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Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, A high will, or a loving heart, will not seek life at cost of love. To fulfil love they will kill the body.



1. 衛靈公問陳於孔子,孔子對曰:「俎豆之事,則嘗聞之矣;軍旅之事,未之學也。」 明日遂行。在陳絕糧。從者病,莫能興。子路慍見曰:「君子亦有窮乎?」子曰:「君子固窮,小人窮斯濫矣。」

Ling, Duke of Wei, asked Confucius about the line of battle. Confucius answered. Of the ritual of dish and platter I have heard somewhat: I have not learnt warfare. He left the next day. In Ch'en grain ran out. His followers were too ill to rise. Tzu-lu showed that he was put out. Has a gentleman to face want too? he said. Gentlemen have indeed to face want, said the Master. The small man, when he is in want, runs to excess.

2. 子曰:「賜也,女以予為多學而識之者與?」對曰:「然,非與?」曰:「非也!予 一以貫之。」

The Master said, Tz'u, dost thou not take me for a man that has learnt much and thought it over? Yes, he answered: is it not so? No, said the Master. I string all into one.

3. 子曰:「由,知德者鮮矣!」

The Master said, Yu, how few men know great-heartedness!

4. 子曰:「無為而治者,其舜也與!夫何為哉?恭己正南面而已矣。」

The Master said, To rule doing nothing, was what Shun did. For what is there to do? Self-respect and to set the face to rule, is all.

5. 子張問「行」。子曰:「言忠信,行篤敬,雖蠻貊之邦行矣;言不忠信,行不篤敬, 雖州里行乎哉?立則見其參於前也,在輿則見其倚於衡也,夫然後行!」子張書諸紳。

Tzu-chang asked how to get on. The Master said, Be faithful and true of word, plain and lowly in thy walk; thou wilt get on even in tribal lands. If thy words be not faithful and true, thy walk not plain and lowly, wilt thou get on even in thine own town? Standing, see these words ranged before thee; driving, see them written upon the yoke. Then thou wilt get on. Tzu-chang wrote them on his girdle.

6. 子曰:「直哉史魚!邦有道如矢,邦無道如矢。君子哉蘧伯玉!邦有道則仕,邦無道 則可卷而懷之。」

The Master said, Straight indeed was the historian Yü! Like an arrow whilst the land kept the Way; and like an arrow when it lost the Way! What a gentleman was Ch'ü Po-yü! Whilst the land kept the Way he took office, and when the land had lost the Way he rolled himself up in thought.

7. 子曰:「可與言而不與之言,失人;不可與言而與之言,失言。知者不失人,亦不 失言。」

The Master said, Not to speak to him that has ears to hear is to spill the man. To speak to a man without ears to hear is to spill thy words. Wisdom spills neither man nor words.

8. 子曰:「志士仁人,無求生以害仁,有殺身以成仁。」

The Master said, A high will, or a loving heart, will not seek life at cost of love. To fulfil love they will kill the body.

9. 子貢問為仁。子曰:「工欲善其事,必先利其器。居是邦也,事其大夫之賢者,友其 士之仁者。」

Tzu-kung asked how to attain to love. The Master said, A workman bent on good work must first sharpen his tools. In the land that is thy home, serve those that are worthy among the great and make friends with loving knights.

10. 顏淵問為邦。子曰:「行夏之時,乘殷之輅,服周之冕。樂則韶舞,放鄭聲,遠佞人 。鄭聲淫,佞人殆。」

Yen Yüan asked how to rule a kingdom. The Master said, Follow the Hsia seasons, drive in the chariot of Yin, wear the head-dress of Chou, take for music the Shao and its dance. Banish the strains of Cheng and flee men that are glib; for the strains of Cheng are wanton and glib speakers are dangerous.

Mar 20 '12 · Tags: analects, confucian, 孔夫子
Experimental Observations on the Uncomputability of the Riemann Hypothesis: Part I & II (by Chris King): Abstract: This paper seeks to explore whether the Riemann hypothesis falls into a class of putatively unprovable mathematical conjectures, which arise as a result of unpredictable irregularity. It also seeks to provide an experimental basis to discover some of the mathematical enigmas surrounding these conjectures, by providing Matlab and C programs which the reader can use to explore and better understand these systems (see appendix 6 in Part II).

Part I of this article includes: Introduction; The Riemann hypothesis and the Zeta Function; and The Quantum Chaos Connection. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/355

Part II of this article includes: Julia and Mandelbrot sets of the Riemann Zeta Function; The Syracuse Shibboleth; and Appendices: 1. Moments of Zeta; 2. Zeta Bernoulli Numbers; 3. Twin Prime Distribution; 4. Other Dirichlet series for zeta; 5. Lanczos approximation to Gamma; 6. Mac XCode Viewer and Matlab Toolbox for Figures; and 7. A Formula for Depicting the Derivative of Zeta. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/356

Fractal Geography of the Riemann Zeta Function: Part I & II (by Chris King): Abstract: The quadratic Mandelbrot set has been referred to as the most complex and beautiful object in mathematics and the Riemann Zeta function takes the prize for the most complicated and enigmatic function. Here we elucidate the spectrum of Mandelbrot and Julia sets of Zeta, to unearth the geography of its chaotic and fractal diversities, combining these two extremes into one intrepid journey into the deepest abyss of complex function space.

Part I of this article includes: Introduction; A Bridge over Turbulent Waters; Chasing the Critical Points and their Parameter Planes; and A: The Additive World - 1: Far East - the Asymptotically-Critical Plateau; 2: Real Critical Points, from Miniscule to Vast; and (3) Shang-ri-La – The Unreal Criticals. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/357

Part II of this article includes: B: The Multiplicative Universe; and Appendix: Fractal Geography of Eta, Xi and Dirichlet L-functions; and Introduction for Non-mathematicians. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/358

A Dynamical Key to the Riemann Hypothesis: Part I & II (by Chris King): Abstract: We investigate a dynamical basis for the Riemann hypothesis (RH) that the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function lie on the critical line x = ½. In the process we graphically explore, in as rich a way as possible, the diversity of zeta and L-functions, to look for examples at the boundary between those with zeros on the critical line and otherwise. The approach provides a dynamical basis for why the various forms of zeta and L-function have their non-trivial zeros on the critical line. It suggests RH is an additional unprovable postulate of the number system, similar to the axiom of choice, arising from the asymptotic behavior of the primes.

Part I of this article includes: Introduction; The Impossible Coincidence; Primes and Mediants - Equivalents of RH; A Mode-Locking View of Dirichlet L-functions and their Counterexamples; Widening the Horizon to other types of Zeta and L-Function; L-functions of Elliptic Curves; and Modular and Automorphic Forms. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/359

Part II of this Article includes: Functions with Functional Equations but no Euler Product; A Central Showcase: Modular Forms Meeting Elliptic Functions; Seeking Examples with Product Formulae; Dynamically Manipulating the Non-trivial Zeros in and out of the ‘Forbidden Zone’; Finding Coefficient Paths with On-Critical Zeros; Conclusion; Appendix 1: Mediants and Mode-Locking; Appendix 2: Finite Fields and Square Roots of -1; Appendix 3: Derivation of Davenport Heilbronn; Appendix 4: A Comparison of Computational Methods; and Appendix 5: Useful Sage and PARI-GP Commands. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/360

Why the Universe is Fractal (by Chris King): Abstract: Life exists in the universe because the laws of nature arising from cosmic symmetry-breaking are intrinsically fractal and embrace chaotic dynamics in a manner that permits new structure to emerge on increasing scales, as we move from the level of fundamental particles to organisms. In a fundamental sense this is a cosmological property of the universe, because complex living systems represent the most complete interactive consummation of the four fundamental forces of nature. If the laws of nature permitted only ordered periodic or stochastic solutions to molecular aggregation, as in crystals, or amorphous glasses, the complex structures of tissues and life would remain impossible. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/350

Exploring Quantum, Classical and Semi-classical Chaos in the Stadium Billiard (by Chris King)

Abstract: This paper explores quantum and classical chaos in the stadium billiard using Matlab simulations to investigate the behavior of wave functions in the stadium and the corresponding classical orbits believed to underlie wave function scarring. The simulations use three complementary methods. The quantum wave functions are modeled using a cellular automaton (CA) simulating a Hamiltonian wave function with discrete (square pixel) boundary conditions approaching the stadium in the classical limit. The classical orbits are computed by solving the reflection equations at the classical boundary thus giving direct insights into the wave functions and eigenstates of the quantum stadium. Finally a simplified semi-classical algorithm is developed to show the comparison between this and the quantum wave function method. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/351

Exploding the Dark Heart of Chaos: Part I, II & III (by Chris King)

Abstract: This paper, with its associated graphical software and movies, is an investigation of the universality of the cardioid at the centre of the cyclone of chaotic discrete dynamics, the quadratic ‘heart’ forming the main body of the classic Mandelbrot set. Using techniques investigating and exploring the continuity, bifurcations and explosions in its related Julia sets, we demonstrate its universality across a wide spread of analytic functions of a complex variable, extending from the classical quadratic, through higher polynomials and rational functions, to transcendental functions and their compositions. The approach leads to some interesting and provocative results, including decoding dendritic island periodicities, and multiple critical point analysis, leading to layered Mandelbrot set ‘parameter planes’, and intriguing issues of critical point sensitivity in the irregular structures in the Mariana trenches of the more complex functions.

Part I of this article includes: 1. Real ‘Boom and Bust’ Origins of the Dark Heart; 2. Illuminating the Writhing Dark Heart of Complexity; 3. The Dark Heart’s Magic Numerology; and 4. A Heart is only Half a Hamburger: Degenerate Critical Points. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/352

Part II of this article includes: 5. Hearts Layered as Onions of Complexity: Generalizing to Higher Polynomials; 6. The Dark Heart of Division: Rational Functions and Newton’s Method; 7. Transcendent Chaos out of Quadratic Disorder; and 8: Falling into the Heart of Deep Transcendental Variation. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/353

Part III of this article includes: 9. Getting to the Heart of the Riemann Zeta Function; Conclusion; Software and Demonstrations; Appendix 1: Combined Methods of Depicting Julia Sets and Parameter Planes; and Appendix 2: Ray Tracing Hypercomplex and Multi-dimensional Chaotic Iterations. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/354

Mar 18 '12 · Tags: fractal universe, chaos
About Consciousness (by Peter Hankins): Abstract: I run a blog entitled “Conscious Entities” at http://consciousentities.com which is devoted to short discussions of some of the major thinkers and theories about consciousness. This paper is a small collection of my writings on consciousness which the editor of JCER very kindly selected to appear here. The first section illustrates the wide range of different ways in which people have defined consciousness. The second section sets out my personal diagnosis of the problem - which in fact I have called ‘3½ Problems’ – those of qualia, intentionality, moral responsibility, and relevance (with relevance and intentionality overlapping a bit, hence the ½). The third section sets out my answers which, perhaps disappointingly, is called ‘1½ Answers’. The last section briefly introduces my blog Conscious Entities. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/15

The Philosophy of Mysticism: Perennialism and Constructivism (by Randolph T Dible II)

Abstract: The encountering of the experiencer or observer—transcendental subjectivity itself—at the foundation of the world leads inevitably to the recognition of pure objectivity as ultimate reality (which can be taken as its ultimate deconstruction, analogous to the apophatic or via negativa), from which objects derive their value, weight, significance, meaning or objectivity. In this way, pure objectivity can be seen as the supra-self-evident Axiological Axiom, so to speak, even Unconditional Love, in romantic terms. This axiology (value theory) has a structure inverse to the relationship between transcendental subjectivity as the radical unity of pure self-reference and on the other hand, the world of forms, as mere traces (representations, indications) of the unique, original “first distinction” Spencer-Brown speaks of at the foundation of his calculus. That is, all forms (i.e., distinctions, differences) would reduce to being the first distinction, also known as the marked state, which I call penultimate reality (pure self-reference or transcendental subjectivity: the Spirit which animates us), except that forms are complimentary to their content, which is their objectivity or value, which would reduce to the unmarked state or ultimate reality. It is the incongruity of form (thoughts; Whitehead’s “negative prehensions”) and value (feelings; Whitehead’s “positive prehensions,” or my notion of objectivity, meaning and qualia; in short, the non-formal aspects of experience) that holds forms open and keeps them from absolute reduction. This accounts for the brute, concrete persistence of the “functional illusion”-- to use a term from Dzogchen Buddhism-- of the world. Thus this system has an axiology of metaphysical objectivity grounded on the ideal of pure objectivity as the source of all value, meaning and significance, itself the very fecundity of profundity, which is the motive of drawing the distinction in the first place. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/16

Conscious Control of an Electron (by Ronald Bryan)

Abstract: I consider the possibility that the electron, not a human observer, precipitates the collapse of the electron's wavefunction when it is detected. This would seem to endow the electronic wavefunction with an elementary consciousness. If so, then perhaps a human consciousness could interact with the electronic consciousness to flip its spin. I propose an experiment to test this possibility, namely one in which the electron is the single valence electron of a magnesium ion immersed in a 50-gauss magnetic field. A dye laser shines on the ion and is tuned to bring about laser induced fluorescence (LIF) at a wavelength of 280 nm. The LIF is so strong that if the ion were shining in the visible range, it could be seen with the naked eye. Instead it is shining in the near ultra-violet, and a photomultiplier is used to detect the light. If a person can now lower the electron's energy minutely, then this will flip the electron's spin and the LIF will cease. If the person can succeed in flipping the electron's spin once again by raising its energy, then LIF is restored. By initiating LIF for long and short periods, such a person could send a lengthy International Morse Code message which could be read by anyone observing the ion’s output. We would see if a person succeeding in this task could send a message from increasingly distant points. If so, then the person's control could not be mediated by any fields currently known to physicists: electromagnetic, weak, strong, and gravitational. We would hypothesize a new kind of controlling field which does not weaken with distance, nor be attenuated by obstructions. Such a field might mediate distant healing and remote viewing. It might be identified with Chinese qi. We hypothesize that this conjectured field propagates in higher dimensional space-time to avoid obstructions, and converges on the target to avoid weakening. In this space, the field might travel faster than light does in the lower four dimensions of space and time. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/17

Representational Qualia Theory (by Brent Allsop)

Abstract: I believe there is one theory that deserves much more press than it is receiving. This is a representational theory where there is, what I call a “spirit world” produced by our brain, made of phenomenal “qualia” (singular quale) that is everything we consciously know. There doesn’t seem to be any popular books or articles on consciousness that even consider anything like this theory, nor any of its implications. Given that representational theories of consciousness have been around since Descartes and before it’s surprising to me that at least something like this doesn’t receive more consideration. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/18

Mar 17 '12 · Tags: consciousness, various aspects
Our Ability to Research Comes Before Understanding of What We Research (by Dainis Zeps): Abstract: Impact of quantum mechanics on physical science epistemology and science at all is considered. We consider methodolically idea that science doesn’t research its assumed objects but the ability to research, thus making itself not distinguishable from the cognitive science in the most general sense. Next idea is that what we discover firstly are the methods and the technologies understanding about which may come (if at all) much much later after we have learned to use these technologies in our life up to incredible level. Instrumentality rather than objectivity should be researched in science. In this sense quantum mechanical impact on sciences should be assessed. Using this key, approach to quantum consciousness should be inquired. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/10

Observer Is a Function of Four-dimensional Timeless Space (by Amrit S. Sorli, Tadej Gregl, Dusan Klinar)

Abstract: Recent research on time shows that one has to distinguish between physical time and psychological time. Physical time is run of clocks in space. Space itself is timeless. With clocks we measure material change i.e. motion that happen in space. Linear psychological time “past-present-future” is a result of neuronal activity of the brain. Observer is experiencing material change through psychological time. Observer is unchangeable and independent of psychological time running. This indicates that observer is not based on neuronal activity of the brain as psychological time is. Space and observer are both timeless. Here a proposal is taken that physical basis of the observer is space itself. In scientific exploration the process of observation is the function of space. Hypothetically every point of space has the function of observation. Human senses and brain are biological devices through which space experiences material change i.e. motion in space. Observer as a function of space is an integral part of the universe. This view opens new perspectives in understanding of Lorentz transformation and “proper time” of different inertial systems in Special Theory of Relativity. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/11

What Is Consciousness and Where Is It (by Dick W. Richardson)

Abstract: What is consciousness? It is the mean by which that which I do not know and do not understand makes me aware of it, know it, and come to understand it. And then I can say ‘I KNOW’. Maybe that makes two of us when that is done, maybe not. Find where consciousness begins. THAT is worth finding and knowing. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/12

TGD Inspired Theory of Consciousness (by Matti Pitkanen)

Abstract: The basic ideas and implications of TGD inspired theory of consciousness are briefly summarized. The notions of quantum jump and self can be unified in the recent formulation of TGD relying on dark matter hierarchy characterized by increasing values of Planck constant. Negentropy Maximization Principle serves as a basic variational principle for the dynamics of quantum jump. The new view about the relation of geometric and subjective time leads to a new view about memory and intentional action. The quantum measurement theory based on finite measurement resolution and realized in terms of hyper-finite factors of type II1 justifies the notions of sharing of mental images and stereo-consciousness deduced earlier on basis of quantum classical correspondence. Qualia reduce to quantum number increments associated with quantum jump. Self-referentiality of consciousness can be understood from quantum classical correspondence implying a symbolic representation of contents of consciousness at space-time level updated in each quantum jump. p-Adic physics provides space-time correlates for cognition and intentionality. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/13

What I Think about Consciousness (by Alan J Oliver)

Abstract: Consciousness is a property of Akashic space to the extent that it has no boundaries. The apprehension of a memory is normally limited to the experience of the individual, and I believe this is a function of Ahamkara, the self-identity of the individual. We are all a memory address code. Memory, in the general sense, is generated by mind and in turn memory influences mind. There is more to it. Memory begins with an event or experience being observed by buddhi. In Yoga Sutra Patanjali describes two kinds of memory. The first is the general kind of memory in which the object of apprehension is primary. The second kind of memory is one in which the instrument and process of apprehension are primary. These distinctions allow me to discriminate between my experience of Samapatti and that of the subject. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/14

Mar 16 '12 · Tags: consciousness, various aspects
The One Savior Paradigm (by Dainis Zeps): Abstract: The one savior paradigm is discussed not only as doctrinal aspect of religious teachings but as one of mostly manifested aspect of our psychic, that should be adequately investigated. We suggest simple idea that could serve as starting cognitive model for the one savior paradigm, that might give effect in considering global aspects of humanity, e.g., such as global economy and exact sciences in more friendly connection with religious thinking. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/4

The Theoretical Model of GOD: Proof of the Existence and of the Uniqueness of GOD (by Temur Z. Kalanov)

Abstract: The work is devoted to the 21st century’s most urgent problem – the problem of existence of God. The theoretical proof of the existence and of the uniqueness of God, based on the correct method of knowledge - unity of formal logic and of rational dialectics - is proposed. This proof represents a theoretical model of God: a system of axioms from which the principle of existence and of uniqueness of God is deduced. The principle runs as follows: God exists as the Absolute, the Creator, the Governor of the essence (information) and of the phenomenon (material manifestation of information). The theoretical model of man and the formulation of the principle of development of Mankind – as consequences of model of God – are proposed as well. The main conclusion is as follows: the principle of the existence and of the uniqueness of God represents absolute scientific truth and, consequently, should be a starting-point and a basis of the 21st century’s correct science. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/5

Unitary Theory of the Numbers of the Decimal Numeration System (by Cornelio Gonzalez V.)

Abstract: A common contact point could exist between Schrödinger’s quantum wave and Bohm's quantum potential: they would both share the same “unified field”, that is to say that both would depend on one space-time structured and governed by the Law that UNIFIES and TOTALIZES them in an universal field, since the quantum wave possesses, by construction and by definition, the ENTIRETY of the cognoscible thing, while in Bohm's quantum potential, it is the same character of TOTALITY that orders and manages the behavior of the subatomic particles that conform to its intrinsic “field”. MAN and Universe are one and the same thing, structured and ruled by the Law of UNITY that TOTALIZES the cosmos as shown in the unitary theory of the numbers of the decimal numeration system presented herein. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/6

Reflection on My Transcendental Mystical Experience: A Serene State of Transcendent Understanding (by Dick W. Richardson)

Abstract: Instantly after that Paradise event of transcendence itself there was but one thought, one knowledge, one understanding and affirmation... and which is... Oh... no... Oh... my God... how beautiful it is! Oh my Love, would that they could know this; would that their eyes could see and their minds understand as to what they are, and from whence they came; the beauty, the truth, the passion. My love, give me the understanding; and give me the words, that I might speak of the wonder of being. And let us create Man in our image. When writing the actual exegesis of those events (the initial transcendent experience) I had to write as like a living diary of how it was and what it was like. To have interjected concepts and knowledge from later aspects in life would have spoiled the actual story of the journey. I tried to make it that people could try living it with me, and what I felt at the time. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/7

My Story (by DeLana K. Metcalf)

Abstract: While living and working in NYC in 1969 my first intense mystical experience occurred. This ecstatic experience was like a Light or Force that permeated every cell in my body and Being and I was completely filled with Love. Love for all humanity flowed from my Being. To me, this is what was felt that must be the Christ Spirit or the Holy Spirit. This experience lasted most of the day and I was able to fully function in this state of mind even though it felt as if I was “glowing”, radiating love. The oneness and connection with all the world was overwhelming! I guess this could be called “The Rapture”. There have been the same types of experiences of ecstasy throughout my life although not lasting as long at a time. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/8

The Scientific and Academic Quest for Understanding (by Dick W. Richardson)

Abstract: The study of the phenomenon of Consciousness is very important indeed. But the study of the content of conscious experience is even more important, and so too is the question of what it is that is Conscious. I AM conscious, and I am what I AM. So what am I then? And from whence do I come and why? What is the function of my existence and what will it do? Is there something far far greater than the Observer (me)? Indeed there IS. What is it? I don’t know yet, not for absolute sure. But I am going to find out, even if it kills me. For I HAVE to KNOW. What do I believe? Nothing, believing is for the fairies, not for Man. For Man exists to KNOW. That also becomes axiomatic and unarguable – when you KNOW it. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/9

Transhumanists, God, and the Problem of Evil (by Brent Allsop)

Abstract: Powerful Good beings( i.e. Gods) can be defined to be both able and willing to overcome evils like death and suffering. Any such beings are by definition incompatible with the existence of such evil. If one believes such beings exists while there is still evil they are faced with the "problem of evil" making such beliefs problematic. Hence the only logical view of a transhumanist seems to be atheism - or that such powerful beings don't yet exist, while there is still evil. People that believe such powerful beings already exist must have some kind of attempted theodicy where they justify and accept such evil in some way. In contrast, a transhumanist atheists can hope that death and suffering is about to be overcome, and that we, as such beings, are about to emerge. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/10

A Philosophy of Nothingness (by James C. Allen)

Abstract: Any scientist who is Godless cannot imagine the true nature of the "state of nothingness" nor the incredible importance of writing love and loving relationships into ones personal code. Any scientist who is Godless cannot imagine the universe as the result of intelligence. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/11

Mar 15 '12 · Tags: one god model, mystical experience
Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, When those above love courtesy, the people are easy to lead.



41. 子路宿於石門。晨門曰:「奚自?」子路曰:「自孔氏。」曰:「是知其不可而為之 者與?」

Tzu-lu spent a night at Shih-men. The gate-keeper asked him, Whence comest thou? From Confucius, answered Tzu-lu. The man that knows it is no good and yet must still be doing? said the gate-keeper.

42. 子擊磬於衛。有荷蕢而過孔氏之門者,曰:「有心哉,擊磬乎!」既而曰:「鄙哉, 硜硜乎!莫己知也,斯已而已矣!『深則厲,淺則揭。』」子曰:「果哉!末之難矣!」

When the Master was chiming his sounding stones in Wei, a basket-bearer said, as he passed the door, The heart is full that chimes those stones! But then he said, For shame! What a tinkling sound! If no one knows thee, have done! Wade the deep places, Lift thy robe through the shallows! The Master said, Where there's a will, that is nowise hard.

43. 子張曰:「書云:『高宗諒陰,三年不言』何謂也?」子曰:「何必高宗?古之人 皆然。君薨,百官總已以聽於冢宰三年。」

Tzu-chang said, What does the Book mean by saying that Kao-tsung in his mourning shed did not speak for three years? Why pick out Kao-tsung? said the Master. The men of old were all thus. For three years after their lord had died, the hundred officers did each his duty and hearkened to the chief minister.

44. 子曰:「上好禮,則民易使也。」

The Master said, When those above love courtesy, the people are easy to lead.

45. 子路問「君子」。子曰:「修己以敬。」曰:「如斯而已乎?」曰:「修己以安人。 」曰:「如斯而已乎?」曰:「修己以安百姓。修己以安百姓,堯舜其猶病諸。」

Tzu-lu asked, What makes a gentleman? The Master said, To be bent on becoming better. Is that all? said Tzu-lu. By becoming better to bring peace to men. And is that all? By becoming better to bring peace to all men, said the Master. Even Yao and Shun were still struggling to become better, and so bring peace to all men.

46. 原壤夷俟。子曰:「幼而不孫弟,長而無述焉,老而不死是為賊。」以杖叩其脛。

Yüan Jang awaited the Master squatting. Unruly when young, unmentioned as man, undying when old, spells good-for-nothing! said the Master, and he hit him on the leg with his staff.

47. 闕黨,童子將命。或問之曰:「益者與?」子曰:「吾見其居於位也,見其與先生並 行也;非求益者也,欲速成者也。」

When a lad from the village of Ch'üeh was made messenger, someone asked, saying, Is it because he is doing well? The Master said, I have seen him sitting in a man's seat, and seen him walking abreast of his elders. He does not try to do well: he wishes to be quickly grown up.

Mar 14 '12 · Tags: analects, book xiv, confucian
Author: Confucius (孔夫子); translated by James Legge

The Master said, Never murmuring against Heaven, nor finding fault with men; learning from the lowest, cleaving the heights. I am known but to one, but to Heaven.



31. 子貢方人。子曰:「賜也,賢乎哉?夫我則不暇!」

Tzu-kung would liken this man to that. The Master said, What talents Tz'u has! Now I have no time for this.

32. 子曰:「不患人之不己知,患其不能也。」

The Master said, Sorrow not at being unknown; sorrow for thine own shortcomings.

33. 子曰:「不逆詐,不億不信。抑亦先覺者,是賢乎?」

The Master said, Not to expect to be cheated, nor to look for falsehood, and yet to see them coming, shows worth in a man.

34. 微生畝謂孔子曰:「丘何為是栖栖者與?無乃為佞乎?」孔子曰:「非敢為佞也,疾 固也。」

Wei-sheng Mou said to Confucius, How dost thou still find roosts to roost on, Ch'iu, unless by wagging a glib tongue? Confucius answered, I dare not wag a glib tongue; but I hate stubbornness.

35. 子曰:「驥不稱其力,稱其德也。」

The Master said, A steed is not praised for his strength, but praised for his mettle.

36. 或曰:「以德報怨,何如?」子曰:「何以報德?以直報怨,以德報德。」

One said, To mete out good for evil, how were that? And how would ye meet good? said the Master. Meet evil with justice; meet good with good.

37. 子曰:「莫我知也夫!」子貢曰:「何為其莫知子也?」子曰:「不怨天,不尤人, 下學而上達。知我者,其天乎!」

The Master said, Alas! no man knows me! Tzu-kung said, Why do ye say, Sir, that no man knows you? The Master said, Never murmuring against Heaven, nor finding fault with men; learning from the lowest, cleaving the heights. I am known but to one, but to Heaven.

38. 公伯寮愬子路於季孫,子服景伯以告曰:「夫子固有惑志於公伯寮,吾力猶能肆諸市 朝。」子曰:「道之將行也與?命也!道之將廢也與?命也!公伯寮其如命何!」

Liao, the duke's uncle, spake ill of Tzu-lu to Chi-sun. Tzu-fu Ching-po told this to Confucius, saying, My master's mind is surely being led astray by the duke's uncle, but I have still the strength to expose his body in the market-place. The Master said, If the Way is to be kept, that is the Bidding, and if the Way is to be lost, this is the Bidding. What can the duke's uncle do against the Bidding?

39. 子曰:「賢者辟世,其次辟地,其次辟色,其次辟言。」

The Master said, Men of worth flee the world; the next best flee the land. Then come those that go at a look, then those that go at words.

40. 子曰:「作者七人矣!」

The Master said, Seven men did so.

Mar 13 '12 · Tags: analects, book xiv, confucian
Let All Truth Seekers Be the Scientific & Spiritual Vessels to Carry Science & Religion to New Heights (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu): Abstract: Scientific GOD Institute ("SGI") and its flagship publication Scientific GOD Journal ("SGJ" this journal) is not about a particular religion nor is it focused on religious debates. Rather, it is an institution (and publication) where scientists, philosophers, theologians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the issues outlined herein. In doing so, the editors of SGJ hope that one day we will be able to answer scientifically the questions concerning us the most - who are we, where did we come from, where are we going, and, is there a Scientific GOD? Therefore, this Journal is dedicated to scientific inquiry on GOD. The herein authors believe that in this golden age of Science the GOD in whom we trust should be spiritual as well as scientific. Indeed, since we are all made out of the same subatomic, atomic and genetic alphabets, the scientific GOD each of us seeks should be one and the same whatever our race, religion and other differences. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/1

The Principle of Existence: Toward a Scientific Theory of Everything (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu)

Abstract: In the beginning there was prespacetime (GOD) by itself e0 =1materially empty and spiritually restless. And it began to imagine through primordial self-referential spin 1=e0=eiM-iM=eiMe-iM=e-iM/ e-iM = eiM/ eiM… such that it created the external object to be observed and internal object as observed, separated them into external world and internal world, caused them to interact through self-referential Matrix Law and thus gave birth to the Universe which it has since passionately loved, sustained and made to evolve. In short, this is our hypothesis of a scientific genesis (principle of existence). In this work, we shall lay out its ontological and mathematical foundations which shall include gravity and consciousness. We will then discuss its implications and applications and make predictions etc. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/2

GOD’S SCIENTIFIC TRUTH IS MARCHING ON - The Marching Hymn of the Scientific GOD Kingdom (by Huping Hu)

Abstract: This poem/lyrics is being considered as the Anthem of the incoming nonprofit organization (corporation) which shall own, operate and sponsor Scientific GOD Institute ("SGI") and Scientific GOD Journal (“SGJ”, this journal). http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/3

Let All Truth Seekers Be the Vessels to Carry Physics Research to New Heights (by Huping Hu): Abstract: Spacetime is the stage for the physical universe and prespacetime may be the foundation of spacetime. Here, prespacetime is conveived as a non-temporal and non-spactial domain and theorized as the ground of existence. Prespacetime Journal is a publication in which physicists, mathematicians and other learned scholars publish their research results and express their views on the origin, nature and mechanism of spacetime and its possible connection to the prespacetime. It is also a journal where all learned scholars can present their models and experimental results on elemental particles, fundamental forces including gravity and related topics. Prespacetime is published by QuantumDream, Inc. We are committed to truth and excellence. Please note that the views express in this Editorial solely belong to the author and should not be imputed against anyone else. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/7

The Double Rotation as Invariant of Motion in Quantum Mechanics (by Dainis Zeps)

Abstract: Quantum mechanics may loose its weirdness if systematically geometric algebra methods would be used more. Crucial aspect is to find laws of quantum mechanics be present in macroworld in the form of description of motions rather than objects. To help to reach this goal we suggest to use double rotation as one of the basic invariants in quantum mechanics. We suggest to consider geometric algebra as algebra of motion and double rotation specifically. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/1

A Strategy for Proving Riemann Hypothesis (by Matti Pitkanen)

Abstract: Super-conformal invariance inspires a strategy for proving the Riemann hypothesis. The vanishing of the Riemann Zeta reduces to an orthogonality condition for the eigenfunctions of a non-Hermitian operator D+ having the zeros of Riemann Zeta as its eigenvalues. The construction of D+ is inspired by the conviction that Riemann Zeta is associated with a physical system allowing super-conformal transformations as its symmetries and second quantization in terms of the representations of the super-conformal algebra. The eigenfunctions of D+ are analogous to coherent states of a harmonic oscillator and in general they are not orthogonal to each other. The states orthogonal to a vacuum state (having a negative norm squared) correspond to the zeros of Riemann Zeta. The physical states having a positive norm squared correspond to the zeros of Riemann Zeta at the critical line. Riemann hypothesis follows both from the hermiticity and positive definiteness of the metric in the space of states corresponding to the zeros of Riemann Zeta function. Also conformal symmetry in appropriate sense implies Riemann hypothesis and after one year from the discovery of the basic idea it became clear that one can actually construct a twenty line long analytic argument for the correctness of the Riemann hypothesis using a standard argument from Lie group. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/3

Space-time Geometry Translated into the Hegelian and Intuitionist Systems (by Stephen P. Smith)

Abstract: Kant noted the importance of spatial and temporal intuitions (synthetics) in geometric reasoning, but intuitions lend themselves to different interpretations and a more solid grounding may be sought in formality. In mathematics David Hilbert defended formality, while L. E. J. Brouwer cited intuitions that remain unencompassed by formality. In this paper, the conflict between formality and intuition is again investigated, and it is found to impact on our interpretations of space-time as translated into the language of geometry. It is argued that that language as a formal system works because of an auxiliary innateness that carries sentience, or feeling. Therefore, the formality is necessarily incomplete as sentience is beyond its reach. Specifically, it is argued that sentience is covertly connected to space-time geometry when axioms of congruency are stipulated, essentially hiding in the formality what is sense-certain. Accordingly, geometry is constructed from primitive intuitions represented by one-pointedness and route-invariance. Geometry is recognized as a two-sided language that permitted a Hegelian passage from Euclidean geometry to Riemannian geometry. The concepts of general relativity, quantum mechanics and entropy-irreversibility are found to be the consequences of linguistic type reasoning, and perceived conflicts (e.g., the puzzle of quantum gravity) are conflicts only within formal linguistic systems. Therefore, the conflicts do not survive beyond the synthetics because what is felt relates to inexplicable feeling, and because the question of synthesis returns only to Hegel’s absolute Notion. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/4

Clifford Algebra and Dirac Equation for TE, TM in Waveguide (by Giuliano Bettini)

Abstract: Following Hestenes and others we explore the possibility that the electron is a (sort of) bound electromagnetic wave. To do this a waveguide analogy is considered. The E, H field components in waveguide satisfy the second-order Klein-Gordon equation. The question is whether a (first-order) Dirac equation is involved. Making use of Clifford Algebra, it is firstly shown that a spinor satisfying Dirac equation describes, through the relativistic energy impulse four-vector, the energy propagation of the electromagnetic field in a waveguide and in free space. At the same time automatically describes TE and TM modes (TEM in free space), each with Right or Left polarization. It is shown that this description with Dirac equation has been implicit in the waveguide theory at all times. The equivalence is embedded in the usual V and I mode description (See, e.g., S. Ramo, J. R. Whinnery, T. van Duzer, “Fields and Waves in Communication Electronics”, John Wiley [1994]). The Dirac equation for TE, TM modes opens new interesting interpretations. For example, the effect on of a gauge transformation with the electromagnetic gauge group generator (see, D. Hestenes, “Space-time structure of weak and electromagnetic interactions”, Found. Phys. 12, 153-168 [1982]) is readily interpreted as a modification of the TE, TM group velocity. This acts as the electromagnetic force on a charge, and requires two opposite sign of (fictitious) charges for TE or TM. Obviously, this suggests an analogy with electron, positron and possibly neutrino for the TEM. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/5

Prespacetime Model of Elementary Particles, Four Forces & Consciousness (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu)

Abstract: A prespacetime model of elementary particles, four forces and consciousness has been formulated, which illustrates how the self-referential hierarchical spin structure of the prespacetime provides a foundation for creating, sustaining and causing evolution of elementary particles through matrixing processes embedded in said prespacetime. The prespacetime model reveals the creation, sustenance and evolution of fermions, bosons and spinless entities each comprised of an external wave function or external object and an internal wave function or internal object located respectively in an external world and an internal world of a dual-world universe. The prespacetime model provides a unified causal structure for weak interaction, strong interaction, electromagnetic interaction, gravitational interaction, quantum entanglement, consciousness and brain function. The prespacetime model provides a unique tool for teaching, demonstration, rendering, and experimentation related to subatomic and atomic structures and interactions, quantum entanglement generation, gravitational mechanisms in cosmology, structures and mechanisms of consciousness, and brain functions. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/6

The Physical (Outer) Universe & the Inner Universe (by Dick W. Richardson)

Abstract: So, what is the physical universe? Well, it is all that stuff out there which is not me. What is the inner universe (and which is also big)? Well, it is all the bits which I am constructed of and the dynamics and inner dimensions of these bits. But the two are joined up in space and time, but not in Eternity. Without Time then Eternity would be pointless. Eternity can exist without time, but time cannot exist without eternity. To isolate these dimensions is to alienate Man from what he is and the physical universe from what it is. Nowhere in the physical universe will you find its causation. Nor will you find me or consciousness. We are visitors here. But you cannot see us. A part of me is in this world and my body is my space-time ship, but I AM not from the earth nor time and space. ONLY that which is constructed before time and space can go back beyond time and space from whence it came in its own ground of being, where I AM. Religions are not ready for mystics. Is physics ready for them? Some are. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/2

Mar 11 '12 · Tags: truth seeker, vessel, physics research
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