Comparing Combos (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: The Tevatron Higgs Combination is up, so time to compare with my prediction.
Higgs Combination and Fits Revisited (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: Now that the Tevatron Higgs combination is public and I can see how much error there is in the direct combination process, it seems like a good idea to redo my earlier combinations. I know lots of people are interested to see these now to give information about where we stand.
Higgs Combos, Global Fit, the Dead, the Alive & the New (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: If we accept the combination uncertainty estimate and the statistical validity of combining all direct searches with electroweak fits: We indirectly rule out a lone standard model Higgs boson of any mass with no additional BSM physics at 90% confidence, i.e. a fair bit short of conclusively. We directly rule out any standard model Higgs boson at 95% confidence except in the mass ranges 114GeV to 144GeV or 240 GeV to 265 GeV or above 480 GeV. We do not rule out other BSM Higgs-type mechanisms including composite Higgs, technicolor Higgs, Higgs doublets, SUSY Higgs etc. We do not rule out high-mass Higgs bosons above 480 GeV in combination with other BSM physics that could explain electroweak fits and cure theoretical limitations of the SM at higher energies. We see excesses at around 130 GeV to around 160 GeV that could be between two and three sigma level. It might suggest some new physics such as some kind of Higgs particle(s) in this region. However, these are not high levels of statistical significance.
Big Day for Higgs Boson (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: Today at the EPS conference in Grenoble the world’s largest hadron colliders will be revealing the results of their latest searches for the Higgs boson, using data collected up until the last few weeks. We will be posting the plots here as they appear. The individual experiments Dzero, CDF, ATLAS and CMS will each show their all channel combined plots. There will also be separated plots for individual channels and some separate searches for a charged Higgs as predicted in some models such as MSSM.
Higgs Combos (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: Some people have been asking if confidence level plots can be combined now that we have the individual data from Dzero, CDF, ATLAS and CMS. The answer is of course not. You need to combine the underlying event data and all the backgrounds etc., and re-derive the levels from that.
Global Fit Kills (or at least Wounds) the Standard Model (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: A few days ago I showed how to combine the Higgs confidence level plots by adding in inverse square. At the time I did not understand why this worked (I am a bit slow at statistics.) Since then I have looked again at the work on electroweak precision tests and the global fit where you can find the same calculation being done. The inverse square of the 95% confidence level limits is just one-quarter of the Δχ2 estimator. For independent variables these can be directly added to give an overall Δχ2 which can then be mapped back to an overall confidence level limit. This is exactly what I was doing in my combinations. So now I know that these combo plots are essentially correct, neglecting any correlations which should be zero.
Higgs Update from D0 and CDF (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: This is a Higgs Update from D0 and CDF. The small amount of additional data helps to extend the exclusion range, but we will need to see a combination with CDF to get the best limits.
CDF Report 327 GeV Anomaly in 4l Channel (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: In a presentation at EPS-HEP today CFD will show a surprising cluster of 4 events in the 4 lepton “golden channel” consistent with a particle at 327GeV.
Highlights of EPS First Morning (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: Undoubtedly the most talked about presentation so far will be the CDF search for ZZ resonances (Robson) with the below striking peek at 327 GeV. This is the only talk so far that has not seen everything consistent with standard model. The talks themselves have not been broadcast so we only have the slides to go by. It would be nice to know what questions were asked at this one.
The Dawn of a Brave New World in Particle Physics (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu): Abstract: This issue of Prespacetime Journal celebrates the great success of LHC and Tevatron through a series of Special Reports written by Philip Gibbs, several Editorials and other regular pieces. All people associated with LHC and Tevatron deserve our special thanks. We are in the super-connected Age of Internet and technological wonders made possible through science. There is no doubt that we are also at the dawn of a brave New World in particle physics and science overall. Every genuine truth seeker should seize this moment. Here we briefly discuss: (1) the great unknown in light of the great success of LHC and Tevatron, (2) Higgsless models published in this journal; and (3) the search for the genuine “God Particle.” What we have witnessed so far is the rise of collaborative spirit in physics. We urge all genuine truth seekers to work together to make the brave New World a reality. We conclude with a poem “A Praise to Prespacetime.”
Physics in a Higgsless World (by Lawrence B. Crowell): Abstract: The ATLAS and CMS data is giving a 2-σ exclusion on the light Higgs fields in the 110 -140GeV energy scale. This is a 95% probability of no signal from the Higgs field. The data so far is lack luster for those who promote Higgsian theories, but we are at about 1/1000 the total data expected, so there are lot more to come. In light of the foregoing, the author discusses here Higgsless alternatives. Clearly the time we live in currently is interesting, and we may be in a time where our understanding of the foundations of physics might radically change. The one advantage of living in a time where a lot of physical theory is falsified is that it clears the way for different modes of thought.
The Aftermath of Europhysics 2011 (by Matti Pitkänen): Abstract: In this Guest Editorial, some alternative visions about the physics after Europhysics 2011 are discussed.
Occupy the Imaginary World of Economy (by Wilhelmus de Wilde): Abstract: Revaluation of the human being is one of the most important issues in this egoistic World. The material revaluation lies in the fact that each human represents daily energy received by the sun and a certain surface of the earth, he is not the Owner but is responsible for that, a human is not only a social number or a unit for consummation. Our Economy has become the new religion, with a God that is called money, this God has no spiritual background but only materialistic and egoistic guidelines. Even the 10 commandments become worthless for obtaining PROFIT. Profit is not Well Being, Growth is only admissible in the spiritual way. Work is a word invented by factory owners and should be replaced by voluntary efforts, people need not to be retired the can proceed with their voluntary efforts at any time during their lives, no more pension funds that play dice with our money. As each human being is a representative of real Material and Spiritual value, they have the right for Housing, Food, Education, Health Care and free Transport, all this cannot be arranged in one day, we must start with our free will and become conscious of the things we really like to do to arrange a future society, so at the end of each life one can say “I have added to the well being of our world”.
The True and Profound Democracy Amendment: the Omnibus Anti-Corruption Amendment (by Philip Wolfson): Abstract: In light of the US Supreme Court recent rulings in the Citizens United case which altered the intent of the Constitution, I propose “the True and Profound Democracy Amendment” to our constitution to reverse the pollution of the political process by mandating that elected officials represent the citizens of this country only, and are entirely unavailable to be influenced by funds, gifts or gimmicks.
Responses to “American Dream of the 21st Century” (by Huping Hu): Abstract: Since the release of “The American Dream of the 21st Century: A Call for Transformation of America,” I have received over a dozen responses expressing/offering support, sympathy, writings or views. So far, there are three supporters/signers who are listed herein. Three of the writings are also published in this issue. The online and free PDF edition of SGJ V2(7) also contains three historial documents “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, “Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jefferson and “Gettysburg Address” by Abraham Lincoln which are all in the public domain plus quotes/excerpts from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream.”
Transcending the Self Through Art: Altered States of Consciousness and Anomalous Events During the Creative Process (by Tobi Zausner): Abstract: The capacity for transcending the self through art arises from the creative process, an altered state of consciousness facilitating the occurrence of anomalous events such as precognition and interior visions that appear to be outside the spacetime of waking life. Frustration can trigger the far-from-equilibrium conditions necessary for creativity, while inspiration may seem as if its source is exterior to the artist, and the experience of flow, like a trance state, can produce an altered sense of time. Archetypes in the creative process link a single mind to the collective unconscious and works of art become self-opening worlds that create an expanded reality.
Breaking Out of One’s Head (& Awakening to the World) (by Gregory M. Nixon): Abstract: Herein, I review the moment in my life when I awoke from the dream of self to find being as part of the living world. It was a sudden, momentous event that is difficult to explain since transcending the self ultimately requires transcending the language structures of which the self consists. Since awakening to the world took place beyond the enclosure of self-speech, it also took place outside our symbolic construction of time. It is strange to place this event and its aftermath as happening long ago in my lifetime, for it is forever present; it surrounds me all the time just as the world seems to do. This fact puts into question the reality of my daily journey from dawn to dusk with all the mundane tasks I must complete (like writing of that which cannot be captured in writing). My linear march to aging and death inexorably continues, yet it seems somehow unreal, the biggest joke of all. Still, I here review the events leading up to my time out of mind and then review the serious repercussions when I was drawn back into the ego-self only to find I did not have the conceptual tools or the maturity to understand what had happened.
How Often or How Rarely Does A Self-Transcending Experience Occur? (by Syamala Hari): Abstract: Almost always, the self is involved in our perception of the world, thinking, and actions, but it does momentarily step aside now and then. I describe below a few of my experiences of self-transcendence that seem quite ordinary with nothing mysterious about them and they are all of short duration. To explain how the self is present or not in an experience, I describe some properties characteristic of the self such as its sense of personal identity and ownership of action. Manifestation of these properties in an experience indicates the presence of the self and absence of these properties indicates its absence. In an act of observation, full attention paid to what is being observed seems to push every thought, including the self, out of the conscious mind and keep it fully occupied with the act of observation. A characteristic property of the self-transcendent state seems to be that one can only recognize such a state as being free from self, but one cannot prove that it is so because the outward effect of the state may be the same as that of an alternative state where the self is present.
Self-Transcendence as a Developmental Process in Consciousness (by Roland Cichowski): Abstract: After an introduction describing certain difficulties in relating the nature of self-transcending experiences, I give a narrative description of three successive episodes in which a certain relationship and development over time can be discerned. This is followed by a discussion of the impact they have had over the course of my lifetime together with observations on how they have affected my outlook. These experiences have led me to the view that it is more likely that it is consciousness generating the illusion of a material reality than a material reality generating consciousness. I consider self-transcendence to be understood as a stage in the development of the consciousness of each human being, and ultimately in the development of humanity as a whole.
Transformations of Self and World I: Modeling a World (by Christopher Holvenstot): Abstract: Severe seasonal depression entails the yearly collapse and reconstruction of a functional, useable, meaningful world. This radical annual transformation provides a unique perspective onto fundamental conscious processes by illuminating the cognitive elements and dynamics behind the construction and deconstruction of self-models and world-models.
Transformations of Self and World II: Making Meaning (by Christopher Holvenstot): Abstract: A theater workshop, ostensibly about acting, turns out instead to be about not acting, yet answers a lot of questions about how to act in the real world – ironically, by exploring the world of dreams. This transformational experience provides a view into the realm of the psyche, and this view is used to highlight the inappropriateness of empirical precepts in the formation of a field of consciousness studies.
The Shock of the Old: A Narrative of Transpersonal Experience (by Milenko Budimir): Abstract: Here I present a description of some transpersonal experiences that occurred as a result of meditation practices as well as reflections on those experiences. I connect these experiences with some historical precedents, particularly to sources in the Eastern Orthodox Christian spiritual tradition, but also to contemporary sources as well as some 20th century philosophical ideas. Lastly, I describe how these experiences ended up shaping a new worldview, the most significant and lasting being a deep sense of interconnectedness with the world. This sense of interconnectedness further lends support to an inclusive rather than an exclusive understanding of religious belief, and correspondingly a mystical sense of the world and humans’ place in it.
Mathematical Emptiness: The Illusion-like Effectiveness of Mathematical Mind (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: The view of the interdependent genesis of the two realms of dualistic manifestation; the realm of ‘physicality’, which is the objective aspect of the dualistic manifestation from the deeper, unitary, implicate (to use a term for levels of non-duality used by physicist David Bohm) dimension of Mindnature, and the subjective realm of individuated ‘mentality’ solves a crucial puzzle that has bothered many physicists and mathematicians. Eugene Wigner, for instance, referred to what he considered to be the ‘unreasonable effectiveness’ of mathematics in describing and explaining the physical world of ‘nature’; he called mathematics a ‘miracle’ and ‘a wonderful gift that we neither understand nor deserve.’ However, if both the realm of mentality and physicality emerge from a deeper level of universal Mindnature then it is surely not such a great mystery that mathematics, itself a product of mind, produces the conceptual patterns generated and followed by the ‘physical’ functioning of reality.
Infinite Resolution (by Cristinel Stoica): Abstract: It was reported that General Relativity predicts its own breakdown, because of singularities. We will see that the mathematics of General Relativity can be naturally extended to work fine when the metric becomes degenerate. Then is proposed an extended version of Einstein's equation which remains valid at singularities. The time evolution is expressed by equations which allow passing beyond the singularities. Consequently, the problems of singularities, including Hawking's information paradox, vanish. The core principle used to extend the mathematics and physics of General Relativity beyond the singularities provides a surprising answer to the question: Is there a deep, foundational reason why reality must be purely analog, or why it must be digital?"
On the Z=(t/z)-Type Solutions of Plane Gravitational Waves of Non-Symmetric Unified Field Equations of Einstein, Bonnor and Schrodinger in a Generalized Takeno Space-time (by Sanjay R. Bhoyar, R. S. Rane, S. D. Katore, A. G. Deshmukh): Abstract: In this paper, wave solutions of both the weak and strong, non-symmetric unified field equations of Einstein, Bonner and Schrodinger have been investigated in a generalized Takeno space-time deduced by Bhoyar and Deshmukh [8] for Z= (t/z)-type plane gravitational waves. It has been shown that the plane wave solutions Einstein and Bonner equations exists but Schrodinger field equations have no solutions in this space-time.
An Inhomogeneous Cosmological Model in Electromagnetic Bulk Viscous Fluid with Variable (Λ) (by Sharad P. Kandalkar, Pramod P. Khade, Sunita P. Gawande): Abstract: An inhomogeneous cylindrically symmetric cosmological model for bulk viscous fluid distribution with electromagnetic field is obtained. To get a deterministic solution, it is assumed that the component σ11 of shear tensor σji is proportional to expansion ɵ and the coefficient of bulk viscosity is assumed to be a power function of mass density. The source of the magnetic field is due to an electric current produced along z-axis. Some physical and kinematical aspects of the models are also discussed in presence and absence of the magnetic field.
In Defense of Octonions (by Jonathan J. Dickau, Ray B. Munroe, Jr.): Abstract: Various authors have observed that the unit of the imaginary numbers, i, has a special significance as a quantity whose existence predates our discovery of it. It gives us the ability to treat degrees of freedom in the same way mathematically that we treat degrees of fixity. Thus; we can go beyond the Real number system to create or describe Complex numbers, which have a real part and an imaginary part. This allows us to simultaneously represent quantities like tension and stiffness with real numbers and aspects of vibration or variation with imaginary numbers, and thus to model something like a vibrating guitar string or other oscillatory systems. But if we take away the constraint of commutativity, this allows us to add more degrees of freedom, and to construct Quaternions, and if we remove the constraint of associativity, what results are called Octonions. We might have called them super-Complex and hyper-Complex numbers. But we can go no further, to envision a yet more complicated numbering system without losing essential algebraic properties. A recent Scientific American article by John Baez and John Huerta suggests that Octonions provide a basis for the extra dimensions required by String Theory and are generally useful for Physics, but others disagree. We examine this matter.
Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles Part XI: On the Structure and Theory of Hadrons (by Alexander G. Kyriakos): Abstract: In the present article it is shown that the Yang-Mills equation can be represented as the equation of some superposition of the non-linear electromagnetic waves. The topological characteristics of this representation allow us to discuss a number of the important questions of quantum chromodynamics.