution for constant deceleration parameter have been studied in detail for both power-law and exponential forms. The cases γ=1 and γ=0 have also been analyzed.

The Grand Designer: Can Hawking's Godless Theory of Everything Run without GOD (by Graham P. Smetham)

Abstract: Hawking-Mlodinow Theory of Everything (“HAM-TOE”) requires the assumption that mathematics has within its own nature the power to ‘breath fire’ into its own equations. But one must ask what actually guarantees that just because ‘the positive energy of matter can be balanced by the negative gravitational energy’ it must follow that the universe ‘will create itself from nothing.’ Hawking was the seventeenth occupant of the Lucasian Chair of Mathematics at Cambridge University. How remarkable then that, when the full implications of the HAM-TOE model are properly drawn out, the resulting theological-metaphysical model bears an uncanny resemblance to the theological perspective of the second occupant of the Lucasian Chair, Sir Isaac Newton, who suggested that space was the ‘sensorium of God.’ The universe uses the perceiving process within the dualistic world of experience in order to explore and experience its own nature. Human beings occupy a central place in this process because they are the universe’s agents (leaving aside the issue of beings elsewhere in the universe) in the process of universal self-exploration, self-perfection and self-transcendence. This indeed is a universal process of self-discovery which modern theologians may wish to call ‘God.’

Some Reflections on God and Science (by Himangsu S. Pal): Abstract: Perhaps this is the greatest irony in the whole history of our human civilization so far: science has explained that very God whose existence it has vehemently denied. If God does not exist, then those scientists who have given us special theory of relativity should not be called proper scientists at all. And if God does not exist, then special theory of relativity is not a proper science at all; it is simply a pseudo-science, something like astrology. To call it a science is an insult to human reason and understanding.

Timeless & Climax (by Himangsu S. Pal): Abstract: If mystics’ sense of timelessness was in no way connected with the external world, then how will one justify scientists’ action here? Did these scientists think that the inside of the mystics’ heads was the real world? And so, when these mystics got their sense of timelessness from their head, then that should only be construed as a state of timelessness in the real world? And therefore, as scientists they were obliged to show as to how that state could be reached? Further, I think we need no further proof for the existence of God as I will explain in the Climax.

Horizon: Before the Big Bang (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: I think that explaining the universe requires us to look at ontological causality rather than temporal causality and the big bang is just one feature of the universe, not the reason for its existence. Although the experiments mentioned and others may throw some light on the nature of the big bang, we first need a better understanding of quantum gravity. There is still scope for theoretical developments that may help even before the experiments bear fruit. Even if you favour the string theory/M-theory route to quantum gravity (as I do), a better understanding of their foundations is required before we can hope to answer these questions about cosmology.

What before Big Bang? (by Matti Pitkanen): Abstract: In a recent BBC documentary, some familiar old names and also two younger not so well-known cosmologists told about their answers to the question "What before Big Bang". Most of these approaches shared something with my own approach although all of them are conceptually primitive and involve a lot of hand waving. The reason is that these theoreticians remain in the framework of General Relativity where the new ideas do not have a natural place.

Oh My Atheist Colleagues in Science (by Huping Hu): Abstract: This poem/lyrics is an appeal to the author’s atheist colleagues in science. It represents his hope for their transformation to search, research & embrace Scientific GOD.

Revelation’s Role in the Act of Science (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: No role is granted to revelation (as disclosure by God) in the act of science. However, Einstein’s derivation of the Lorentz transformation in [1], and his later disregarding of it are the most striking proof that revelation plays an essential role in the act of science. Once we identified the mark of revelation in [1], it is (more or less) identifiable in the valuable work of any physicist. Unfortunately, when it happened, the identification of the mark of revelation was not followed by a rationale of the work. As to the impact of the missed revealed knowledge on the human progress, we will examine the consequences of the works of Einstein, Dirac and der Waerden.

Relativistic Energy-Momentum & Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: The relativistic energy-momentum relationship is far more subtle than it seems to be at a first sight. As concerns the relativistic quantum mechanics, its underlying equations were deduced from, or in relation with the relativistic energy-momentum relationship by means of the principle of correspondence. Without a clear physical role and meaning associated, the matrices of the Dirac equation seemed to confirm that the principle of the physical determination of equations would not be proper to the new quantum mechanics. Therefore, we have to search for genuine physical information in the terms of the underlying equations of the relativistic quantum mechanics. This information concerns a level of structure of matter “even below that on which nuclear transformations take place.”

Subquantum Dynamics & Wavefunctions (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: The undulatory phenomenon that de Broglie associated to the quantum particles seems basic for their mathematical description by wavefunctions. The Dirac wavefunctions y contains in their structural elements information on the constituents of the Dirac particles responsible for, or at least in interrelation with, the undulatory phenomenon.

Subquantum Model, Caianiello’s Phase Space, Space-Time Geometry & Ether (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: In the standard model of particle physics, the relativistic field theory disregards the essential subquantum information. We have built model of elementary particles consisting of two systems of subquantum particles spinning in opposite directions. We further discusss here the subquantum model, Caianiello’s phase space, space-time geometry & ether.

Toward an Exciting Rebuilding of Modern Physics: Conclusion (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: By disclosing the objective reality behind Einstein’s manipulation of equations in [1], we provided for the first time a rationale for the revealed knowledge. It is this rationale that scientists should give in their works for a true advancement of science to be achieved. It should be understood that science and religion are not antinomies, as they seemed to be in the break of science.

Epilogue: From ‘Physics Policy’ to ‘Physics as Policy’ (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: Leading physicists have become aware of the resulting lack of finality of most projects, which has scaled up the crisis of modern physics risen from the physicists’ attitude toward the role played by revelation in the act of science and the resulting uncontrolled mixture of revealed and rational knowledge in their minds. But, instead of identifying the causes of the crisis which we pointed out in Prologue), and eradicating them as we partly did in this work, they have opted for substantial funds by launching big, expensive projects with feeble experimental results. ‘Physics policy’ should define the contest for funds turning research projects into main contributions to progress. The turning of ‘physics policy’ into ‘physics as policy’ may be followed by a boom on the world market of novel technologies and products with maximum of profit for mankind.

The Role of Revelation in Science (by Huping Hu): Abstract: Alexandru C. V. Ceapa suggested in his work posthumously published here that comtemorary physicists deny the role of Divine revelation in the making of modern physics and yet Einstein’s derivation of the Lorentz transformation in his 1905 paper on Special Theory of Relativity (“STR”) and his later disregarding of it were the most striking proof that revelation played an essential role in the making of STR. Ceapa’s work challenges all truth seekers to think deeply about the origin of scientific insight and creativity and examine closely the ontological basis of the pillars of modern physics, e.g., Einstein’s STR. If doing so shall assist us move “toward an exciting rebuilding of modern physics” as Ceapa hoped, he had not fought in vain and his work should not be forgotten.

My Friendship with Dr. Alexandru Ceapa (by Yiannis Haranas): Abstract: This is my brief recollection of my friendship with Dr. Alexandru Ceapa who passed away in 2006.

Dr. Alexandru C.V. Ceapa as I know (by Isabel Gaju) :Abstract: This is my brief recollection of Dr. Alexandru C.V. Ceapa as a family friend and physicist.

Toward an Exciting Rebuilding of Modern Physics: Forward (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: For contributing to a true advancement of science, physicists should define a correct attitude toward revelation, identify, like the classical physicists, the physical information incorporated in the terms of the underlying equations, and give a rationale for their work, or any work they investigate. Einstein’s merit of turning parts of revealed knowledge (without being aware of dealing with it) into rational knowledge in deducing the Lorentz transformation in [1] proves that his genius was actually far more impressive than that just celebrated in the World Year of Physics 2005 [3]. Unfortunately, his resulting jumps over all explanatory steps have hidden his distinguished performance.

Prologue: Outline of the Crisis of Modern Physics (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: The definition of revelation and the attitude toward it is illustrated. Key contributors toward the crisis of Modern Physics due to the unwareness or attitude on revealed knowledge are pointed out.

Definitions, Working Hypothesis & Operational Method (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: Definitions, working hypothesis & operational method are described here. This will allow us to obtain later time-dependent coordinate transformations that are complementary to those already known as spatial translations and rotations.

Complementary Time-Dependent Coordinate Transformation (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa): Abstract: Abstract coordinate systems at abolsute rest are discussed. Time-dependent coordinate transformations that are complementary to those already known as spatial translations and rotations are described here. Then, it is shown that standard Lorentz transformation is a complementary time-dependent coordinate transformation.

Lorentz Transformation & the Meaning of Einstein’s 1905 Special Theory of Relativity (by Alexandru C. V. Ceapa) Abstract: When the Lorentz transformation as a complementary time-dependent coordinate transformation is applied to special relativity theory, we get the objective reality warranting Einstein’s decisions to manipulate some equations that led to the standard Lorentz transformation in [1]. It turns out that the terms and in the standard Lorentz transformation are, respectively, the abscissa of a geometrical point and the Newtonian time in which a light signal travels that abscissa.

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published Volume 3 Issue 2 at

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research Vol 3, No 2 (2012): Science of Enlightenment & Various Aspects of Consciousness

Table of Contents


The Brahma Uncertainty Principle by Pradeep B. Deshpande, B. D. Kulkarni

Science of Enlightenment by Pradeep B. Deshpande

Sexual Paradox in the Conscious Brain by Chris King

The ‘Core’ Concept and the Mathematical Mind: Part I by Chris King

The ‘Core’ Concept and the Mathematical Mind: Part II by Chris King

TGD Based Consciousness Theory and the "God" Helmet by Matti Pitkanen

Views about Free Will & the Anatomy of State Function Reduction by Matti Pitkanen

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