2012daily's blog

How to Pursue Pure Consciousness: A Scientific Analysis (by Pradeep B. Deshpande, B. D. Kulkarni): Abstract: A perspective on the development of a science of consciousness is presented. The article begins with a proposed definition of pure consciousness that is followed by an explanation of why anyone might aspire to progress towards it, how one might make progress, what obstacles are likely to be encountered, and what the significance of reaching the destination might be. In the six sigma methodology, major impact factors are the vital few causes that determine systems performance; in the present context, the ability to reach the state of pure consciousness. The paper presents a six sigma analysis of the consciousness effort and identifies a major impact factor, possibly for the first time that will render the pursuit of pure consciousness a bit easier. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/116

[Note: This is from 2011 but still relevant] Higgs Combos, Global Fit, the Dead, the Alive & the New (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: The editors of SGJ ask me to share with SGJ readers this article appeared in PSTJ V2(7) and I happily accept. If we accept the combination uncertainty estimate and the statistical validity of combining all direct searches with electroweak fits:

We indirectly rule out a lone standard model Higgs boson of any mass with no additional BSM physics at 90% confidence, i.e. a fair bit short of conclusively. We directly rule out any standard model Higgs boson at 95% confidence except in the mass ranges 114GeV to 144GeV or 240 GeV to 265 GeV or above 480 GeV. We do not rule out other BSM Higgs-type mechanisms including composite Higgs, technicolor Higgs, Higgs doublets, SUSY Higgs etc. We do not rule out high-mass Higgs bosons above 480 GeV in combination with other BSM physics that could explain electroweak fits and cure theoretical limitations of the SM at higher energies. We see excesses at around 130 GeV to around 160 GeV that could be between two and three sigma level. It might suggest some new physics such as some kind of Higgs particle(s) in this region. However, these are not high levels of statistical significance. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/117

A Natural Explanation of Spiritual Enlightenment (by James Kowall): Abstract: Recent developments in theoretical physics, which include attempts to unify the laws of the universe, as in string theory, and attempts to explain the origin of the universe, as in inflationary cosmology, are interpreted in terms of the theater of consciousness mental model of the world. This scientific paradigm dates back to ideas that Plato first discussed in the Allegory of the Cave, and is consistent with the holographic principle of quantum gravity, the many world interpretation of quantum theory, and the Gödel incompleteness theorems. This mental model of the world leads to a natural theory of the mind, and is consistent with spiritual discussions of creation, as found in Genesis, and expressions of nondual wisdom, as found in the Tao Te Ching. A natural explanation of spiritual enlightenment in the nondual sense of 'no-self' or 'emptiness', and the concept of 'nothingness' as expressed in Buddhism, Zen and Hinduism, are also discussed. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/118

According to its press release, CERN will "[u]pdate on the search for the Higgs boson at CERN on the eve of the ICHEP 2012 Conference": "CERN will hold a scientific seminar at 9:00 CEST on 4 July to deliver the latest update in the search for the Higgs boson. At this seminar, coming on the eve of the year’s major particle physics conference, ICHEP, in Melbourne, the ATLAS and CMS experiments will deliver the preliminary results of their 2012 data analysis." see http://indico.cern.ch/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=True&confId=196564 This was reported by Philip Gibbs at viXra Log. See http://blog.vixra.org/2012/06/22/cern-to-present-update-on-the-higgs-boson-on-4th-july-at-cern/ . Gibbs added "A possible reason for conducting the update at CERN is that the director general Rolf Heuer has said that he wants the news of a discovery to take place at the centre in front of the dedicated staff who have worked so hard for this result. The need is made stronger because Australia is not a member state of CERN so to announce the discovery there would be inconvenient politics."

The news was reported earlier by Hamish Johnston at Physics World: "We have heard from a reliable source that CERN will be holding a press conference on 4 July. This is the first day of the International Conference on High Energy Physics in Melbourne, Australia, where physicists working on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are expected to unveil the latest results in their search for the Higgs boson." See http://physicsworld.com/blog/2012/06/cern_calls_press_conference_fo.html

Jun 22 '12 · Tags: cern, higgs boson, update
The research team of QuantumDream, Inc. has released a new preprint on their findings of new nonlocal biological effect produced through quantum entanglement. See http://vixra.org/abs/1206.0076 (or here http://scireprints.lu.lv/216/).

This new paper will be published by NeuroQuantology. See: http://neuroquantology.com/index.php/journal/announcement/view/30 .

The abstract reads:

We report here our experimental findings of new nonlocal biological effect measured objectively and quantitatively under blind conditions. The method used includes the steps of providing two parts of quantum-entangled medium, applying one part to a biological system such as a human, contacting the other part with a desired substance such as a medication, and detecting change of a biological parameter with a detecting device. Using this method, we have found that after consumption by a test subject of one part of the quantum entangled water, the subject’s heart rate was non-locally increased under blind conditions by adding to the second part of the quantum-entangled water an over-the-counter medication Primatene which contains the heart stimulant ephedrine. The said increase of heart rate is measurable with a heart rate monitor, statistically significant and consistently reproducible.

QuantumDream, Inc.


Ramachandran’s Metaphoric Phantoms of Matter in Mind: Telling Tales on the Tell-Tale Brain (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: In his recent book The Tell-Tale Brain Vilayanur Ramachandran explores in great metaphoric detail his materialist notion that consciousness is nothing more than the brain’s neurons linking and resonating together in synesthetic-metaphoric patterns determined by materialist-mechanistic evolution. In this exploration of his account of metaphor and language, taking account of the actual evidence provided by evolutionary development biology and quantum physics, we find that his naïve materialist perspective of how brain functioning creates the world of meaning is nothing more than a phantom in his brain. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/151

Mindnature: Origin of Physicality & Mathematics (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: The existence of the irrational numbers indicates that reality is not a structure of inherent existence; it is a structure within emptiness. In other words it is because of the background fluid and indeterminate nature of emptiness that any reality can function at all, a remarkable insight on the part of Buddhist philosophy dramatically verified by quantum physics. And this ultimately ‘empty’ nature is revealed by the very fact that such fluidly precise and yet in a sense ungraspable conceptual procedures have to be employed within mathematical analysis. If both the realm of mentality and physicality emerge from a deeper level of universal Mindnature then it is surely not such a great mystery that mathematics, itself a product of mind, produces the conceptual patterns generated and followed by the ‘physical’ functioning of reality. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/152

Exciting New Era of Particle Physics (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: The editors of JCER ask me to share with JCER readers this article appeared in PSTJ V2(7) and I happily accept. I don’t think there has ever been a moment quite like this in physics before. Within the next few months, weeks or even days we will learn something new about the universe that will change our thinking forever. I don’t mean something like a little CP asymmetry or a new observation of neutrino physics. These things are great but they just pose questions that we cannot answer yet. What we are about to learn is going to generate so many new ideas in physics that the arXiv will run out of four digit numbers so that people have to start posting their papers in viXra. Am I exaggerating? Let us see take a look. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/153

The Dawn of a Brave New World in Fundamental Physics (by Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu): Abstract: Max Planck once said “I regard consciousness as fundamental. I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates consciousness.” The current issue of sister journal, Prespacetime Journal V2(7), is celebrating the great successes of LHC and Tevatron through a series of Special Reports written by Philip Gibbs, several Editorials and other regular pieces. Here we share some of that excitement with the dear readers of JCER. We are in the super-connected Age of Internet and technological wonders made possible through science. There is no doubt that we are also at the dawn of a brave New World in fundamental physics and science overall. Every genuine truth seeker should seize this moment. Here we briefly discuss: (1) the great unknown in light of the great success of LHC and Tevatron, (2) Higgsless models published in Prespacetime Journal; and (3) the search for the genuine “God Particle.” What we have witnessed so far is the rise of collaborative spirit in science. We urge all genuine truth seekers to work together to make the brave New World a reality. We conclude with a poem “A Praise to Consciousness.” http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/154

Towards a Science of Consciousness: Hunt of Major Impact Factors (by Pradeep B. Deshpande, B. D. Kulkarni): Abstract: A perspective on the development of a science of consciousness is presented. The article begins with a proposed definition of pure consciousness that is followed by an explanation of why anyone might aspire to progress towards it, how one might make progress, what obstacles are likely to be encountered, and what the significance of reaching the destination might be. In the six sigma methodology, major impact factors are the vital few causes that determine systems performance; in the present context, the ability to reach the state of pure consciousness. The paper presents a six sigma analysis of the consciousness effort and identifies a major impact factor, possibly for the first time that will render the pursuit of pure consciousness a bit easier. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/148

Higgs Combos, Global Fit, the Dead, the Alive & the New (by Philip E. Gibbs): Abstract: The editors of JCER ask me to share with JCER readers this article appeared in PSTJ V2(7) and I happily accept. If we accept the combination uncertainty estimate and the statistical validity of combining all direct searches with electroweak fits: We indirectly rule out a lone standard model Higgs boson of any mass with no additional BSM physics at 90% confidence, i.e. a fair bit short of conclusively. We directly rule out any standard model Higgs boson at 95% confidence except in the mass ranges 114GeV to 144GeV or 240 GeV to 265 GeV or above 480 GeV. We do not rule out other BSM Higgs-type mechanisms including composite Higgs, technicolor Higgs, Higgs doublets, SUSY Higgs etc. We do not rule out high-mass Higgs bosons above 480 GeV in combination with other BSM physics that could explain electroweak fits and cure theoretical limitations of the SM at higher energies. We see excesses at around 130 GeV to around 160 GeV that could be between two and three sigma level. It might suggest some new physics such as some kind of Higgs particle(s) in this region. However, these are not high levels of statistical significance.

Issues in the Path to the Singularity: A Critical View (by Henrique Pacini): Abstract: This paper examines the 2005 book The Singularity is Near: When humans Transcend Biology written by Raymond Kurzweil. The focus lies on the author´s views of exponential growth information technology (IT), which would result in the so called technological singularity. This work attempts to reduce the book´s essence to the main factors necessary for the achievement of artificial intelligence (AI), the main tool for the paradigm shift represented by the singularity. In line with the book, we consider that computational power is the major requirement for the development of AI. We explore three selected preconditions for the continuity of exponential trends: the continuity of economic growth, limited energy usage and the availability of enabling knowledge. The investigation on the demand side points that the trend in energy consumption on computer CPU´s has been decreasing in the last 14 years, even with increasingly more powerful processors. On the supply side, Kurzweil´s reliance on photovoltaics as a major future source of energy seems questionable due to the slow rate of improvement this technology has had during recent years. The final part of the work observes the characteristics of different types of statistical growth, and draw parallels between Kurzweil´s ideas and similar concepts used in the past. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/150

Quanta Mathematica Instrumentalis! (by Dainis Zeps): Abstract: Quanta mathematica instrumentalis, from Latin, might mean how much mathematics for physical applications. But we try to give this expression another meaning. We discuss how mathematics and its instrumental nature could serve as paradigm for other human activities and science in general. We introduce notions of higher observer and field of information. We discuss question why we are to study and develop mathematics more diligently than we do in natural way. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/182

Some Comments inspired by Dainis Zeps' Quanta Mathematica Instrumentalis (by Matti Pitkänen): Abstract: The ideas introduced by Dainis Zeps in the article Quanta Mathematica Instrumentalis and related articles are discussed in the conceptual framework of Topological Geometrodynamics. The concrete realization for the vision about physics as mathematics is discussed in TGD context and the idea about instrumentalism as key element of mathematics and science is analyzed and criticized. Also the notions of theorem and quantum windows, higher observer, and information field are discussed. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/183

Nonlinear Theory of Elementary Particles Part IX: Physical Vacuum and Its Effect on Elementary Particles (by Alexander G. Kyriakos): Abstract: The first purpose of this article is to describe the influence of physical vacuum (PV) on the characteristics of particles (e.g. electron) and their interactions. Our second purpose is to show that all methods of calculation of this influence, which are used in quantum field theory (QFT), can be represented in electromagnetic (EM) form within the framework of nonlinear theory of elementary particles (NTEP). http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/180

Microscopes and Telescopes for Theoretical Physics: How Rich Locally and Large Globally is the Geometric Straight Line? (by Elemer E. Rosinger): Abstract: One is reminded in this paper of the often overlooked fact that the geometric straight line, or GSL, of Euclidean geometry is not necessarily identical with its usual Cartesian coordinatisation given by the real numbers in R. Indeed, the GSL is an abstract idea, while the Cartesian, or for that matter, any other specific coordinatisation of it is but one of the possible mathematical models chosen upon certain reasons. And as is known, there are a variety of mathematical models of GSL, among them given by nonstandard analysis, reduced power algebras, the topological long line, or the surreal numbers, among others. As shown in this paper, the GSL can allow coordinatisations which are arbitrarily more rich locally and also more large globally, being given by corresponding linearly ordered sets of no matter how large cardinal. Thus one can obtain in relatively simple ways structures which are richer locally and large globally than in nonstandard analysis, or in various reduced power algebras. Furthermore, vector space structures can be defined in such coordinatisations. Consequently, one can define an extension of the usual Differential Calculus.

This fact can have a major importance in physics, since such locally richer and globally larger coordinatisations of the GSL do allow new physical insights, just as the introduction of various microscopes and telescopes have done. Among others, it and general can reassess special relativity with respect to its independence of the mathematical models used for the GSL. Also, it can allow the more appropriate modeling of certain physical phenomena. One of the long vexing issue of so called “infinities in physics" can obtain a clarifying reconsideration. It indeed all comes down to looking at the GSL with suitably constructed microscopes and telescopes, and apply the resulted new modeling possibilities in theoretical physics. One may as well consider that in string theory, for instance, where several dimensions are supposed to be compact to the extent of not being observable on classical scales, their mathematical modeling may benefit from the presence of infinitesimals in the mathematical models of the GSL presented here. However, beyond all such particular considerations, and not unlikely also above them, is the following one: theories of physics should be not only background independent, but quite likely, should also be independent of the specific mathematical models used when representing geometry, numbers, and in particular, the GSL. One of the consequences of considering the essential difference between the GSL and its various mathematical models is that what appears to be the definitive answer is given to the intriguing question raised by Penrose : “Why is it that physics never uses spaces with a cardinal larger than that of the continuum?"

Jun 18 '12 · Tags: new perspectives, reality
The Experiential Basis of Wave-Particle Duality and The Uncertainty Principle (by Steven E. Kaufman): Abstract: In this article, physical reality as a whole is defined, thereby revealing the actual nature of physical reality to be that of a boundary created by a relation, as that boundary is apprehended from one side of the relation that brings it into existence. The reason we can’t pin down a specific physical reality, i.e., completely define any physical reality, is because in doing so we are trying to pin down what is effectively a miniature rainbow, trying to pin down that which is actually only the product of a relation, trying to pin down something that, in the final analysis, is not at all or in any way what is actually there, but only seems to be what is actually there.

However, while we cannot ever pin down any specific physical reality for the reasons mentioned above, we can pin down the nature of physical reality as a whole. We cannot get to the end of a rainbow, because rainbows only appear to have an end. However, we can understand the true nature of the rainbow and understand how it is created and why it appears as it does. In the same way, although we cannot pin down any specific physical reality, we can understand the nature of physical reality as a whole, how physical reality is created and why physical reality appears as it does, if we are able to understand what it is that the phenomena of wave-particle duality and uncertainty are actually telling us about the nature of physical reality. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/179

Higgs-Free Symmetry Breaking from Critical Behavior near Dimension Four (by Ervin Goldfain): Abstract: Starting from the infrared limit of Yang-Mills theory, we introduce here a Higgs-free model in which symmetry breaking arises from critical behavior near dimension four. Electroweak bosons develop mass near the Wilson-Fisher point of Renormalization Group flow. The family structure of Standard Model is recovered using the technique of “epsilon expansion”. We also find that dimensional regularization offers a straightforward solution to the cosmological constant problem. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/175

Physical Foundation of the Theory of Fields: The Theory of Informatons (by Antoine Acke): Abstract: In the classical theory of fields the gravitational and the electromagnetic interactions are understood as the effects of “fields” on matter. Although those fields are considered to belong to the physical world, the theory remains vague about their nature: they are threatened as purely mathematical structures. In this article we propose a theory that introduces “information” as the substance of both gravitational and electromagnetic fields. The phenomena and the laws of gravito-electromagnetism and of electromagnetism can perfectly be deduced from the dynamics of the elementary entities that constitute that substance. We call these entities “informatons” and it is been shown that photons and gravitons can be identified as informatons transporting an energy quantum. The theory of informatons suggests a perfect isomorphism between G.E.M. and E.M. We will show that this - also with regard to the force laws - is compatible with special relativity.

FRW Cosmological Models in a Saez-Ballester's Scalar-tensor Theory of Gravitation (by Shivdas D Katore): Abstract: Explicit field equations of a scalar tensor theory of gravitation proposed by Saez and Ballester are obtained with an aid of a five dimensional FRW metric in the presence of perfect fluid source. Exact solutions of the field equations are derived when the metric potentials are functions of cosmic time only. The model reduces to curvature free (k=0) expanding stiff fluid cosmological model. Some physical and geometric properties of the solutions are also discussed. http://prespacetime.com/index.php/pst/article/view/178

Jun 17 '12 · Tags: reality, new perspectives
Time: A Dimension of Consciousness or of Actual Reality? (by Kurt Dressler): Abstract: Many experiences suggest that it might be best to think of time not as of an objectively existing dimension of reality but as of the limited way in which our normal waking state of consciousness can perceive the overwhelming whole of true reality in its timeless 'all presence'. (1) Direct experiences of unification with all encompassing presence (in altered states), (2) time reversals (effect preceding cause) observed in parapsychology, (3) time transcending features of quantum effects (time-reversed waves, temporal holism): these and other experiences suggest that a holistic, non-local timeless 'background' may lie hidden behind outer reality. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/112

Finding God in the Universe (by Robert H. Kettell): Abstract: Maybe the solution lies with our consciousness. It seemed that while consciousness must be based on the brain’s functions, it might hold the possibility of communicating beyond our brain and body. If this is the case our consciousness may be the link to God I was seeking. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/113

How to Prove that There Is a God, God Is Real & the Universe Needs a God (by Himangsu S. Pal): Abstract: Previously, I have not examined as to whether there can be any alternative explanation for the properties of light other than God. In this essay, I will do that by showing that the only explanation that can be there for the properties of light is that there is a God. I will also show that God is real, the Universe needs a God and why the Total Energy of the Universe Is Zero. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/114

Reality Out of Total Simultaneity (by Wilhelmus de Wilde): Abstract: In this essay, I put forward the hypothesis of Total Simultaneity (“TS”), a “fifth” dimension behind the Wall of Planck reality at which we pass the limits of causality at the quantum scale and “Now” as we perceive no longer exists. TS can be reached by every point of our 4 dimensional universe and singularities only exist in our consciousness. The other limit of causality is the local speed of light c at which time stands still so there is no more before and after. All information of all parallel universes and multiversity constitution in TS is simultaneously present and available, our consciousness is able to align points out of the TS and so create the observable analogue universe that we are aware of. The totality of information from other universes (also partly observable by other consciousness) is influencing our linear causal deterministic universe, the origin of gravity, dark matter, and the dark energy may emerge from here. The Big Bang is an imaginary non-existing point in the TS area. Inflation is avoided by projecting inflation time into the area after the Wall of Planck, uniformity in the structure of space-time is also guaranteed. Our mind with its 100 billion neurons is able to cope with infinities because it has parallels with the qualities of TS. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/115

Mindnature: Origin of Physicality & Mathematics (by Graham P. Smetham): Abstract: The existence of the irrational numbers indicates that reality is not a structure of inherent existence; it is a structure within emptiness. In other words it is because of the background fluid and indeterminate nature of emptiness that any reality can function at all, a remarkable insight on the part of Buddhist philosophy dramatically verified by quantum physics. And this ultimately ‘empty’ nature is revealed by the very fact that such fluidly precise and yet in a sense ungraspable conceptual procedures have to be employed within mathematical analysis. If both the realm of mentality and physicality emerge from a deeper level of universal Mindnature then it is surely not such a great mystery that mathematics, itself a product of mind, produces the conceptual patterns generated and followed by the ‘physical’ functioning of reality. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/109

The Experience of Unity at the Origin of Religion, Philosophy, and Psychology, and at the Ultimate Horizon of Physics, Cosmology, and Consciousness (by Kurt Dressler): Abstract: The experience of unity lies at the origin of consciousness research, of religion, of philosophy, of psychology: Today we note with puzzlement that the horizon of physics and cosmology, too, wants to converge onto unity. Do these parallel developments point to deeper, hidden, meaningful interconnections? Does all this touch on the problem of unification between the realms of the rational and conscious with the realms of the spiritual and hidden? In my own personal experience the unity of physical reality and consciousness reveals itself not in equations nor in a theory but in a way of thinking and living. There is no need to unify mind and matter because they are a unity already. The sooner I realize this, and the sooner I adjust my way of thinking and living to this insight, where-ever I believe I have encountered a conflict, the sooner I experience the healing power of this way of thinking. I used to believe that I am responsible for my way of living, for what I do, for my actions, but not for what I think. But the truth is that we are responsible for our thoughts, because our actions flow out of what we think. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/110

Science & Faith: Preconditions for a Unifying View (by Kurt Dressler): Abstract: A fruitful dialogue between science and religion presupposes a frame of thought which is free from ideological prejudice and rigid beliefs. This implies an understanding of science and a religiosity which is developed and deepened to the level at which there is no longer a sharp boundary between scientific knowledge and religious truth. Religious faith can become as consistent with our experience as our scientific knowledge. The foundation of faith then is the very Truth which lies at the basis of our existence and of the whole of everything. The scientific and religious worldviews no longer are two separate views but a unified one. The whole of the universe - space, time, matter, energy, spirit, individual consciousness and the whole of consciousness - in truth is one undivided whole. To our mind it consists of individual objects. But any 'complete physical theory (of objective nature) would be a temporary product of philosophically completely self-satisfied physicists'. Within the undivided whole, Truth keeps re-emerging as original, dynamic and authentic experience. And Truth is personal: By identifying themselves with the deeper Truth that lies at the foundation of this wonderful universe, scientists would regain their dignity as human beings and as responsible participants in the ongoing process of creation. Preconditions for such a unified view are discussed here. http://scigod.com/index.php/sgj/article/view/111

Paradigm Shifts and the Theater of Consciousness (by James Kowall): Abstract: Recent developments in theoretical physics, which include attempts to unify the laws of the universe, as in string theory, and attempts to explain the origin of the universe, as in inflationary cosmology, are interpreted in terms of the theater of consciousness mental model of the world. This scientific paradigm dates back to ideas that Plato first discussed in the Allegory of the Cave, and is consistent with the holographic principle of quantum gravity, the many world interpretation of quantum theory, and the Gödel incompleteness theorems. This mental model of the world leads to a natural theory of the mind, and is consistent with spiritual discussions of creation, as found in Genesis, and expressions of nondual wisdom, as found in the Tao Te Ching. A natural explanation of spiritual enlightenment in the nondual sense of 'no-self' or 'emptiness', and the concept of 'nothingness' as expressed in Buddhism, Zen and Hinduism, are also discussed. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/145

The Fringe-Nucleus Interface of Consciousness: Relevance to the Integrated Phenomenal Experience Elicited by Poetry (by David Sahner): Abstract: Parallels are drawn between sensorial consciousness, using visual consciousness as an exemplification, and the phenomenal experience of poetry. William James‟ distinction between the nucleus and fringe elements of consciousness, as extended by Bruce Mangan, is used as a framework that naturally lends itself to the identification of homologies with poetics. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/146

Toward a Science of Consciousness 2011: The Greatest Show on Earth (by Christopher Holvenstot): Abstract: A review of the 18th annual TSC interdisciplinary conference on consciousness sponsored and organized by the Center for Consciousness Studies at the University of Arizona and supported by the Perfjell Foundation of Sweden. http://jcer.com/index.php/jcj/article/view/147

Jun 14 '12 · Tags: consciousness, dimensions, levels
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