2012daily's blog

Views about Free Will & the Anatomy of State Function Reduction (by Matti Pitkanen): Even some physicists have now accepted "free will" into their vocabulary. However, many writers remain unaware of the distinctions between experienced time and the geometric time of physics. Thus, many of them make the error of eliminating conscious mind from the picture in the process of trying to understand free will. The outcome is that free will is something effective and emergent or free will is resulting from deterministic but non-predictable/non-computable process. In Topological Geometrodynamics (“TGD”), zero energy ontology would realize blocks as causal diamonds (“CD”) and would extend free will from a mere choice between given alternatives to creation of new worlds. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/205

TGD Based Consciousness Theory and the "God" Helmet (by Matti Pitkanen)

In TGD Universe gauge fields are replaced with topological field quanta. Examples are topological light rays, magnetic/electric flux tubes and sheets, and flux quanta carrying both magnetic and electric fields. Flux quanta form a fractal hierarchy in the sense that there are flux quanta inside flux quanta. It is natural to assume quantization of Kahler magnetic flux. Braiding and reconnection are the basic topological operations for flux quanta. This article discusses how the basic notions assigned with the classical gauge and gravitational fields understood in standard sense generalize in TGD framework. Topological quantization and the notion of magnetic body are especially important in TGD inspired model of EEG. The attempt to understand the findings of Persinger from the study of what is known as “God” helmet leads to a considerable progress in the understanding the possible role of topologically quantized classical fields in biology and neuroscience. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/204

Aug 23 '12 · Tags: free will, god helmet
Scientific GOD Journal has just published Volume 3 Issue 7 entitled "On Atheist Spirituality" Featuring Prof. Elemer E. Rosinger’s Work" at http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/issue/view/25.

Table of Contents (http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/issue/view/25


Where and How Do They Happen? (by Elemer E. Rosinger)


Can Four Questions Define the Transcendental? (by Elemer E. Rosinger)

On Atheist Spirituality I: A Short Story, Good Life and Spiritual Poverty (by Elemer E. Rosinger)

On Atheist Spirituality II: The Approach, Starting Proposition and End of Time (by Elemer E. Rosinger)

On Atheist Spirituality III: Without Precedent, Human Awareness, 2-Way Interactions, Research vs. Development and Faith-Belief (by Elemer E. Rosinger)

On Atheist Spirituality IV: The Interplay, Sensation of Truth, Comte-Sponville and Existence of God (by Elemer E. Rosinger)

On Atheist Spirituality V: Extended Harmony, Atheist Spirituality, Mysticism and Mystery (by Elemer E. Rosinger)

On Atheist Spirituality VI: Immanensity, Ocean of Feeling, Mystical Experience and Gnosticism (by Elemer E. Rosinger)

On Atheist Spirituality VII: Problems with I, New and Old, Within You, Mystery and Conclusions (by Elemer E. Rosinger)

The ‘Core’ Concept and the Mathematical Mind: Part I (by Chris King)

Pure mathematics is often seen as an ‘inverted pyramid’, in which algebra and analysis stand at the focal point, without which students could not possibly have a firm grounding for graduate studies. This paper examines a variety of evidence from brain studies of mathematical cognition, from mathematics in early child development, from studies of the gatherer-hunter mind, from a variety of puzzles, games and other human activities, from theories emerging from physical cosmology, and from burgeoning mathematical resources on the internet that suggest, to the contrary, that mathematics is a cultural language more akin to a maze than a focally-based hierarchy; that topology, geometry and dynamics are fundamental to the human mathematical mind; and that an exclusive focus on algebra and analysis may rather explain an increasing rift between modern mathematics and the ‘real world’ of the human population. Part I of this article include: 1: Introduction; 2: Landmarks from Early Childhood and the Noosphere; 3: The ε-δ Game, Topology and Two Small Clouds in Classical Analysis http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/202

The ‘Core’ Concept and the Mathematical Mind: Part II (by Chris King)

Pure mathematics is often seen as an ‘inverted pyramid’, in which algebra and analysis stand at the focal point, without which students could not possibly have a firm grounding for graduate studies. This paper examines a variety of evidence from brain studies of mathematical cognition, from mathematics in early child development, from studies of the gatherer-hunter mind, from a variety of puzzles, games and other human activities, from theories emerging from physical cosmology, and from burgeoning mathematical resources on the internet that suggest, to the contrary, that mathematics is a cultural language more akin to a maze than a focally-based hierarchy; that topology, geometry and dynamics are fundamental to the human mathematical mind; and that an exclusive focus on algebra and analysis may rather explain an increasing rift between modern mathematics and the ‘real world’ of the human population. Part II of this article includes: 4: Puzzles and Games as an Expression of Human Mathematical Imagination; 5: State Space Graphs and Strategic Topologies; 6: The Brain’s Eye View of Mathematics; 7: The Fractal Topology of Cosmology http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/203

Aug 20 '12 · Tags: core concept, mathematical mind
The Brahma Uncertainty Principle (by Pradeep B. Deshpande, B. D. Kulkarni): The authors present a new uncertainty principle which contains a major impact factor, the level of consciousness of the experimenter and/or the subject if any, that can lead to uncertain results. A number of experiments have been conducted to back up this uncertainty principle. The findings may lead to a new understanding of certain observed phenomena. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/199

Science of Enlightenment (by Pradeep B. Deshpande)

A chemical engineer’s perspective on the science of enlightenment is presented. Rational but open-minded scientists have been relentlessly pursuing evidence which would support the wisdom of our enlightened ancestors. Western scientists have done an awful lot of wonderful work in recent decades that is chipping away at the mystery surrounding the phenomenon of enlightenment. The resulting ideas and concepts cut across all boundaries of religion, race, caste, cultures and nationality. The framework is made possible by ancient Eastern wisdom and the work of Western scientists. The concepts are not only for individual transformation but also for world transformation and as a subset, national transformation. While there appears to be a theoretical limit on national or world transformation and therefore the extent to which global peace can be achieved, the framework in this paper is capable of making a real difference for humanity. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/200

Sexual Paradox in the Conscious Brain (by Chris King)

Despite its seemingly ephemeral basis in a sappy organismic brain at the 'apex' of evolution, subjective consciousness may be too fundamental a property to be explained, except in terms of fundamental physical principles, as a complementary manifestation to quantum non-locality, which directly manifests the principle of choice in free-will in generating history. This cosmology is intrinsically sexual. Subject-object complementarity is different from either panpsychism or Cartesian duality. The subjective aspect is described as complimentary to the physical loophole of quantum uncertainty and entanglement, just as the wave and particle aspects of the quantum universe are complementary. Subjective and objective are interdependent upon one another with neither fully described in terms of the other. Furthermore, the transactional interpretation is intrinsically sexual in the sense that all exchanges are mediated through entangled relationship between an emitter and an absorber in which reduction of the wave function is a match-making sequence of marriages. This sexual paradigm is not simply an analogy, but is a deep expression of the mutual complementarity and intrinsic relationship manifest in the existential realm, physically and subjectively. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/201

Aug 19 '12 · Tags: brain, enlightenment, science
Hidden Dimensions Can Explain ‘Superluminal’ Neutrinos, and the Origin of Fermionic Mass (by Ray B. Munroe, Jr., Jonathan J. Dickau): Recent findings by OPERA indicate that neutrinos may travel faster than the speed of light. At face value, this implies that Einstein’s Theory of Relativity is either incorrect or requires an ad-hoc modification. But this result may be significant evidence for more dimensions than simply the four dimensions of Spacetime, which also has some interesting implications for particle physics. In addition; enough questions about the Standard Model Higgs boson have been raised by recent LHC data that it is wise to consider alternate mechanisms for fermionic mass. We explore how adding a family of ‘scalar fermions’ might address both of these issues. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/296

The Errors of Statistical Hypotheses and Scientific Theories (Stephen P. Smith)

The process of error recognition is explored first in statistics, and then in science. The Type II error found in statistical hypothesis testing is found analogous to Karl Popper’s “logical probability” that is intended to measure the likelihood that a scientific theory can avoid its refutation. Nevertheless, Popper’s reliance on deductive thinking is found detracting from his demarcation that separates science and metaphysics. An improved critical logic for science is presented that permits error recognition more broadly: for induction by Popper’s falsification principle; but also for deduction and emotionality. The reality of induction creates a limitation for a science that has not accommodated a fuller menu of error recognition. The reality of induction places limits of what can be known from empiricism, and this has philosophical implications. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/297

Kaluza-Klein Inflationary Universe in General Relativity (by Kishor S. Adhav)

Kaluza-Klein inflationary universe in general relativity has been studied. To obtain the deterministic model of the universe, it has been considered that the energy-momentum tensor of particles almost vanishes in the course of the expansion of the universe and thereby total energy-momentum tensor reduces to vacuum stress tensor. This assumption leads to (i) a ~ exp[Ht], where a is scale factor and H is Hubble constant. (ii) the effective potential V( ϕ) = constant, where ϕ is Higg’s field. It is observed that inflationary scenario is possible in Kaluza-Klein universe. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/279

10 Reasons to Buy into Big Science (by Philip E. Gibbs)

When people hear the price tag for big science experiments like the Large Hadron Collider or the Hubble Space Telescope they wonder what the benefits are that justify the cost. I am not talking about projects with obvious potential benefits such as a fusion reactor. This is about pure science, why is it worth doing? In fact there are lots of reasons so here is my list of the top 10, starting with the least important. This article is based on viXra Log at http://blog.vixra.org. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/301

Aug 18 '12 · Tags: alternative views, modern physics
The Nature of the Gravitational Field (by Antoine Acke): In this article we show that the introduction of g-information as the substance of the gravitational field and the hypothesis that the constitutive elements of this substance are informatons, permits to explain the - by experiments confirmed - nature of that field. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/286

The Schrodinger-Equation Presentation of Any Oscillatory Classical Linear System that Is Homogeneous and Conservative (by Steven K. Kauffmann):

The time-dependent Schrodinger equation with time-independent Hamiltonian matrix is a homogeneous linear oscillatory system in canonical form. We investigate whether any classical system that itself is linear, homogeneous, oscillatory and conservative is guaranteed to linearly map into a Schrodinger equation. Such oscillatory classical systems can be analyzed into their normal modes, which are mutually independent, uncoupled simple harmonic oscillators, and the equation of motion of such a system linearly maps into a Schrodinger equation whose Hamiltonian matrix is diagonal, with h times the individual simple harmonic oscillator frequencies as its diagonal entries. Therefore if the coupling-strength matrix of such an oscillatory system is presented in symmetric, positive-definite form, the Hamiltonian matrix of the Schrodinger equation it maps into is h-bar times the square root of that coupling-strength matrix. We obtain a general expression for mapping this type of oscillatory classical equation of motion into a Schrodinger equation, and apply it to the real-valued classical Klein-Gordon equation and the source-free Maxwell equations, which results in relativistic Hamiltonian operators that are strictly compatible with the correspondence principle. Once such an oscillatory classical system has been mapped into a Schrodinger equation, it is automatically in canonical form, making second quantization of that Schrodinger equation a technically simple as well as a physically very interpretable way to quantize the original classical system. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/294

Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles Part XIV: On Photon and Electron Structure (by Alexander G. Kyriakos)

In the present article is shown the equivalence of the description of particles as point-like in the framework of quantum theory and as non-point-like in the framework of the nonlinear theory of elementary particles (NTEP). It is shown that non-point electron explains many peculiarities of quantum theory with respect to the classical theory. It is shown that the non-point structure of the electron allows us to calculate the characteristics of the electron and, in particular, to prove the universality of the electron charge. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/295

Aug 17 '12 · Tags: modern physics, alternative views
The Nature & Sensitivity of Chaos (by Chris King): In this paper, the nature and sensitivity of chaos will be illustrated. Failure to appreciate the generative nature of chaos has led to it being one of the last scientific frontiers to be discovered, over fifty years after relativity and quantum theory. Far from being the nemesis of order, or the primal ooze in which order is imposed, chaos is genesis of new form. Most complex systems arise from the mutual interaction between chaos and order, through bifurcation. The eternal religious war of light and dark is very much the battle of chaos as the dark ‘force’ and order as the principle of light. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/163

The Way of the Ultimate Tao (by Chris King)

From the beginning both mind and universe exist as paradoxical complements, each discovering its own nature through its complement. That is, the foundation of the mind and of the universe is the Tao. The universe is forever the Tao of Physics, as Capra noted, the paradoxical interplay of wave and particle, and as natural processes gather into the macroscopic world of experience, chaos and order, as the weather, evolution and conscious thought alike attest. For order to attempt to rule over chaos is as futile as for the particle to try to rule over the wave. Any society which attempts to rule by order alone is doomed to catastrophe as the natural process transition becomes frozen into an apocalyptic revolution collapsing the old order. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/164

The Self-Aware Emptiness of the Quantum Universe (by Graham P. Smetham)

Some of Zurek’s remarks seem to indicate that he thinks that his analysis undermines the ‘ultimate evidence’ that the classical world is entangled and dependent upon consciousness. However, a rigorous analysis shows that the opposite is the case; Zurek’s epiontic quantum Darwinian classical universe is ultimately dependent upon consciousness. It would seem that the entire epiontic process of the evolution of reality is geared towards the production of ever greater levels of sentient awareness and the material world is an ‘advertising billboard’ for a realm of solidity amidst the ‘unreal’ ‘dream stuff’ of the quantum realm within which individualized consciousness can grow to fruition. And the reason that the apparent solidity of the apparently material universe comes into being is because the universe is nothing more than an enormous and multitudinous ultimately immaterial epiontic information exchange which takes place within the quantum ‘dream stuff is made of.’ http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/165

Various Thoughts on God & Science (by Himangsu S. Pal)

In this essay, I describe my various thoughts on God and Science. God had to create this world in order to overcome His utter loneliness. So He wanted in His creation a conscious life-form (man) with whom He could communicate. It is unbelievable that God can suffer from any uncertainty of knowledge. At deeper level universe is deterministic. My own experience of life (mystical and others) also confirms it. So when God will observe the position of any subatomic particle, He will observe that with His own light. Evil is there not because God has given man free will, but because God is fully free. God is fully free means God has got full freedom to create. This is for those who are very much hurt by the idea that God is neither good nor evil, that He is beyond good and evil. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/166

Aug 16 '12 · Tags: consciousness, creation, life
Biological Plausibility of the Pace of Creation Written in the Genesis (by Massimo Cocchi, Tonello L, Fabio Gabrielli, Daniel Levi, Giancarlo Pantaleoni)

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the biological plausibility of the pace of creation written in the genesis. A fascinating hypothesis is made on the central role of serotonin as a guide, as the director of the phenomena that enable the best use of light by the plant world, the growth, the regulation of mood in the complex molecular interactions that characterize the varying levels of consciousness. This hypothesis provides biological interpretations of the correspondence of creative steps, from light to man, passing through the vegetable and animal world. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/160

Future Implications of a Pre-Adamic, Global & High Ancient Civilization (by Nadeem Haque)

A pre-Adamic global highly evolved united ancient civilization that believed in the oneness of God is shown to have existed from the textual evidence within the Quran, based on an analysis of certain verses that have been deconstructed and examined, with novel insights. Furthermore, recent archeological and textual work is pushing back the dates of ‘ancient civilizations’. This, together with the Quran’s remarkable historical accuracy of archaeologically unknown facts at the time of its advent about 1,400 years ago, is uncovering unexpected facets of our very distant past, with vital implications for our future. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/161

Pregnant Zero and Universal Paradox (by Chris King):

To illustrate the nature of paradox and sexual division we shall first make a short digression into numbers and logical systems including how to bootstrap from nothing to an abnormal universe. Paradox, in terms of logically confounding, has a wider application. Another face of sexual paradox may lie in our incapacity to completely tie down descriptions of reality into fully-definable closed systems. Thus, logical systems are rather like open thermodynamic systems, which exchange information across their boundaries, and do not necessarily tend to a closed equilibrium. There is also a deep identity between logic and set theory, because the set operations are symbolic logic applied to the elements. Finally, mathematics, like quantum reality, contains two currents, typified by the discrete operations of algebra and combinatorics and the continuous properties of the functions and limit operations of calculus and topology. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/162

Aug 15 '12 · Tags: creation, consciousness, life
Cosmological Foundations of Consciousness (by Chris King): http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/197

How the biological brain generates subjective consciousness remains the principal abyss in the scientific description of reality, a problem complementary to the cosmological theory of everything, and equally as challenging, because it takes the scientific model beyond the confines of objective reality. This paper examines the cosmological basis of consciousness and subjective experience in biological organisms. It draws on principles of symmetry-breaking and interactive non-linear dynamics to establish the cosmological status of biogenesis, and biological tissues as fractal forms of interactive symmetry-breaking. It then investigates the Archaean genetic expansion as a source of the envelope of functional machinery forming the basis of neural activity, based on the universal excitability of all living cells. Finally it examines the biophysical basis for consciousness, both in single cells, and in the human brain and its ‘Cartesian theatre’ of consciousness, to elucidate cosmological principles underlying the mind-body relationship.

The ‘Self-Aware’ ‘Emptiness’ of the Quantum-Epiontic Universe (by Graham P. Graham): http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/198

A recent encounter with a quantum physicist has prompted me to examine the claims made by some interpreters of the work of Wojciech H. Zurek, and perhaps by Zurek himself – he does not seem to be clear on this point, that the quantum Darwinian approach to decoherence provides a means to establish the ‘objectivity’ of the classical world through the quantum ‘epiontic’ mechanism. A detailed and rigorous philosophical analysis of Zurek’s perspective indicates that the kind of objectivity provided by the quantum Darwinian physical-metaphysical perspective corresponds to what Bernard d’Espagnat terms ‘weak objectivity’, which is in fact a mixture of objectivity and subjectivity. Some of Zurek’s remarks seem to indicate that he thinks that his analysis undermines the ‘ultimate evidence’ that the classical world is entangled and dependent upon consciousness. However, a rigorous analysis shows that the opposite is the case; Zurek’s epiontic quantum Darwinian classical universe is ultimately dependent upon consciousness. I also indicate some remarkable points of contact with Buddhist metaphysics.

Aug 14 '12 · Tags: cosmological aspects, consciousness
Hypothesis on the Central Role of Serotonin in Biological and Anthropological Creation (by Massimo Cocchi, Lucio Tonello, Fabio Gabrielli, Daniel Levi, Giancarlo Pantaleoni)

A fascinating hypothesis is made on the central role of serotonin as a guide, as the director of the phenomena that enable the best use of light by the plant world, the growth, the regulation of mood in the complex molecular interactions that characterize the varying levels of consciousness. This hypothesis supports the biological plausibility of the pace of creation written in the genesis by providing biological interpretations of the correspondence of creative steps, from light to man, passing through the vegetable and animal world. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/194

The Ising Model of Spin Interactions as an Oracle of Self-Organized Criticality, Fractal Mode-Locking & Power Law Statistics in Neurodynamics (by Chris King)

This short report highlights properties of fractality and self-organized criticality in the Ising model of ferromagnetism and how these ideas can be applied using wavelet transforms to comparisons with the study of self-organized criticality in neurodynamics. Matlab programs are provided to freely replicate the results. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/195

Sensory Transduction and Subjective Experience: Expression of eight genes in three senses suggests a radical model of consciousness (by Chris King)

Recent research into whole genome mapping of the mouse brain has made possible direct investigation of the brain expression of unusual genes. A search of the Allen Brain Atlas database has provided genetic and neuro-anatomical evidence for widespread specific expression in the brain of eight genes specific to sensory transduction, in vision, hearing and touch. A novel biophysical model is proposed for the function of these proteins, in generating the internal model of experiential reality. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/196

Aug 13 '12 · Tags: cosmological aspects, consciousness
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