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Prespacetime Journal has just published V2(13) entitled "Hints of Higgs Boson at 125 GeV Are Found: Congratulations to All the People at LHC!" at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit the journal website to review articles and items of interest.

Thanks for the continuing interest in and support of PSTJ.


Huping Hu

PSTJ Editor
QuantumDream, Inc.

Prespacetime Journal
Vol 2, No 13 (2011): Hints of Higgs Boson at 125 GeV Are Found:
Congratulations to All the People at LHC!
Table of Contents

Special Reports
Refined Higgs Rumours
        Philip E. Gibbs

Higgs Boson Live Blog: Analysis of the CERN Announcement
        Philip E. Gibbs

Has CERN Found the God Particle? A Calculation
        Philip E. Gibbs

Electron Spin Precession for the Time Fractional Pauli Equation
        Hosein Nasrolahpour

GR Articles
Plane Wave Solutions of Weakened Field Equations in a Plane Symmetric
        Sanjay R. Bhoyar,        A. G. Deshmukh

Plane Wave Solutions of Field Equations of Israel and Trollope’s Unified
Field Theory in V5
        Gowardhan P. Urkude,        Jyotsna K. Jumale,        Keshao D. Thengane

If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the
Higgs Boson?
        Huping Hu,        Maoxin Wu

What is Reality in a Holographic World?
        James Kowall

Searching for Earth’s Twin
        Philip E. Gibbs

Prespacetime Journal
Administrator · Dec 28 '11 · Tags: 125 gev, higgs boson, lhc, atlas, cms
Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research has just published its latest issue entitled "Novel Photon Emissions from the Brain, Hints of Higgs Boson & Quantum Buddhism" at We invite you to review the Table of Contents here and then visit the journal website to review articles and items of interest.

We'd also like to bring your attention to the important photon emission results reported by Professor Persinger's Group in several journals:

Thank you for your continuing interest in and support of JCER.


Huping Hu & Maoxin Wu

JCER Editors
QuantumDream, Inc.

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
Vol 2, No 10 (2011): Novel Photon Emissions from the Brain, Hints of Higgs
Boson & Quantum Buddhism
Table of Contents

Increased Photon Emissions from the Right But Not the Left Hemisphere While
Imagining White Light in the Dark: The Potential Connection Between
Consciousness and Cerebral Light
        Blake T. Dotta,        Michael A. Persinger

Has CERN Found the God Particle? A Calculation
        Philip E. Gibbs

The Myth of Mind-Independent Reality & the Metaphysics of Nondual Epiontic
Quantum Mindnature
        Graham P. Smetham

The Elegance of Enigma: Quantum Darwinism, Quantum Bayesianism (QBism) &
Quantum Buddhism
        Graham P. Smetham

If the LHC Particle Is Real, What Is One of the Other Possibilities than the
Higgs Boson?
        Huping Hu,        Maoxin Wu

Genome and Plausible Genopsych
        D. M. R. Sekhar

Important photon Emission Results Reported by Michael Persinger’s Group
        Huping Hu,        Maoxin Wu

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research
1. 子曰:「為政以德,譬如北辰,居其所而眾星共之。」
The Master said, He that rules by mind is like the north star, steady in his seat, whilst the stars all bend to him.

2. 子曰:「詩三百,一言以蔽之,曰:思無邪。」
The Master said, The three hundred poems are summed up in the one line, Think no evil.

3. 子曰:「道之以政,齊之以刑,民免而無恥;道之以德,齊之以禮,有恥且格。」
The Master said, Guide the people by law, aline them by punishment; they may shun crime, but they will want shame. Guide them by mind, aline them by courtesy; they will learn shame and grow good.

4. 子曰:「吾十有五而志于學,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳順,七 十而從心所欲,不踰矩。」
The Master said, At fifteen, I had the will to learn; at thirty, I could stand; at forty, I had no doubts; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding; at sixty, my ears were opened; at seventy, I could do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the square.

5. 孟懿子問孝。子曰:「無違。」樊遲御,子告之曰:「孟孫問孝於我,我對曰,『無 違。』」樊遲曰:「何謂也?」子曰:「生,事之以禮;死,葬之以禮,祭之以禮。」
Meng Yi asked the duty of a son.
The Master said, Not to transgress.
As Fan Chi'ih was driving him, the Master said, Meng-sun asked me the duty of a son; I answered, Not to transgress.
What did ye mean? said Fan Chi'ih.
To serve our father and mother with courtesy whilst they live; to bury them with courtesy when they die, and to worship them with courtesy.

6. 孟武伯問孝。子曰:「父母唯其疾之憂。」
Meng Wu asked the duty of a son.
The Master said, He should not grieve his father and mother by anything but illness.

7. 子游問孝。子曰:「今之孝者,是謂能養。至於犬馬,皆能有養;不敬,何以別乎。」
Tzu-yu asked the duty of a son.
The Master said, He that can feed his parents is now called a good son. But both dogs and horses are fed, and unless we honour our parents, what is the difference?

8. 子夏問孝。子曰:「色難。有事,弟子服其勞;有酒食,先生饌,曾是以為孝乎?」
Tzu-hsia asked the duty of a son.
The Master said, Our manner is the hard part. For the young to be a stay in toil and leave the wine and food to their elders, is this to fulfill their duty?

9. 子曰:「吾與回言終日,不違如愚。退而省其私,亦足以發,回也不愚。」
The Master said, If I talk all day to Hui, like a dullard, he never differs from me. But when he is gone, if I watch him when alone, he can carry out what I taught. No, Hui is no dullard!

10. 子曰:「視其所以,觀其所由,察其所安。人焉廋哉?人焉廋哉?」
The Master said, See what he does; watch what moves him; search what pleases him: can the man lie hidden? Can the man lie hidden?

11. 子曰:「溫故而知新,可以為師矣。」
The Master said, To keep old knowledge warm and get new makes the teacher.

12. 子曰:「君子不器。」
The Master said, A gentleman is not a vessel.

13. 子貢問君子。子曰:「先行其言,而後從之。」
Tzu-kung asked, What is a gentleman?
The Master said, He puts words into deeds first, and follows these up with words.

14. 子曰:「君子周而不比,小人比而不周。」
The Master said, A gentleman is broad and fair; the small man takes sides and is narrow.

15. 子曰:「學而不思則罔,思而不學則殆。」
The Master said, Learning without thought is naught; thought without learning is dangerous.

16. 子曰:「攻乎異端,斯害也己。」
The Master said, To fight strange doctrines does harm.

17. 子曰:「由!誨女知之乎!知之為知之,不知為不知,是知也。」
The Master said, Yu, shall I teach thee what is wisdom? To know what we know, and know what we do not know, is wisdom.

18. 子張學干祿。子曰:「多聞闕疑,慎言其餘,則寡尤。多見闕殆,慎行其餘,則寡 悔。言寡尤,行寡悔,祿在其中矣。」
Tsu-chang learned with an eye to pay.
The Master said, Hear much, leave all that is doubtful alone, speak warily of everything else, and few will be offended. See much, leave all that is dangerous alone, deal warily with everything else, and thou wilt have little to rue. If thy words seldom give offence, and thy deeds leave little to rue, pay will follow.

19. 哀公問曰:「何為則民服?」孔子對曰:「舉直錯諸枉,則民服;舉枉錯諸直,則民 不 服。」
Duke Ai asked, What should I do to win the people?
Confucius answered, Lift up the straight, put away the crooked; and the people will be won. Lift up the crooked, put away the straight; and the people will not be won.

20. 季康子問:「使民敬忠以勸,如之何?」子曰:「臨之以莊則敬,孝慈則忠,舉善而 教不能則勸。」
Chi K'ang asked how to make the people lowly, faithful and painstaking.
The Master said, Meet them with dignity, they will be lowly; be a good son and merciful, they will be faithful; lift up the good and teach the unskilled, and they will take pains.

21. 或謂孔子曰:「子奚不為政?」子曰:「書云:『孝乎惟孝,友于兄弟,施於有 政。』是亦為政,奚其為為政?」
One said to Confucius, Why do ye not govern, Sir?
The Master said, What does the Book say of a good son? 'To be a good son and a friend to thy brothers is to show how to govern.' This, too, is to govern. Must one be in office to govern?

22. 子曰:「人而無信,不知其可也。大車無輗,小車無軏,其何以行之哉?」
The Master said, A man without truth, I know not what good he is! A cart without a crosspole, a carriage without a yoke, how can they be moved?

23. 子張問:「十世可知也?」子曰:「殷因於夏禮,所損益可知也;周因於殷禮,所損 益可知也。其或繼周者,雖百世,可知也。」
Tzu-chang asked whether we can know what is to be ten generations hence.
The Master said, The Yin took over the manners of the Hsia; the harm and the good that they did them can be known. The Chou took over the manners of the Yin; the harm and the good that they did them can be known. And we may know what shall be, even an hundred generations hence, whoever follows Chou.

24. 子曰:「非其鬼而祭之,諂也。見義不為,無勇也。」
The Master said, To worship the ghosts of men not akin to us is fawning. To see the right and not do it is want of courage.

The Chinese Dream of the 21st Century

第一节 : 什么是科学主 
Part 1: What is Scientific GOD
July 4th Movement
Produced by the Sciurch of Scientific GOD
Released on Sunday December 25, 2011

科学主是关于主的科学及主的新科学启示. 它是科学技术时代追求真理和统一的新道路. 科学主从科学角度支持所有传统宗教的大部份精神,神秘和唯心教导.
Scientific GOD is about the scientific aspect of GOD and Its new scientific revelations. It is a new pathway to truth and unity in the age of science and technology. Scientific GOD provides scientific bases for many spiritual, mystical and metaphysical teachings of all traditional religions.

犹太教及旧约圣经的创世纪章讲: 起初神創造天地…神說:“要有光!”就有了光。
Genesis of Judiasm and the Old Testament says: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. …And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来探索证明起初神是怎样创造天地的, 怎样才能“要有光!”就有了光.
The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall explore and show from the New Science revealed by GOD how “in the beginning, God created the heavens and earth… Let there be light: and there was light.”


In the Revelation of the New Testament, Jesus said: “I am the Alpha and the Omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Jesus’saying “I am the Alpha and the Omega, saith the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”

古兰经里穆罕默德朗诵到 “你說:他是真主,是獨一的主;真主是萬物所仰賴的; 他沒有生產,也沒有被生產;沒有任何物可以做他的匹敵。”
In the Quran, Muhammad recited “Say: He, Allah, is One;  Allah is He on Whom all depend; He begets not, nor is He begotten; And none is like Him.”
科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来解答穆罕默德的朗诵“他是真主,是獨一的主;真主是萬物所仰賴的; 他沒有生產,也沒有被生產;沒有任何物可以做他的匹敵。”
The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Muhammad’s recitation  “He, Allah, is One;  Allah is He on Whom all depend; He begets not, nor is He begotten; And none is like Him.”

Confucius of Confucianism asked:  What are the words of Heaven? The four seasons pass, the hundred things bear life. What are the words of Heaven? 

The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Confucius pondering question “What are the words of Heaven?”

印度教犁俱吠陀创世颂里言: 唯一无气息地呼吸自它的本体,除此之外无别的.
Hindu Scripture Rigveda in the Creation Hymn sings “That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever.”

The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall explain from New Science revealed by GOD Hindu Scripture Creation Hymn “That One Thing, breathless, breathed by its own nature: apart from it was nothing whatsoever.”

The Buddha said: "You should ponder on the fact that, though each of the four elements of which the body is made up has a name, none of them (constitute any part of) the real self.  In fact, the self is non-existent, like a mirage."

科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来解答佛讲的 “當念身中四大,各有自名,都無我者。我既都 無,其如幻耳!”
The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Buddha’s saying “[T]hough each of the four elements of which the body is made up has a name, none of them (constitute any part of) the real self.  In fact, the self is non-existant, like a mirage.”

非洲宗教 Yoruba 讲到每个人在物质世界的思想和行为都跟别的生物包括地球相连.
Yoruba religion holds that the thoughts and actions of each person in the physical realm interact with all other living things, including the Earth itself.

科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来解答 Yoruba 所讲到的每个人在物质世界的思想和行为都跟别 的生物包括地球相连.
The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall explain from New Science revealed by GOD Yoruba’s holding that the thoughts and actions of each person in the physical realm interact with all other living things, including the Earth itself.

道教的老子讲: 無,名天地之始﹔有,名萬物之母。
Laozi of Daoism stated: (Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; (conceived of as) having a name, it is the Mother of all things.

The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall explain from the New Science revealed by GOD Laozi’s saying “(Conceived of as) having no name, it is the Originator of heaven and earth; (conceived of as) having a name, it is the Mother of all things.”

Atheists don’t believe that there is GOD and GOD created the World and claim that only material world exists.

科学主会将从主启示的新科学上来反驳无神论者, 证明主存在,是主创造了世界及精神世界也存在.
The Sciurch of Scientific GOD shall rebuke atheists from New Science revealed by GOD, prove that GOD exists, GOD created the World and the Spiritual World exists too.

科学主是关于主的科学及主的新科学启示. 它是科学技术时代追求真理和统一的新道路. 科学主从科学角度支持所有传统宗教的大部份精神,神秘和唯心教导.
Scientific GOD is about the scientific aspect of GOD and Its new scientific revelations. It is a new pathway to truth and unity in the age of science and technology. Scientific GOD provides scientific bases for many spiritual, mystical and metaphysical teachings of all traditional religions. 

The Chinese Dream of the 21st Century

July 4th Movement
Produced by the Sciurch of Scientific GOD
Released on Sunday December 25, 2011
Administrator · Dec 26 '11 · Tags: scientific god, 科学主
Author/Compiler: Tihomir Dimitrov (; also see


Nobel Prize: Arthur Holly Compton (1892–1962) was granted the 1927 Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the Compton effect, i.e. the change in the wavelength of X-rays when they collide with electrons. This effect is caused by the transfer of energy from the photon to the electron. Its discovery in 1922 confirmed the dual nature of electromagnetic radiation as both a wave and a particle.

Nationality: American

Education: Ph.D. in physics, Princeton University, NJ, 1916

Occupation: Professor of Physics at the Universities of Minnesota, Washington, and Chicago; researcher at Cambridge University


1. In his article “Science and the Supernatural” (1946) Compton said:

“From earliest childhood I have learned to see in Jesus the supreme example of one who loves his neighbors and expresses that love in actions that count, who knows that people can find their souls by losing themselves in something of great value, who will die rather than deny the truth in favor of the popular view held by his most respected contemporaries. That Jesus’ spirit lives so vitally in men today makes me hope that by following in his footsteps in my small way I also may live forever.” (Compton, as cited in Johnston 1967, 372).

2. “The Christian’s God is the God of love. ‘God is love; and he who ever continues in love keeps in union with God, and God with him.’ Perhaps one should explain that by Christian love is meant not a physical passion nor a sentiment of adoration and admiration, but a friendliness that expresses itself in doing good to one’s neighbors. Prayer to the God of love means a thoughtful consideration of how such good can best be done. The action resulting from such a prayer is the highest worship of the God of love.” (Compton, as cited in Johnston 1967, 373).

3. “When we pray to our fatherly God it is common experience that we receive courage and strength to do deeds of friendliness toward his children.” (Compton, as cited in Johnston 1967, 370).

4. Commenting on the first verse of the Bible in Chicago Daily News (12 April 1936), Arthur Compton stated his religious views: “For myself, faith begins with the realization that a supreme intelligence brought the universe into being and created man. It is not difficult for me to have this faith, for it is incontrovertible that where there is a plan there is intelligence. An orderly, unfolding universe testifies to the truth of the most majestic statement ever uttered: ‘In the beginning God…’ [Genesis 1, 1].” (Compton 1936).

5. “If religion is to be acceptable to science it is important to examine the hypothesis of an Intelligence working in nature. The discussion of the evidences for an intelligent God is as old as philosophy itself.

The argument on the basis of design, though trite, has never been adequately refuted. On the contrary, as we learn more about our world, the probability of its having resulted by chance processes becomes more and more remote, so that few indeed are the scientific men of today who will defend an atheistic attitude.” (Compton 1935, 73).

6. “To me God appears in three aspects, all of which are closely related. The first aspect of God is universally recognized. It is simply the best one knows, to which he devotes his life. This best includes the love of one’s fellow men, particularly those for whom one has some special responsibility. It includes truth of whatever kind may serve as a guide to life.

The second aspect of God that I recognize is the basis of existence and of life and of motivation, which I think of as a conscious Power. This Power appears to me as having a special concern for its conscious creatures who share the responsibility for shaping their part of the world.

More particularly, I follow Jesus’ teaching that this Power that is the basis of existence holds toward me and all other persons the attitude of a wise and loving father. This recognition of a kind of kinship with the Creator-God is for me a matter of vital importance.

As God’s children, all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights. This Christian basis for the dignity of man is shared by all who recognize the fatherhood of God, whether or not they are called by the name of ‘Christian.’ It is a basis for a brotherhood that includes all men, since all are objects of God’s concern.

The third aspect of God that I recognize is that which shows itself in the lives of noble men. It is in their lives that I see exemplified the virtues to which I would commit my own life.

For me the outstanding example of these noble men is Jesus. His teaching and the example of his life form the most reliable guide that I have found for shaping my own actions. It is because I accept his leadership that I call myself a Christian.

I see him as the Everest among the world’s many high mountains. As I know Jesus he shows in his life those qualities that seem to me of highest value: love of neighbor as expressed in helpful service, hope for the future that inspires his followers, faith in God and fellowmen. Born of this love and hope and faith is his noble self-sacrifice that others may live.” (Compton 1956, 344-347).

7. “What nobler ambition can one have than to cooperate with his Maker in bringing about a better world in which we live?

When we view men’s actions in the light of science we are thus presented with a new hope. Loyalty to our Maker, who has given us the ability, opportunity, and responsibility to mold our lives and our world according to a more perfect pattern cannot but inspire us to work with him heart and soul toward this great end.” (Compton 1935, 119).

8. “In their essence there can be no conflict between science and religion. Science is a reliable method of finding truth. Religion is the search for a satisfying basis for life.” (Compton, as cited in Johnston 1967, 374).

9. “There is an immense difference between a good religion and a bad religion in the satisfactions and disappointments to which they lead. The main difference is the nature of the values or the kind of spirit that the religion inspires. The true God is the spirit that is found to be of lasting value, so that when the test comes one can feel that whatever may happen he has spent his life for the best that he knows.” (Compton, as cited in Johnston 1967, 374).

10. “Science has created a world in which Christianity is a necessity.” (Compton, as cited in Fosdick 1961, ch. 16).

11. “I believe that in its insistence on the inherent value of individual men and women Christianity has the key to survival and the good life in the modern world.” (Compton 1956, 344).

See also Compton’s articles:

- “The Need for God in an Age of Science,” in Morris, Audrey Stone, One Thousand Inspirational Things, (Chicago: 1948), pp. 146-147.

- “The Religion of a Scientist,” Sermons in Brief, 1: 1, (January 1940), pp. 88-98.

- “Why I Believe in Immortality,” This Week, (Sunday supplement to the New Orleans’ The Sunday Item-Tribune; April 12, 1936), 5 ff. Reprinted in Christian Science Sentinel, 62: 32, (August 6, 1960), 1411.

- Science and Christian Education, Board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America, 1938. Publication of an address delivered before the 150th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, May 30, 1938.

- Compton, A. H. et al., 1949. Man’s Destiny in Eternity. A Book from a Symposium (The Garvin lectures). Boston: Beacon Press.

- “Life After Death: from the Point of View of a Scientist,” The Presbyterian Banner, 117-39, (March 26, 1931), 10 ff.

- “The Need for Building a Christian World Community,” Hyde Park Baptist News, 2: 24, (February 25, 1938), p. 1.

[From] Finite Immanence

what am i, submitters to truth? i know myself.

i am of atoms, of molecules, of cells, of a body,
i am in space, time, motion, rest,
i am governed by the laws of physics, chemistry, biology,
i am from father-mother or the test tube of a laboratory,
I am of this world, the Earth, the Solar System.

I am with awareness, feeling, imagination, free will,
I am with love, passion, hope, despair,
i am governed by the laws of psychology, economics, sociology, 
i am of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism or Atheism,
I am with mind, soul, spirit.

[To] Finite Transcendence

what am I, submitters to truth? i do not know myself.

i am not of atoms, of molecules, of cells, of a body,
i am not in space, time, motion, rest,
i am not governed by the laws of physics, chemistry, biology,
i am not from father-mother or the test tube of a laboratory,
I am not of this world, the Earth, the Solar System.

I am beyond awareness, feeling, imagination, free will,
I am beyond love, passion, hope, despair,
i am beyond the laws of psychology, economics, sociology, 
i am beyond Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism or Atheism,
I am beyond mind, soul, spirit.
[To] Infinite Immanence

WHAT AM I, Submitters to Truth? I know MYSELF.

I AM the atoms, molecules, cells, body,
I AM the space, time, motion, rest,
I AM the laws of physics, chemistry, biology, physiology,
I AM the father-mother or the test tube of a laboratory.
I AM this world, the Earth, the Solar System,

I AM awareness, feeling, imagination, free will,
I AM love, passion, hope, despair,
I AM the laws of psychology, economics, sociology, 
I AM Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism or Atheism.
I AM mind, soul, spirit, 

[To] Infinite Transcendence

WHAT AM I, Submitters to Truth? I don’t know MYSELF.

I AM NOT the atoms, molecules, cells, body,
I AM NOT the space, time, motion, rest,
I AM NOT the laws of physics, chemistry, biology,
I AM NOT the father-mother or the test tube of a laboratory.
I AM NOT this world, the Earth, the Solar System,

I AM NOT awareness, feeling, imagination, free will,
I AM NOT love, passion, hope, despair,
I AM NOT the laws of psychology, economics, sociology, 
I AM NOT Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism or Atheism.
I AM NOT mind, soul, spirit,

Administrator · Dec 24 '11 · Tags: song, immanence, transcendence
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body?
No, yet you believe that they exist;
Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together?
No, yet you know that they must be there;
Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body?
No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Have you seen the Earth on which we reside?
Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder.
Have you felt the air that you breathe? 
Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider,
Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside?
Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations?
Would you still deny that IT exists?
If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles?
Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws?
If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters?
Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD,
Would you rather live in denial?
You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride,
Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that?
Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests,
Would you rather be in idle?
Administrator · Dec 23 '11 · Tags: atheist, science, colleague
I’ve dreamed a quantum dream in which I became one with the Almighty:
IT revealed to me that IT alone is the Architect, Creator of all that exists;
IT creates, sustains all things by ITS imagination, the spin of ITS mind, body;
IT causes evolutions of the same by ITS mighty will, love of ITS creations;
GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.

Glory to Scientific GOD;
Victory to Scientific GOD;
GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.

My mind’s eye has caught a glimpse of the inner workings of the Almighty:
The essence of which is matrixing self-creation with ITS ethereal mind, body;
I’ve brought back a few pieces of the treasure in experiments, mathematics;
Oh, we’re all quantum-entangled parts of the Almighty - “our body is ITS temple”;
GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.

Glory to Scientific GOD;
Victory to Scientific GOD;
GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.

My soul has felt the footsteps of GOD’s presence in the sub-atoms of my body:
IT has sounded the quantum trumpet to guide us on the scientific path to Truth;
IT has drawn ITS scientific sword to aide us in our search of the same;
Oh, let’s be clear in our eyes, resolute in our hearts, swift in our steps;
Since GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.

Glory to Scientific GOD;
Victory to Scientific GOD;
GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.

My mind’s ear has heard GOD’s calling to all of us the submitters to Truth:
Reform those establishments which are anti-progress, anti-Truth;
Save the misguided, hypocrites from the black hole, the hell they’re falling into;
Be the hero to free all from darkness, ignorance - lead them to Truth;
GOD’s scientific truth is marching on.

Glory to Scientific GOD;
Victory to Scientific GOD;
GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.

The scientific GOD Kingdom is coming in a quantum leap with no warning:
Let’s be ITS scientific, spiritual vessels to carry Science, Religion to new Heights;
Let’s be ITS title wave, peacemakers to thrust mankind into the Paradise;
Oh, let’s carry on ITS work so that mankind shall advance, not perish from the Earth;
GOD’s scientific Truth is marching on.

Glory to Scientific GOD;
Victory to Scientific GOD;
GOD’s scientific Truth is ready to march on.


Dated: December 25, 2012

Written by: Huping Hu
The Chinese Dream of the 21st Century: 
A Call for New Chinese Enlightenment


(July 4th Movement)

Benevolence, Civic Duty, Equality, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness under Scientific GOD (First published in Sciurch of Scientific GOD Volume 1 Issue 5)

Released: December 21, 2011

Author: Xin Mao (新毛)

You can support/sign this Proposed Declaration by registering, logging-in and writing in the Comment Section of this Essay the date, your full name & place of signing which will be collected, compiled and listed/published.
In the spirit of ancient Chinese wisdom and the collective spirits of Chinese sages and pioneers, Laozi, Kong Fuzi, Sun Zhongshan, Mao Zedong & Deng Xiaoping among others, we call all Chinese worldwide to rise up in the pursuit of the Chinese Dream of the 21st Century – benevolence, civic duty, equality, liberty and pursuit of happiness under Scientific GOD. We note here that some aspects of these sacred pursuits might been hindered by our particular history, modern atheism and materialism. Thus, a new enlightenement of all Chinese is the key to accomplish these sacred pursuits and transform Chinese societies. By enlightening and transcending ourselves, we shall transform atheism and materialism to scientific spirituality, curruption to righteousness, injustice to justice, inequality to equality and restriction to liberty. GOD Bless Chinese People! May we all finally arrive at the “Gate of Heavenly Peace and Justice” and start building GOD’s Paradise on Earth. So, let July 4th Movement begin!
Key Words: Chinese Dream, 21st Century, benevolence, civic duty, equality, liberty, pursuit of happiness, enlightenment, July 4th Movement, Mandate of Heaven, Gate of Heavenly Peace, Scientific GOD.

Only powerful people have liberty. Sung Zhongshan

Knowledge is a matter of science and no dishonesty or conceit whatsoever is permissible. What is required is definitely the reverse - honesty and modesty. Mao Zedong

Democracy is our goal, but the country must remain stable. Deng Xiaoping

Over four thousand years ago, our ancestors brought forth on Asia, the Middle Kingdom structured as dynasties and guided by the oracle, Yi Jing, under the Mandate of Heaven. Four thousand years later in 1912, the last dynasty fell and the Chinese Republic was born after the Xinhai Revolution. By the Grace of Heaven (GOD), we now constitute almost one-fourth of the world population and Chinese Societies are rising and advancing in all aspects of material life and on the World Stage. We hold today that all Chinese are not only obligated to uphold our traditional values of benevolence and civic duty but also entitled to the rights of equality, liberty and pursuit of happiness under Scientific GOD. These rights and duties and their extensions shall be applicable in all aspects of our lives - spiritually, physically, financially, environmentally, scientifically and politically - that to secure, advance and perform these rights and duties and thus perfect Chinese Societies, our Constitutions may be amended time to time, if necessary, and successive governmental, social and corporate structures and institutions shall be established, deriving their just political, social and economical powers and duties from the consent of the people - that whenever any structure or institution becomes inadequate of these ends, it is our duties to modernized it or to abolish it, and to establish new ones, laying the foundation on such principles and organizing the structures in such forms, as to us shall seem most likely to reflect our understanding and knowledge of Scientific GOD and Its Mandate.
The Critical Coming Moment
As societies, we have achieved over the last thirty years unprecedented material wealth, technological advances, military strength and worldwide economical power. But we shall be facing great challenges both within our societies and without, testing whether we shall be able to self-govern with equality and liberty, whether our public and private institutions can be transformed and work in harmony for the benefit of all Chinese and whether we can be among great Nations on Earth playing important roles in world affairs and world peace. As a people, we shall be engaged in a great struggle, testing whether we can uphold our traditional values and whether our rights of the 21st Century can be realized, protected, sustained and advanced. Many among us shall also be engaged in a silent struggle in our hearts testing whether our yearning for GOD, benevolence and righteousness can conquer our own shortcomings – materialism, hypocrisy, corruption, or excessive capitalism and commercialism. So, before this critical coming moment, it is appropriate that we Chinese from all walks of life around the world – the religious and the non-religious, the rich and the poor, the executives and the workers, the intellectuals and the laymen – and indeed all who loves Chinese - reflect on the status of our societies and our own belief, morality and conducts as individuals with the great hope of advancing the Chinese Dream of the 21st Century and ushering Chinese and the mankind at large through the “Gate of Heavenly Peace and Justice” and build a new era of unprecedented progress & prosperity under Scientific GOD.
Reflection on Our History & Heritage
It was said that before the advent of our Middle Kingdom, our ancestors lived peacefully with each other and harmoniously with Nature as tribes and clans. Then various dynasties and warring states were born, rose and declined under the Mandate of Heaven – Xia, Shang, Zhou, Warring States, Qing, Han, Three Kingdoms, Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming & Qing - creating our long and rich history and cultural heritage. During the late Qing, our people were under the feudal rule of a corrupted government and the semi-colonial rules of foreign invading forces. Oppressed and exploited, our people rebelled through numerous uprisings. The Xinhai Revolution under the leadership of Song Zhongshan and his generals gave birth to our Republic in 1912 ending over two thousand years of feudal rules. However, civil wars and Japanese invasion were soon to follow. Again, as a people we fought in the invaders under the leadership of Mao Zedong and his generals and that of Jiang Jieshi and his generals but we also fought among ourselves until 1949 when Communists defeated Nationalists. Over the last sixty years since the Korea War our societies have lived in peace except occasions of domestic movements and several small border conflicts. Over the last thirty years, the economic reforms initiated by Deng Xiaoping and maintained by Communist Government have ushered in the great industrial, technological, economical and financial progress on the Mainland which brought us and rest of the World unprecedented materials goods and thrust our societies to the world stage as a major player. In short, over the last two hundred years from late Qing Dynasty to the present, we, both as societies and as a people, have endured and suffered so much corruption and humiliation, so many foreign invasions and so many domestic upheavals, yet not only we have survived but thrived. So, each of us should ponder whether this has been the Mandate of Heaven and what should be our roles and destiny in the 21st Century?
The Aftermath of Atheism and Materialism
No doubt that it has been the economic reforms initiated by Deng, the creativity, productivity and entrepreneurship of our people and the learning and applications of modern sciences and technologies fueled by capitalism of our own style that brought our societies unprecedented material wealth, prosperity and a world-influencing financial system. However, after all these revolutions and reforms in our recent history, the modern Chinese are not spiritually enlightened or free. After all the revolutions and reforms, the spiritual lives of many among us are sadly crippled by the manacles of atheism and the prisons of materialism. After all the revolutions and reforms, we live on a lonely island of empty spirituality in the midst of a vast ocean of material progress. After all the revolutions and reforms, many among us are confined in the corners of stale faith and find themselves spiritually in exiles on their own land. Indeed, after all the revolutions and reforms, the moralities of many among us are degenerating and some among us become deeply corrupt and are solely driven by money, power and fame. Further, after the economical reforms, the private material wealth is now concentrated in the hands of so a few wealthy individuals and corrupted government officials. The very wealth has created a deep gulf between the rich and the poor. On the other hand, many Chinese are unable to cope with or adapt to the new environments.
Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Have you seen the sub-atoms of your body?
No, yet you believe that they exist;
Have you felt the strong force that holds the sub-atoms together?
No, yet you know that they must be there;
Have you seen the atoms of a virus invading your body?
No, yet you have no doubt that they exist.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

Have you seen the Earth on which we reside?
Yes, yet you deny that there was a Builder.
Have you felt the air that you breathe?
Yes, yet you doubt that there is a Provider,
Have you seen your body on which your faculties reside?
Yes, yet you don’t believe that there is a Creator.

Oh my atheist colleagues in science:

If GOD now reveals how IT breathes life into equations?
Would you still deny that IT exists?
If GOD now reveals how IT designs the laws governing particles?
Would you then still deny that IT’s the basis of natural laws?

If GOD now reveals how IT creates, sustains and makes evolve matters?
Would you still deny that IT’s the foundation of science?


Oh my atheist colleagues in science:
Time has come for you to search the footprint of Scientific GOD,
Would you rather live in denial?
You are the scientific vessel its Creator would like to hitch a ride,
Would you deny ITS pleasure to do just that?
Through all of us Scientific GOD manifests, Would you rather be in idle?


Huping Hu · Dec 20 '11 · Tags: science, god, atheist
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