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Scientific GOD Prize (Part IV)

(Established in June 2007 - Non-Monetary Award)

In the name of our Creator
~ GOD, ALLAH, SHEN, Consciousness ~
who has been spiritually revealed to mankind through out the millennia by its Prophets, Son or other means such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Hinduism, Yi Jing & the Tao
we submitters to truth hereby proclaim the Scientific Revelations of the Creator and establish through Scientific GOD Inc.:

Scientific GOD Prize


(Continued from Part III)


Alfred Nobel ~~ John Templeton


Francis Crick ~~ Abdus Salam


Freeman Dyson ~~ James Watson ~~ David Hestenes ~~ Paul Laffoley
Brian Josephson ~~ Rubert Sheldrake ~~ Edgar Mitchell ~~ Kerson Huang

Scientific GOD Prize (Part III)

(Established in June 2007 - Non-Monetary Award)

In the name of our Creator
~ GOD, ALLAH, SHEN, Consciousness ~
who has been spiritually revealed to mankind through out the millennia by its Prophets, Son or other means such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Hinduism, Yi Jing & the Tao
we submitters to truth hereby proclaim the Scientific Revelations of the Creator and establish through Scientific GOD Inc.:

Scientific GOD Prize


(Continued from Part II)


Max Planck ~~ Albert Einstein ~~ Arthur Eddington ~~ Niels Bohr
Louis de Broglie ~~ Erwin Schrodinger ~~ Werner Heisenberg ~~ Wolfgang Pauli
Paul Dirac ~~ Hermann Weyl ~~ David J. Bohm ~~ John S. Bell


Thomas Edison ~~ Nicola Tesla


Hua Luogeng


Nikolai A. Kozyrev ~~ Carl Jung ~~ Teilhard Chardin ~~ Franklin Merrell-Wolff
John C. Lilly ~~ Buckminster Fuller ~~ Wilhelm Reich


Martin Luther King, Jr. ~~ Walt Disney

Scientific GOD Prize (Part II)

(Established in June 2007 - Non-Monetary Award)

In the name of our Creator
~ GOD, ALLAH, SHEN, Consciousness ~
who has been spiritually revealed to mankind through out the millennia by its Prophets, Son or other means such as Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Hinduism, Yi Jing & the Tao
we submitters to truth hereby proclaim the Scientific Revelations of the Creator and establish through Scientific GOD Inc.:

Scientific GOD Prize


(Continued from Part I)


Thomas Jefferson ~~ Abraham Lincoln


Rene Decartes ~~ Gottfried Leibniz ~~ Baruch Spinoza ~~ William Blake


James Clark Maxwell ~~ Gustav Fechner ~~ Ernst Mach ~~ Alfred N. Whitehead


Gregor Mendel ~~ Charles Darwin


Helena P. Blavatsky ~~ Annie Besant ~~ Walter Russell ~~ Sri Aurobindo
William James


Edgar Cayce

(To be Continued)

Scientific GOD Prize (Part I)

(Established in June 2007 - Non-Monetary Award)

In the name of our Creator
~ GOD, ALLAH, SHEN, Consciousness ~
who has been spiritually revealed to mankind through out the millennia by its Prophets, Son or other means such as
Moses, Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Hinduism, Yi Jing & the Tao
we submitters to truth hereby proclaim the Scientific Revelations of the Creator and establish through Scientific GOD Inc.:

Scientific GOD Prize


Pythagoras ~~ Laozi ~~ Kong Fuzi ~~ Socrates ~~ Plato
Aristotle ~~ Archimedes ~~ Patanjali


Claudius Ptolemaeus ~~ Zhang Heng ~~ Plotinus


Ibn al-Haytham ~~ Ibn Arabi ~~ Muhammad Rumi ~~ Thomas Aquinas


Nicolaus Copernicus ~~ Francis Bacon ~~ Galileo Galilei ~~ Giordano Bruno
Johannes Kepler ~~ Isaac Newton ~~ Leonhard Euler


Dante Alighieri ~~ Leonardo da Vinci

(To be continued)

1 God 1 World, 1 World 1 People & 1 World 1 Dream

On the 11th year of 9/11 Attack & with 11 days to December 21, 2012, let all of us unite & work together under God to start building a New World!

Let us awaken to the Reality that there is 1 Creator Over 1 Creation Who is prompting us to build a New World of:

1 God 1 World; 1 World 1 People; 1 World 1 Dream;

Because we are 1 & ready to transcend!

1 God 1 World shall be:

1 God 1 People; 1 God 1 Unified Spirituality; 1 God 1 Unified Science of God; 1 God 1 Unified Ancient Teachings of God; 1 God 0 Religious Division; 1 God 0 Religious War; 1 God 0 Religious Manipulation.

1 World 1 People shall be:

1 World 1 Family, 1 World 1 Nation; 1 World 1 Constitution; 1 World 1 Government; 1 World 1 Defense; 1 World 1 Emergency System;

1 World 1 People shall further be:

1 World 1 Unified Legal System; 1 World 1 Integrated Economy; 1 World 1 Integrated Finance; 1 World 1 Integrated Education; 1 World 1 Integrated Health System.

1 World 1 Dream means:

Strive to know God Spiritually & Scientifically; Raise our levels of consciousness; Prevent war, violence & climate change; Protect the weak, the poor & the environment;

1 World 1 Dream further means:

Work for peace, happiness & prosperity; Prevent & eliminate hunger & diseases; Advance spirituality, science & technology; Love, care & help each other; Strive for a harmonious Society.

GOD-Believing Nobelists & Great Scientists Part 2 (compiled by Tihomir Dimitrov)


Part IV. Founders of Modern Science Who Believe in GOD (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This article covers well-documented quotations from the following twenty-one (21) Scientists (17th - 21st Century): Sir Issac Newton, Galileo Galilei, Nicolaus Copernicus, Sir Francis Bacon, Rene DesCartes, Blaise Pascal, Sir Michael Faraday, James C Maxwell, Lord Kelvin (Sir William Thomson), Sir Robert Boyle, Sir William Harvey, John Ray, Gottfried W. Leibniz, Charles Darwin, Ernst Haeckel, Thomas H. Huxley, Sir Joseph J. Thomson, Louis Pasteur, Werner von Braun, and Francis Collins. Founders of Modern Science include the following Nobel Scientists covered in Part I in this issue: Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schroedinger, Charles Townes, Arthur Schawlow, Richard Smalley, John Eccles, Alexis Carrel, and Joseph Murry. This article also contains a table showing scientific disciplines established by Bible-believing scientists. It furher includes a table showing notable inventions, discoveries and developments by Bible-believng scientists.

Part V. Great Philosophers Who Believe in GOD (by Tihomir Dimitrov)

This article covers well-documented quotations from the following ten (10) Great Philosophers (17th - 21st Century): Immanuel Kant, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire, David Hume, Benedict de Spinoza, Giordano Bruno, George Berkeley, John S. Mill, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Richard Swinburne. Nobel Philosophers who believe in GOD include the following Nobel Laureates covered in Part II and Part III: Jean-Paul Sartre, Rudolf Eucken, Albert Schweitzer, and Thomas S. Eliot.

Part VI. Other Religious Nobelists (by Tihomir Dimitrov)

This article lists other religious Nobel Scientists, Nobel Writers and Nobel Peace Laureates.

Part VII. Nobelists, Philosophers and Scientists on Jesus (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This article covers well-documented quotations from seventeen (17) Nobelists, philosophers and scientists on Jesus.

Part VIII. Recommended Books and Links (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This article constains recommended books and links.

Bibliography To Part I through Part VIII (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This article constains bibliography to Part I through Part VIII.

GOD-Believing Nobelists & Great Scientists Part I (compiled by Tihomir Dimitrov)

Introduction to 50 Nobel Laureates and Other Great Scientists Who Believe in GOD (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This is an introduction to Part I through Part VIII to follow which covers 50 Nobel laureates and other great scientists and philosophers who believe in GOD plus useful books and links.

Part I. 50 Nobel Laureates Who Believe in GOD: Nobel Scientists (1) (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This article covers well-documented quotations from the following fourteen (14) Nobel scienticists: Albert Einstein, Max Planck, Erwin Schroedinger, Werner Heisenberg, Robert A. Millikan, Charles H. Townes, Arthur Schawlow, William D. Phillips, William H. Bragg, Guglielmo Marconi, Arthur H. Compton, Arno Penzias, Sir Nevill Mott, and Isidor I. Rabi.

Part I. 50 Nobel Laureates Who Believe in GOD: Nobel Scientists (2) (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This article covers well-documented quotations from the following thirteen (13) Nobel scienticists: Abdus Salam, Antony Hewish, Joseph H. Taylor, Jr., Alexis Carrel, John Eccles, Joseph Murray, Ernst Chain, George Wald, Ronald Ross, Derek Barton, Christian Anfinsen, Walter Kohn, and Richard Smalley.

Part II. 50 Nobel Laureates Who Believe in GOD: Nobel Writers (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This article covers well-documented quotations from the following eleven (11) Nobel writers: Thomas S. Eliot, Joseph R. Kipling, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Francois Mauriac, Hermann Hesse, Sir Winston Churchill, Jean-Paul Sartre, Sigrid Undset, Sir Rabindranath Tagore, Rudolf Eucken, and Isaac B. Singer.

Part III. 50 Nobel Laureates Who Believe in GOD: Nobel Peace Laureates (by Tihomir Dimitrov):

This article covers well-documented quotations from the following twelve (12) Nobel Peace Laureates: Albert Schweitzer, James E. Carter, Jr., Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., Thomas W. Wilson, Frederik de Klerk, Nelson Mandela, Kim Dae-jung, Dag Hammarskjoeld, Martin L. King, Jr.,Adolfo P. Esquivel, Desmond Tutu, and John Raleigh Mott.

11 Prompt: A Higher Calling for a New World

On the 11th year of 9/11 Attack & the approaching Dec. 21, 2012, let all of us unite & work together under GOD to start building a New World so that the victims of 9/11 would not have died in vain! Let us awaken to the Reality that there is 1 Creator Over 1 Creation Who is prompting us to build a New World of 1 God 1 World, 1 World 1 People & 1 World 1 Dream because we are 1 & ready to transcend!

Read the Full Expression Here.

Nobel Laureate Antony Hewish: GOD Is a Rational Creator (compiled by Tihomir Dimitrov)


1. To the question, “What do you think about the existence of God?” Prof. Hewish replied:

“I believe in God. It makes no sense to me to assume that the Universe and our existence is just a cosmic accident, that life emerged due to random physical processes in an environment which simply happened to have the right properties.

As a Christian I begin to comprehend what life is all about through belief in a Creator, some of whose nature was revealed by a man born about 2000 years ago.” (Hewish 2002a).

2. To the inquiry, “What do you think should be the relationship between science and religion? Why do you think so?” Prof. Hewish gave the following answer:

“I think both science and religion are necessary to understand our relation to the Universe. In principle, Science tells us how everything works, although there are many unsolved problems and I guess there always will be. But science raises questions that it can never answer. Why did the big bang eventually lead to conscious beings who question the purpose of life and the existence of the Universe? This is where religion is necessary.” (Hewish 2002a).

3. To the question, “What is your opinion on the nature of God? Do you think that God is a rational Creator (Designer)?” Prof. Hewish gave the following answer:

“God certainly seems to be a rational Creator. That the entire terrestrial world is made from electrons, protons and neutrons and that a vacuum is filled with virtual particles demands incredible rationality.” (Hewish 2002b).

4. And to the inquiry, “What should be the place of religion in our modern materialistic world?” Antony Hewish replied:

“Religion has a most important role in pointing out that there is more to life than selfish materialism.” (Hewish 2002b).

5. “God is a concept, which I need to cohere my total experience. Christianity comes nearest to the formal expression of this for me. You’ve got to have something other than just scientific laws. More science is not going to answer all the questions that we ask.” (Hewish, as cited in Candid Science IV: Conversations with Famous Physicists by Istvan Hargittai, London, Imperial College Press, 2004, 637).

* Jocelyn Bell Burnell was an important part of the team of astronomers who discovered pulsars in 1967, for which Antony Hewish and Martin Ryle were awarded the 1974 Nobel Prize in Physics. Jocelyn Bell Burnell is a deeply religious Quaker and Professor of Physics.

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